Subject: Maundy Thursday Podcast from the University Church of St Mary the Virgin

Maundy Thursday

The Gospel reading appointed for Maundy Thursday is John’s account of the last Supper, when he records that Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and gave to his disciples a new commandment (Mandatum) that they may love one another. Today, although we cannot share in the Eucharist together, we also pray for those who are called to imitate Christ’s loving service: for some, such as healthcare workers, that may involve caring for the sick or offering practical assistance to those who are self-isolating, for others, it may mean social distancing. The Revd Dr Will Lamb will offer a reflection on this story as we are drawn into the Easter mystery. Maundy Thursday makes the beginning of the Triduum, the great three days, when we are drawn into the heart of the Christian faith. 

Welcome The Revd Canon Dr Judith Maltby
Hymn Thee we adore
Reading John 13.1-17, 31b-35 (Laura White)
Organ Prelude
Sermon The Revd Dr William Lamb
Anthem Byrd, Ave Verum Corpus  
Prayers Matthew Hiscock
Dismissal The Revd Canon Dr Judith Maltby
Organ Voluntary Leighton, Fantasy on St Columba

The sound quality may be uneven as participants have recorded the different elements of the podcast themselves.

You can listen to the podcast here or by clicking the link below.

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