Subject: Our things to be shipped to the States; update on Matthew's treatment

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Our belongings ready to be shipped back to Kansas City

Our cat, Pepper, is not sure what to make of it all!

More boxes ready to be shipped



In several hours, on Thursday morning in Croatia, the truck will arrive at our home to ship our bins, boxes and suitcases across the Atlantic!

Thank you for praying for me and the children during this marathon!!! As you see, God has once again answered prayer (in the way we like it)! Friends are helping me with the loading of the truck and distribution of our other home, office and school things.

Our hearts are with people on both sides of the ocean regardless of our residence. May 26 is our flight date. Thanks for praying that will indeed not be cancelled by the airlines.

And please continue to ask God for the perfect home for us in the Kansas City area. (We will know one way or another about one great option on May 22.) Our Forever Home of Heaven requires no packing!!! And no passport is needed for that citizenship, but your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life upon heart repentance and belief in Jesus Christ!

Mother's Day in Croatia

Cook out with teammates in Slavonski Brod


Today Matthew had a video appointment with the surgeon in San Francisco. We had hoped to hear the results of the MRN (neurogram) and have the final piece of the knowledge puzzle to make a decision about potential surgery. Unfortunately, they have not finished processing all the data so we will have wait for another meeting next week. And in the meantime, we need to have one more test done locally in KC and need to get some of the medical records sent to a couple of the surgeons.

Please pray we can get all the test information conclusions and get them to the various surgeons. And pray especially for Matthew as he has to decide whether or not to do the surgery. To do the surgeries could restore some movement to his left shoulder so he could hold it up and raise his upper arm stump to some degree, which would be extremely helpful, especially in using a prosthesis in the future. At the same time, surgeries have risks, and he would be sacrificing some of the muscles which help him breath and some back muscle functions, since the nerves which currently go there would be re-routed (transferred) to his shoulder.


By the time Pamala and the kids make it to the States, it will have been over four months since Todd left, and over three months since we saw each other during their visit to Matthew in San Francisco. Pam bought these signs for Matthew to remind him as we have gotten closer to the time when we will see each other again. They are hanging up at the house in Kansas City were Matthew and I are temporarily staying.

Donate for Matthew's expenses through GoFundMe
Donate to Pioneers for Todd & Pam's Bible translation ministry

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