Subject: The Secret To A $100K Sales Funnel...

The vast majority of businesses will fail if they don't have a sales funnel in place...

...  That's a bold statement, I know.

But it's almost always accurate.

In other words, to be successful in business (especially in digital goods / information business) you need to offer a suite of products and get your existing customers to purchase multiple products at multiple price points.

You see, most online business builders make the mistake of trying to hit a home-run with just one product. 

It happens every once in a while, but then, so does getting struck by lightning

Still others use a "churn and burn" model, where they're putting out new products all the time... but they don't fully cross-promote their products to their existing customers, nor do they focus on customer retention.

So they end up exhausted because they work really hard creating products, but they're not using an efficient marketing strategy or a proper sales funnel.

So what IS a proper sales funnel?

That's exactly what you'll discover inside the 6th bonus module that comes with the essential Partner Traffic Blueprint course (the value is really stacking up isn't it)

We'll be covering:

1. The Model For A $100,000 Funnel. First, I'll show you what a simple sales funnel looks like with the least amount of moving pieces to make it effective and profitable for you.

2. The Method For A $100,000 Funnel. Second, I'll walk you through the steps for getting your own sales funnel in place and producing for your business.

Don't miss this extra bonus training - it's super important for two reasons:

Having a sales funnel in place makes YOU more money. Done right, you'll build a bigger list, get higher conversions, and sell multiple products.

Having a sales funnel in places makes YOUR PARTNERS more money. The more they stand to profit, the more likely they will promote your products by participating in partnership arrangements.

It's important that you spend a little time getting the right pieces in place to maximize your profit but don't worry, done right it's pretty easy to get started.

Grab your copy of this exciting funnel building bonus module right now with the Partner Traffic Blueprint course from the link below

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

P.S. Imagine if this course gave you the training and tools you need to land just ONE decent affiliate. Now imagine this affiliate makes 20 sales for you of a $50 product. You give the affiliate a 50% commission, so you both pocket $500. 

That’s pure profit.

I’m sure you’d gladly play $250 to learn the secrets of landing affiliates who put $500 in your pocket over and over. But you don't have invest that amount to start the course today - Click here to see why

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