Subject: News from the University Church of St Mary the Virgin

Godly Play

by the Revd Hannah Cartwright

It has been a real joy to see the relaunch of the children’s ministry at St Mary’s with the first monthly Godly Play session taking place last Sunday thanks to Laura and the team. Godly play is a great way for children to foster their innate spirituality and curiosity. It starts from a place of recognising that children not only already experience the presence of God, but are eager to explore their sense of God through relationship, community, creativity and story. At the heart of Godly Play is space to wonder; ‘I wonder what part you liked best?’, ‘I wonder what was most important?’.

Children are natural ‘wonderers’ but this is a skill which often gets neglected as we grow older and the pressures of daily life and work, with its drive for measurable output, begin to weigh on us. Some spiritual traditions help us to re-engage with ‘wondering’ in intentional ways. Ignatian spirituality, for example, encourages imaginative contemplation as a way of inhabiting biblical texts; enabling the participant to explore the story and their place in it and to create space for God to speak to them through it. For others, simply taking time out to be among nature, to read, or to create or craft something unique, can allow space to foster and respond to a sense wonder, as well as encourage the act of wondering to take place.

I wonder when you last made space to engage in either some serious or mindless wondering yourself? What helps you to engage your own imagination and to ask questions without any fear of judgement or the need to produce something tangible to demonstrate your productiveness at the end of thought process?

As we approach Advent, we will soon enter into a whole season of wondering at the incarnation and, at Christmas, we will join the shepherds and Magi to wonder around the crib of the Christ-child. How will you choose to inhabit the story this year? And, after the example of the children among us, how could you use your innate spirituality and curiosity to explore your own sense of God through relationship, community, creativity and story too?

Livestreamed Services:

Every Sunday, we livestream the 10.30am service on our YouTube channel.

You can watch it here:

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Book your visit to the Tower online

The Tower is now open and you can book a ticket online for your visit at the link below. You can find more information as well as our Terms & Conditions on our website.


POETRY HOUR Wednesday 17th November from 5.30 pm – 6.30 pm in the Old Library. Join us for an hour of the consolation and insight given by writing and reading poetry. This term we are reading Old English Poetry. This week we will read and discuss The Battle of Maldon and write our own poems in response. 

COVID’S METAMORPHOSES On Wednesday 24 November, there will be the final roundtable discussion in the Old Library at 7.30pm as we discuss the impact of the pandemic. We will be welcoming Sir Andrew Dilnot, the Warden of Nuffield College, and the Revd Dr Zachary Guiliano, Chaplain at St Edmund Hall, to discuss the effects of COVID on intergenerational justice.

GARDENING DAY AT HOLYWELL CEMETERY On Saturday 13 November, there will be another gardening day at Holywell Cemetery. Please come and join us as we engage in this delicate conservation work. For more information, please email

GODLY PLAY Our work with children has now resumed and takes place on the first Sunday of each month in the Old Library during the 10.30am Eucharist. Suitable for younger children (aged 3-8) and their families, Godly Play enables participants to explore the mystery of God’s presence in their lives. In intervening weeks, a selection of toys and books are available in the Newman Room (behind the glass brick wall) next to the baby changing facilities.


Dearly Beloved portrays the ministry of 10 women priests in the Church of

England through a combination of images and text. Prepared by Jim Glover

and Vanessa Winship, the exhibition will be here until 21 November.

NEW TO ST MARY’S? If you are new to St Mary’s and have started coming to services in the last six months or so, we may not have your contact details. If you would like to find out more about what is going on at the University Church, please email with your name, address and telephone number and ask for your name to be added to the Parish Directory. This directory is used only by parish staff but it enables us to get in touch with you as the need arises.

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