Subject: News from the University Church

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Christingle Comes to Town!

One of the more extraordinary services at my church growing up involved the unforgettable sight of a ten-foot MDF orange erected in the sanctuary. Along with Dolly Mixtures the size of your head shafted in, and a big red ribbon round its belly (it was a beast of an orange, so it must have had a belly), the crowning glory was a piece of my own clueless (fourteen-year-old-boy) engineering – an unconvincing ‘candle’ constructed from old pipe, a cloudy filament bulb, and lots of silver foil. If this wasn’t surreal enough, there were two hatches mid-orange from which loud-mouthed puppets protruded, fulfilling all the usual liturgical duties of church puppets: interrupting, singing out of tune, making puns, and getting the children all worked up.

I am, of course, talking about Christingle. The custom originated in the eighteenth century in Germany, gradually accruing the current form of an orange, ribbon, sweets and a candle, all of which help to remind us of the message of hope in Christ, the Light of the world. In 1968, John Pensom brought the custom to the UK as a way to raise funds for the Children’s Society. The Children’s Society (which originally went by the rather quaint name of ‘The Church of England Central Society for Providing Homes for Waifs and Strays’!) is a leading national charity working to protect and support vulnerable children and young people across the country. I wrote in the E-pistle in August of their Good Childhood Report, and some of the challenges highlighted this year in the mental health and wellbeing of the youngest in our society, with alarming levels of self-harm, low self-image and anxiety. As we join this year with the Children’s Society to celebrate 50 years of Christingles, we have a chance to make a difference.

On Sunday at 15.30, everyone is welcome to come along for our All-Age Christingle service. I can’t promise a ten-foot MDF orange, but there will be (even better) an appearance from Olivia the walking, talking, singing Orange. Members of Oxford Cherwell Brass will be leading us in some hearty carols. There will be chance to hear a bit about the Children’s Society’s valuable work, and a collection (cash, cheque, and contactless). If you’d like to give but cannot be there, just text ORANGE to 70800 to donate £5. See you there!

Lord of light, who welcomed the little children,
we pray for the work of the Children’s Society,
and all who protect and support children.
We pray for children who feel sad, alone, or angry,
and all whose lives feel hard.
As we get ready to hear the good news of your arrival,
brighten the hearts of all who sit in darkness.

The Revd James Crockford
Assistant Priest

The Week Ahead 

This Sunday

Sunday 16 December The Third Sunday of Advent
10:30 Sung Eucharist
Preacher: The Revd James Crockford
15:30 All-Age Christingle

Next Week

Monday O Sapientia
09.00 Morning Prayer - Chancel
12.15 Eucharist - Chancel

Tuesday O Adonaï
09.00 Morning Prayer - Chancel
12.15 Eucharist - Chancel

Wednesday O Radix
09.00 Morning Prayer - Chancel
12.15 Eucharist - Chancel

Thursday O Clavis
09.00 Morning Prayer - Chancel
12.15 Eucharist - Chancel

Friday O Oriens
09.00 Morning Prayer - Chancel
12.15 Eucharist - Chancel

Saturday O Rex  

Next Sunday

Sunday 23 December The Fourth Sunday of Advent
10:30 Sung Eucharist
Preacher: The Revd Charlotte Bannister-Parker
15:30 Evening Prayer (said) in the Chancel
18:00 Nine Lessons and Carols
         with the University Church Choir
Oxford Food Bank Christmas Presents for Children

The University Church has again been asked to contribute to the Oxford Christmas Lunch by filing rucksacks with presents for the children who attend this celebration. If you have a rucksack to fill, please return it to the Parish Office by the end of 16 December.
Oxford Winter Night Shelter

Oxford Winter Night Shelter run by the churches together in Oxford will be doubling its capacity this winter. They will be opening two churches each night of the week from 1 January to 31 March 2019. They still require volunteers for evening, night and early morning shifts. There are two more training sessions coming up. Details are:

10.00am to 12.00pm, 19 December
New Road Baptist Church, Bonn Square, OX1 1LQ

Please email to register your interest and book yourself on a training session.

Further information is available at or speak to Victoria Mort or Paul Thompson. 

Gatehouse Christmas Presents

Please take socks, gloves, scarves, hats, underpants, chocolate bars to the Gatehouse before Wednesday 19 December, when a wrapping party will be wrapping them up. Please bring your unwrapped offering to the Gatehouse, St Giles Hall, Woodstock Road on Sunday afternoon, between 3.30 and 6pm, or between 4.30 and 7 pm weekdays. Alternatively you can drop them at Wesley Memorial Church, preferably during the morning, which is kindly acting as a depot.

St Mary's Church, High Street, OX1 4BJ, Oxford, United Kingdom
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