Subject: Dates, dances, and printing the Gospel of Luke & 50 Bible stories

Ariela (10) and I enjoyed a wonderful evening together with other daughters and FROGs (Fathers, Relatives, or Other Guys) at her American Heritage Girls troop. The theme was dads as superheroes. I am blessed and honored to be her “hero”!

Pictures of dads and thoughtful words from their daughters; Ariela in her panda bear cape!

We continue painting our house in Belton, MO, in prep for our move in mid-May (pictures below).

Todd working on the kitchen; BELOW: Ariela and cousin, Sara, helping to paint Ariela’s room

Ariela’s dance class has been performing for the elderly at local centers (see below).

Todd has been working with colleagues to proofread the Gospel of Luke and 50 chronological Bible stories in the Ludari language. We have sent the print-ready files to the printer in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, to print 400 copies of Luke bound with the text of the Bible stories (no pictures) and a glossary, as well as 50 copies of a full-color book of the Bible stories with pictures in Ludari. 

The Luke/Bible Stories/glossary book will be offered door-to-door to all the homes in the two largest Ludari villages in Croatia (Slavonski Brod and Sisak) where the Pioneers team has had an ongoing ministry for years. The color book with Bible Stories with pictures will be given to the translators and community checkers who worked on the project, as well as be made available to those who specifically request it or who can use them for group teaching or family reading.

The audio recordings of the 50 Bible stories in Ludari have now been put online on our Roma website and on YouTube. Also 8 chapters of Luke in Ludari have also been put online and on YouTube, with plans to post the remaining 16 chapters by the end of this week.

Cover for Gospel of Luke and 50 chronological Bible stories (without pictures)

Print-ready page in Luke’s gospel

Cover for Bible story book with pictures

Print-ready page from the Bible story book (the parable of the Sower)

We are excited as we are super close to finishing phase 1 of the translation work in 5 languages. Glory to God!

Todd & Pam

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PIONEERS (account #110250)

10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832

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