Subject: Lost (and found) in translation: installment #4, Luke 1:39-56--Mary's Magnificat

LOST (AND FOUND) IN TRANSLATION: On Sunday, I preached at our home church from Luke 1:39-56, and in the sermon, I pointed out some of the translation issues we have dealt with in translating this passage into five Roma languages in Croatia and Serbia. In my blog post, I want to share them with you as well.

This passage includes one of the three poems (sometimes called “hymns”) which appear in Luke 1-2. The first is Mary’s praise to God (called the “Magnificat” which is Latin for the first word, “Magnifies) in 1:46-56. The next is Zechariah’s praise to God (called the “Benedictus” which is Latin for the first word, “Blessed), in 1:68-79. And the third is Simeon’s praise to God (called the “Nunc Dimittis” which are the first two words in Latin, “Now Lord”) in 2:29-32.

You can read the post or watch the sermon here.

We're thankful that we had all the kids with us at Christmas. We enjoyed "making memories", including ice skating at Crown Center in KC.

BIBLE TRANSLATION PROGRESS: In this picture, my teammate, Sergej, in Croatia is leading a session with our Ludari Roma translators and two other Roma from the community, to read through a few chapters of Luke verse-by-verse to make sure they understand it and to hear suggestions for improvements.

We are aiming to finish Luke and 50 chronological Bible stories in this language, Ludari, by the end of the month, but have hit numerous delays due to sickness of the translators or testers. This week is Christmas in the Roma village (they follow the eastern calendar).

Please pray:

  1. for spiritual fruit through the Christmas outreaches by our teammates;

  2. for our teammates and the Roma translators and testers to be healthy and able to meet for checking session;

  3. for speed and efficiency so that we can finish Luke and the 50 stories on time;

  4. that we can find the right people to make the audio recordings of Luke and the 50 stories.

  5. for the Lord's enablement as we work on the graphic layout and make plans to print Luke and the 50 stories.

Also, thank you for the many generous donations in December! We so appreciate your kindness to give financially and to pray for us and the Bible translation work!

Happy New Year, 2022!


To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832

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