Subject: News from the University Church of St Mary the Virgin

Consistency and Reassurance

Next week, I will enter a laboratory for the first time in 11 weeks. Having spent most of the last 10 years in one, I am very excited to be going back. I long for the feeling of a pipette in my hand, the sounds of the various instruments and apparatuses, and the smell of slightly burned Luria-Bertani agar jelly, which we use to grow our bacteria. However, I am also anxious. I know this will be far from what I am used to, with antisocial working hours and lack of canteen, leading to a far less sociable workplace.

One thing I am sure about though, is that this new normal will be short lived. For better or worse it will be constantly changing to adapt to the latest government advice, and to maximise our research output. This need to adapt to an inconsistent way of living may be a common theme for many of us over the coming months and it will bring challenges to us all. Some changes will be for the worse and there are already far too many people in our society having to come to terms with the death of a loved one. Other changes, like my own example, will bring with them mixed blessings and a few will bring pure joy, such as seeing loved ones again.

Whilst this relentless need to adapt may be tiring and testing, we can draw comfort in the constant presence of Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). This is a consistency I see in the church, particularly in this difficult time. I feel great joy in attending Zoom morning and evening prayer, but also great reassurance it is happening without me, at times when my own inconsistency has taken hold. My prayer is that everyone in the church’s community will know this consistency, and no matter how they are involved at this present time, will be reassured that the church is here today as it was yesterday, and will be tomorrow.

Stephen Maughan

Pentecost Podcast

The Feast of Pentecost is one of the great Feasts of the Christian Year, marking the fiftieth day of Eastertide. The risen Christ leaves us not comfortless – for God gives us the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, to bring comfort and consolation to a world in all its fragility and need. This podcast arises out of a collaboration between the University Church, the Cathedral and students from many Colleges of the University. The Revd Professor Simon Oliver, the Van Mildert Professor, University of Durham, will give a University Sermon. 

Welcome The Very Revd Professor Martyn Percy and the Revd Dr William Lamb
Opening Prayer Professor Carol Harrison, Lady Margaret Professor
Hymn O thou who camest from above (sung by the Cathedral Singers)
Reading Acts 2.1-6 (The Revd Mia Smith, Chaplain, Hertford College)
Anthem Grayson Ives, Listen, Sweet Dove (sung by the Choir of Magdalen College)Reading John 20.19-23 (Hannah Boron, University Church)
Organ Interlude (played by James Brown, University Church)
Sermon The Revd Professor Simon Oliver, University of Durham
Anthem Grier, My Breath Lies Quiet (sung by the Choir of Christ Church)
Prayers The Revd Clare Hayns (Chaplain, Christ Church), Thiago Alves Pinto (St Peter’s), Gianni Tam-McMillan (Christ Church), Alannah Burdess (Trinity), Tom Farlow (Oriel)
Blessing The Very Revd Professor Martyn Percy, Dean of Christ Church
Organ Voluntary Duruflé, Choral varie sur le theme du Veni Creator (played by Steven Grahl, Christ Church)

You can listen to the podcast here or by clicking the link below.

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