Subject: News from the University Church of St Mary the Virgin

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Passion and Compassion

Ash Wednesday falls next week and there will be a Eucharist at 12.15pm and a Sung Eucharist at 8.00pm. It is the day which marks the beginning of Lent, a season of preparation and penitence in which we begin to look forward to Holy Week and Easter.

It is also a season during which the ancient Franciscan devotion of the Stations of the Cross takes place. At St Mary’s, we have always done something like this on Good Friday in the morning with a procession around the church. This year we will continue to do this, but there is more….

Drawing on the ancient spiritual devotion of the Stations of the Cross, we invite you to participate in a journey of reflection and discovery in the city of Oxford. We have developed website and a mobile application, which will enable you to weave your way around our ancient city, where key works of art can be found - in both religious and secular spaces, from churches to museums, and even city rooftops. Each of these fourteen works of art and artefacts draw their inspiration from the fourteen stations of the cross.

On this journey, you will be accompanied by leading academics, theologians and artists, contemplating the profound meaning of the Stations of the Cross through some of Oxford’s most impressive works of art. As we meditate on the events of Jesus’ passion, we are brought to reflect more deeply on God’s compassion for the world and our own capacity for empathy and compassion.

A linked exhibition of all 14 Stations of the Cross is in the Adam De Brome Chapel starting this Sunday until the end of Eastertide.

The Revd Dr William Lamb
Vicar of the University Church of St Mary the Virgin
The Week Ahead

10.30  Choral Eucharist - Nave
12.00  Parish Lunch  - Old Library
15.30  Jazz Vespers - Preacher: Revd Dr William Lamb 

Weekday Services

09.00  Morning Prayer - Chancel
12.15  Eucharist  - Chancel
19.30  Moot:  Theology of Equal Marriage  -  Nave  

09.00  Morning Prayer - Chancel
12.15  Eucharist - Chancel
18.00  Book Club - Keepers

Ash Wednesday  
09.00   Morning Prayer - Chancel
12.15   Eucharist with Ashing - Chancel
17.30   Poetry Workshop - Old Library
20.00   Intercollegiate Choral Eucharist
           with Impostion of Ashes - Nave

09.00  Morning Prayer - Chancel
12.15  Eucharist - Chancel
12.45  Lunchtime Bible Study - Old Library
18.15  Choral Evensong - Merton College  

09.00  Morning Prayer - Chancel
12.15  Eucharist - Chancel
18.30 Choral Evensong - Queen's College

18.00  Choral Evensong - Magdalen College

For full listings of weekly evening services across the University, see our website.

Next Sunday

Sunday 1 March   The First Sunday of Lent
10.30  Choral Eucharist -  Preacher:  Loretta Minghella OBE, First Church Estates Commissioner, 
           CEO of Christian Aid 2010-2017    

15.30  German Lutheran Service 
There is a Parish Lunch in the Old Library on Sunday 23rd February at 12 noon. Everyone is welcome. Our thanks to Julia Reece and Katie Hicks for organising this event.

Passion and Compassion Oxford

Drawing on the ancient spiritual devotion of the Stations of the Cross, we invite you to participate in a journey of reflection and discovery in the city of Oxford.

Using the website or the mobile application, weave your way around our ancient city, where key works of art can be found - in both religious and secular spaces, from churches to museums, and even city rooftops.

On this journey, you will be accompanied by leading academics, theologians and artists, contemplating the profound meaning of the Stations of the Cross through some of Oxford’s most impressive works of art.

A linked exhibition of all 14 Stations of the Cross will be up in the Adam De Brome Chapel starting this Sunday until Easter week.


A Moot will take place on Monday 24 February at 7.30pm in the Nave. In response to changes in legislation relating to marriage and civil partnerships in recent years, the Church has been slow to respond and adapt to the significant societal changes in attitudes towards relationships and questions of sexuality. In this panel discussion, Professor Helen King (Classical Studies, Open University, and contributor to Living in Love and Faith), the Very Revd Dr Jeffrey John (Dean of St Alban’s), and Professor Diarmaid Macculloch (St Cross College), will discuss the various changes which have attended the church’s understanding of marriage over the centuries and the way in which Christians can respond constructively and creatively to more recent developments, drawing on scripture, tradition and reason.  Free tickets are available from Eventbrite.


On Ash Wednesday (Wednesday 26 February), there will be a Eucharist at 12.15pm, and then an Intercollegiate Sung Eucharist at 8.00pm in the evening. Everyone is welcome.


Tuesdays 21 January - 10 March, 6 - 7pm
Keepers, 73 High Street, Oxford

Raymond Carver called Anton Chekhov ‘the greatest short story writer who has ever lived’. Elusive and subtle, spare and unadorned, the stories in this collection are among Chekhov's most poignant and lyrical.

Each week, someone introduces a discussion on one of the stories.

25 February - The Bishop
3 March - About Love
10 March - The Lady with the Little Dog

For more details, contact Ana-Maria at 


Join us in the Old Library at 17.30 on the following Wednesdays for an exploration of the poetry written in response to climate change and for writing exercises challenging how we might respond to climate change through poetry. Tea and biscuits are provided.

Entrance via the Vaults & Garden Cafe

Wednesday 26th February
Wednesday 11th March 

If you worship regularly at St Mary’s and would like to be added to the electoral roll, please ask for a form from one of the stewards. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Sunday 26 April at 12 noon.


If you would like to be baptised or confirmed, please talk to one of the clergy. Baptisms will take place on Easter Day. The Bishop of Oxford will be visiting St Mary’s for a Service of Baptism and Confirmation on Sunday 24 May.  


 To see our full term card, click the link below or look at our website. 

St Mary's Church, High Street, OX1 4BJ, Oxford, United Kingdom
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