Subject: News from the University Church

Use your LOAF in Lent

by Janie Bickersteth

During the season of Lent, the Green Team will be ‘using their loaf’; we’d love to encourage the whole church to do so too. 

‘Using your loaf’ (cockney slang ‘loaf of bread’ equals ‘head’) is considered a rather pushy way of encouraging people to ‘think more carefully about’ their actions. As Christians, we don’t really do ‘pushy’ but hopefully this nudge towards living more lightly by considering our food choices will resonate.

Using the acronym ‘LOAF’ can help us reduce our impact on the Earth, prompting us to think ‘is it Local? Organic? Animal friendly or Fairtrade?’. Of course, there are many other ways to think about our food, but we’d like to prompt a discussion about our food choices and why they matter.

Our food accounts for 25% of our carbon footprint, so if we are heading for net zero by 2030, then this is one area where we could all make a significant dent. To get started, you can calculate your food footprint, here:

The next parish lunch on Sunday 5th March at 12noon in the Old Library, will have food provided by Waste2Taste (an ethical catering company and cafe in East Oxford, using food surplus as the main ingredients, supporting homeless and vulnerable people by running cooking workshops). We will be joined by guest speakers talking to the themes of LOAF, one of whom will be Rev Lyndon Webb, Associate Chaplain of Merton and a member of our congregation. 

Lyndon spent two years at Hilfield Friary, where (as a volunteer) he learnt to grow food and a further two years working with the Pilsdon Community near Bridport, overseeing the kitchen gardens. He has now established a community veg garden for Merton students.

Livestreamed Services

at the University Church

We livestream our 10.30am Sung Eucharist every Sunday.

Please follow the links below for our social media channels.

If you have any feedback or questions about our livestreamed services,

please email

Eco- Hints of the Week

Traditionally, it’s the time for New Year resolutions, are you thinking of any? During 2023, the Green Team at SMV will be encouraging the whole church participation in taking actions towards protecting the Earth. Each week in epistle, we will provide one nudge to help us all live more lightly.

Join RSPB’s Garden Bird Watch (27-29 January) - go here to find out how. we’ve lost 38 million birds from UK skies in the last 50 years. As a conservation charity, your Birdwatch results help RSPB monitor how our UK birds are faring in the face of the nature and climate emergency. Some of us will be at Holywell on 27th at 8.30am - join us!

Click the image to see what's on for Hilary term.



Thank you to all who contributed to the Poppy Appeal in November, and to Lyn Robertson for organising it. It has been confirmed that the University Church raised £44.65 for the Royal British Legion.


During Hilary Term we are offering Coffee and Doughnuts on Wednesday mornings in the De Brome Chapel as a way of extending our ministry of hospitality during the week and reaching out to our wider community. Do come and invite others for this weekly informal chance to drop in and chat.


The Next Steps Group meeting this term is on Thursday when we are looking forward to meeting for 1 hour to catch up on plans for ways that SMV can nurture our worshipping community and reach out to the wider community in the city. This term we are especially focussing on how we can help Colleges to engage with food support work in the city during the cost-of-living crisis. Usually we meet in the Old Library but this time we will be meeting on zoom. All are very welcome and if you would like to be added to the mailing list for the zoom link email Hannah:


The next in our Thursday lunchtime recital series will take place on Thursday 2 February as we welcome Lily Petrova, a student at the Royal Academy of Music. Her repertoire includes Mozart and Brahms.


In Hilary Term, we shall be reading stories by the German writer Theodor Storm (1817- 1888), in translations by Dr. Ray Ockenden, Emeritus Fellow, Wadham College, who will join us for each session.


This term, we will be studying the Book of Ruth. This is a book which provokes and challenges us to respond more creatively to pressing current issues about borders and belonging. Our reading of the text will be guided by the recent commentary, Borders & Belonging, The Book of Ruth: A Story for our Times by Padraig O’Tuama and Glenn Jordan.


The annual intercollegiate service will take place on Sunday 5th February at 5.30pm at which we will welcome choirs and chapel communities from a number of Colleges to worship together at this special service. There will be a university sermon given by Dr Janina Ramirez, a cultural historian, broadcaster, author and Research Fellow in the History of Art at Harris Manchester College who has recently published ‘Femina – A new history of the Middle Ages by the women written out of it’. The service will particularly seek to centre the voices and experiences of women; including music by Roxanna Panufnik and Hildegard Von Bingen. All are warmly invited welcome to attend.


If you are considering taking the next step in faith and would like to be baptised or confirmed at Pentecost (28th May), it would be wonderful to hear from you. Please be in touch with Hannah for an informal chat and put the following dates of baptism and confirmation preparation classes in your diary, all 5.30-6.30pm: 21 March, 28 March, 18 April, 25 April, 9 May, 16 May. On 23 May will be a rehearsal. To make it as accessible as possible we will be taking a hybrid approach with some sessions in the Old Library and some on zoom.

If you would like to support the ministry of the University Church, you may wish to make a cash donation at the offertory or via the contactless card machine by the High Street entrance. You can also make a donation online (please use the QR code) through the Parish Giving Scheme or by sending a text: Text "SMV X" to 70085 to donate £X. E.g.: "SMV 5" to 70085 will donate £5.00. Texts cost £X plus one standard rate message. Thank you!

Events Elsewhere


For many years Keble College has hosted a Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration in collaboration with the Council of Christians and Jews in Oxford. Music will be provided jointly by Keble College Choir and OxfordShir, a local Jewish choir. The speaker will be Rabbi David Mitchell from West London Synagogue. All are welcome.

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