Subject: Day 7, Croatia trip: VBS theme of Jesus, the Good Shepherd

Our third and final day of VBS in the Roma village went well. Even though it had rained heavily in the night, the field where we met was not too wet. With the Roma kids our team prayed, sang lively VBS songs, performed a drama of Jesus as the Good Shepherd, played music games, made a craft and handed out 119 small gift bags (with candy, chips, a poppet fidget spinner, a little Bible story coloring book and crayons).

Since our theme was Jesus as the Good Shepherd, we had the kids do a craft of a sheep mask. See the pictures below of all the cute sheep!

Also, Todd had an opportunity to play the audio and show the pictures of a few Bible stories and chapters from the Gospel of Luke in their Roma language, Ludari, to several of the children. In the overall process of Bible translation, this is called “Scripture Engagement”, which means having the speakers of the newly translated language engage with the Scripture, by reading, listening and being taught what it means.

Below are pictures of the club as well as Scripture Engagement.

Thank you for your prayers. Please pray that the Gospel will bear fruit among the kids and adults of the Roma village.

Todd & Pamala

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