Subject: Luke 1-2 & 50 Bible stories printed & distributed in Gurbet & Arli

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Before I had to quickly leave Croatia to come to the States after Matthew's accident, we had been waiting for the printers in Serbia to print a booklet of Luke chapters 1-2 and a book of 50 illustrated Bible stories in three of the Roma languages (Gurbet, Arli and Chergash). These have been printed, and yesterday, the Gurbet and Arli teams held a promotion and distribution in Leskovac. We are grateful for this milestone and thankful for all the hard work by the Roma translators to get the translation work to this point.

I'm including pictures from the distribution. Rejoice with us and give thanks to the Lord. Also, please pray that the Lord will use these translations for His honor and glory, for the spread of the Gospel among the Gurbet and Arli Roma, and for God to continue to build and strengthen his church among them.

Thank you for your prayers,

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