Subject: Luke & 50 Bible stories are now in print in Ludari!

We praise God for bringing us to this wonderful milestone! This week, our colleague in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, picked up the print order of 400 copies of the Gospel of Luke and 50 chronological Bible stories (with a glossary of keywords) in the Ludari language, spoken by 25,000 Roma living in Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia & Herzegovina. Below are pictures of the printed copies.

This is the front cover which says “50 Stories from the Bible and the Good Word of Luke”

The back cover with the same title and with QR codes & URLs to the versions online in text, text with pictures, and audio recordings

Introduction to Luke and 1:1-24

Now Luke and the 50 Bible stories are printed in all 5 languages: Arli, Chergash, Gurbet, Bayash and Ludari (spoken by over 250,000 Roma in Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia & Herzegovina)

Rejoice with us in this milestone!

  1. Please pray for the Pioneers team in Croatia as they plan to distribute these door-to-door in the two largest Ludari villages in Croatia.

  2. Pray that many Roma would accept these copies, read them, and also go online and listen to the audio versions.

  3. Pray that many Ludari Roma would come to know Jesus.

  4. Pray that our Ludari brothers and sisters in Christ will grow in Him and for the Lord to grow His Church among them, and plant new fellowships for His glory!

Thank you for your faithful financial support and prayers which help make all this possible!

Soli Deo Gloria,

Todd & Pamala

To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832

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