Subject: Life Purpose Health | Stress Resolution Seminars

Good news on experiencing total health!
Dear Friends,

It has been several years since we have held a Total Health Seminar. During the ten years that we had them, more than 1,000 attended, and many experienced remarkable improvement in their health.

Now we have greatly improved the training on how to experience total health. It will major on stress resolution because that is a cause of at least 70% of sicknesses and diseases. God designed our body to heal itself, but any stress will block the healing process. Our goal is to resolve all stress and give practical direction on how you can then help your body heal itself.

The seminar begins with dinner on Wednesday, June 13, at 6 p.m. and concludes after lunch on Saturday, June 16, at 1 p.m. You may register online.

A second seminar has also been scheduled for August 22-25, 2012.


Bill Gothard
Register Online
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