Subject: BIG savings with this Webinar Software...

New Software Alert Webinar JEO
Think about it – of all the webinars you’ve attended, how many were on GoToWebinar?

I’m going to bet AT LEAST 95%.

It's a solid platform and until now GoToWebinar has been the ONLY product that delivered true live-streaming, which is necessary for professional webinar presenting.

It's why the biggest marketers still pay $299/Month for a capped GTW account!

Of course, most people trying to breakthrough with webinars can’t afford to pay $3,000+ a year before you’ve even got a webinar to host :-(

Well guess what...

GoToWebinar has got some new competition in the form of Webinar JEO

And WOW does it stack up well when you compare the two, but when you look at the cost savings... well it becomes a potential GIANT KILLER!

Right now there's a narrow window of opportunity to get grandfathered in at an incredible introductory price, saving thousands of dollars per year.

(Even now, owning one of the original and cheaper grandfathered accounts at GTW is a way to turn most marketers green with envy - So don't miss the chance to do the same thing when you tell people about the deal you got because you got in early with Webinar JEO)

But there's some serious firepower besides the special introductory pricing -

It comes with built in email marketing... pre-recorded webinars that are literally READY to be run and profited from with NO SELLING NEEDED and the most immersive set of interactive features on any premium webinar system I've seen

There's way too much to list here and this is only going to be around for a short space of time at this low price so rather than turn this email into a book length review head over to the blog to get all the key info that matters.

To Your Success
Simon Hodgkinson

No matter if you are a Webinar professional looking for something better, or a webinar newbie hunting down major success. This is where you start 

Hodgkinson Publishing Ltd, 43 Berkeley Square, 4th Floor, Mayfair, W1J 5FJ, London, United Kingdom
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