Subject: News from the University Church

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A Thousand Years of Christmas

At the heart of the meaning of Christmas is a message that defies tidy explanation. Indeed, to even trying to speak of ‘the meaning’ is foolish. What Christians celebrate in the birth of Jesus Christ is itself so profound, and of such great magnitude, that we struggle ever to articulate it comprehensively – and we should be rightly suspicious of those who claim to do so. But when we struggle to find the right words, so often the arts step into the breach. There emerges a rich set of traditions of music and drama, poetry and song, that evoke and express something of the joy and wonder of the birth of Christ. These artistic traditions allow us glimpses into the story in ever fresh ways, and recall us from our own blinkered versions of Christmas to consider how people of other places and ages have imagined and reimagined the meaning of the Christ-child for their own settings and situations.

On Tuesday 4th December, St Mary’s will be host to a remarkable evening of poetry and song, ‘A Thousand Years of Christmas’. In what promises to be a breathtaking evening, Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury and a respected poet, will be performing works by Dylan Thomas, Bishop Latimer (who was himself condemned to death at St Mary’s), Charles Dickens and Ted Hughes. He will also read from his own poetry too. He is joined by international soloist Sally Bradshaw, who sings a range of music: from eleventh century chant to Victorian Music Hall and art songs, with some carols too, accompanied by Michael Haslam on piano, violin and psaltery.

This promises to be an unforgettable evening: a journey through centuries of reflection and creativity, all summoned by a small child born and laid in a manger. Do join us for this very special occasion. Tickets are available at £15 through

O God our Father,
who by the glorious birth of your Son
did enlighten the darkness of the world;
may the light of his presence shine in our lives,
that being filled with his spirit,
we may enter that peace which he came to bring.

The Revd Dr William Lamb
The Week Ahead 

This Sunday

Sunday 25 November Feast of Christ the King
10:30 Choral Eucharist
Preacher: The Revd Dr William Lamb
15:30 Organ Vespers - Andrew Knowles

Next Week

09.00 Morning Prayer - Chancel
12.15 Eucharist - Chancel
18.15 Choral Evening Prayer - Worcester College 

09.00 Morning Prayer - Chancel
12.15 Eucharist - Chancel
18.00 Book Club - The Mitre

09.00 Morning Prayer - Chancel
12.15 Eucharist - Chancel
18:00 Choral Evensong - Merton College

09.00 Morning Prayer - Chancel
12.15 Eucharist - Chancel
12:45 Lunchtime Bible Study - Old Library

Friday Andrew
09.00 Morning Prayer - Chancel
12.15 Eucharist - Chancel
14.30 Memorial Service - Nave
18.30 Choral Evensong - Exeter College

9.30 Advent Quiet Morning - Cherwell Centre
18.15 Choral Evensong - New College

For full listings of weekly evening services across the University, see our website.

Next Sunday

Sunday 2 December First Sunday of Advent
10:30 Sung Eucharist
Preacher: The Revd Canon Dr Judith Maltby
15:30 Evening Prayer (said)
18:00 International Advent Carol Service 
with the German Lutheran Congregation

Book Club

The University Church Book Club meets on Tuesday evenings in term time, and is an informal gathering at which we discuss great literature and get to know each other. This term we will be reading Brodie’s Report, a selection of short stories by the Argentinian writer Jorge Luis Borges. One of the most famous Latin American authors, Borges wrote in a number of genres but he is best known for his short stories. 

Every Tuesday of Term (Tuesday 9 Oct - Tuesday 27 Nov)
18:00 - 19:00
The Mitre

Each week, we invite a speaker to introduce the story and help us think about the issues which it provokes. 

27 Nov The Encounter - Will Lamb
Advent Quiet Day

On Saturday 1 December, 9:30-13:00 at the Cherwell Centre (Norham Gardens), there will be a morning of guided reflection and silence. Suggested contribution £5, payable on the day. To book, please contact James Crockford.
International Advent Carols

Next Sunday at 18:00. we join with the German Lutheran Congregation for our annual Advent Carol service, with readings, hymns and prayers in English and German, and music from the University Church Choir. Traditional German winter refreshments will be served afterwards!
Oxford Food Bank Christmas Presents for Children

The University Church has again been asked to contribute to the Oxford Christmas Lunch by filing rucksacks with presents for the children who attend this celebration. The distribution and collection of the rucksacks will take place between 25 November and 16 December. 
Oxford Winter Nigh Shelter

Oxford Winter Night Shelter run by the churches together in Oxford will be doubling its capacity this winter. They will be opening two churches each night of the week from 1 January to 31 March 2019. They still require volunteers for evening, night and early morning shifts. There are two more training sessions coming up. Details are:

7.00pm to 9.00pm, 14 November
St Michael at the North Gate, Cornmarket Street, OX1 3EY

9.30am to 11.30am, 17 November
New Road Baptist Church, Bonn Square, OX1 1LQ

Please email to register your interest and book yourself on a training session.

Further information is available at or speak to Victoria Mort or Paul Thompson. 

Gatehouse Christmas Presents

Please take socks, gloves, scarves, hats, underpants, chocolate bars to the Gatehouse before Wednesday 19 December, when a wrapping party will be wrapping them up. Please bring your unwrapped offering to the Gatehouse, St Giles Hall, Woodstock Road on Sunday afternoon, between 3.30 and 6pm, or between 4.30 and 7 pm weekdays. Alternatively you can drop them at Wesley Memorial Church, preferably during the morning, which is kindly acting as a depot.

St Mary's Church, High Street, OX1 4BJ, Oxford, United Kingdom
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