Subject: Update on Todd’s mom & Pam’s surgery; Bible translation progress

Thank you all so much for your faithful prayers. What an encouragement to know that you all are standing with us and holding us up before the throne of grace!

Mom is doing well in the nursing home and has adjusted extremely well. We were able to be with her on Mother’s Day which is rare and special. As you can see, Daniel (13) has grown and is almost as tall as Mom is!

Speaking of Daniel, we recently bought a trampoline and he assembled it himself. He and Ariela love having the trampoline and it’s great for them to bounce on it to work off some energy during breaks between sit-down time for home schooling.

They have finished up Wednesday youth groups and the home school academy for the school year. Here is Ariela enjoying the bouncy house at our church’s end-of-year get-together for Kids4Truth. They are practicing hard for the home school academy play, Peter Pan, Jr., in which they will both perform at the end of this month.

Thank you for your prayers for us over the past several weeks especially. Pamala has recovered from her hysterectomy surgery and is doing well. Also, we finished our three trips to Oklahoma City and our part of the process of clearing out Mom’s house.


Pam was amazing as the master organizer behind the huge project of selling, donating, tossing and storing things from the house where my parents lived 44 years. They built the house in 1977 when I was 10 so we had a lot of things to sort through. It was bittersweet saying goodbye to their home after all these years. Please pray for my sister in OKC as she finishes up things that need to be done before the house goes back to the bank (reverse mortgage).

Ariela with the smoothie she made, and Mom and Dad’s almost empty house in the background

Ariela with the smoothie she made, and Mom and Dad’s almost empty house in the background

The translation team for the Eastern Slovakian Roma translation finished their consultant check of Jeremiah and Lamentations via Skype and I was able to participate in part of it as a translation consultant-in-training. They have only Ezekiel remaining and then will be done checking the entire Bible in that Roma language!

I continue to meet via Zoom to do the checking with our translation consultant and translators in Croatia for the Ludari Roma language in the Gospel of Luke. Please pray for us as we translate; we are currently in chapter 12 with another 12 chapters to go.

Checking Luke 11-12 verse-by-verse, via Zoom, for the Ludari Roma language in Croatia

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and financial support!

Todd & Pamala Price (Matthew, Kirsten, Daniel, Ariela)

To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832

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