Subject: Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest (Luke 10:2)

“And [Jesus] said to them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’

‌When we translate the Bible for Roma, we try to make sure that the translations are accurate and clear. One of the issues we had to think through when we translated Luke 10:2 was the use of “And” at the beginning of the verse. When it says in v. 1 that Jesus “sent them on ahead of him” and then in v. 2 says, “And he said to them,” we need to be careful and realize that this is not strictly sequential or chronological. He would not send them away and then after they had left, tell them something. “And” here is not sequential, but rather is simply adding information to inform us that he not only chose them and sent them, but he also gave them instructions.

In English translation, it may be more natural to use a pluperfect verb, such as “Now he had told them…” The Roma languages we are translating into do not have a pluperfect verb form. We cannot indicate that one event had already taken place before another event happened just by the choice of the verb form; we can’t say, like in English, “He had told them.”

‌So, we had to be more creative in the translations we did in the Roma languages. In the Arli language, we translated it as “Before they went, Jesus said to them”; in the Chergash language, we translated it as “Before he sent them, he said to them”; in the Ludari language, we said, “When they prepared to go, he told them.”

‌‌Now, what had he told him? He had told them a very important point that we can also apply to modern-day missions. He said, “Pray…” Specifically, he instructed them to pray for more missionaries to go. This was true when Jesus said this around 30 AD, and it is true today, almost 2000 years later. There is still much work to do to bring in the spiritual harvest. For example, around 1.4 billion people, speaking about 5,000 languages still need some sort of Bible translation. These languages either have nothing and need the whole Bible translated, or they have some of the Bible but still lack parts that have not yet been translated.

‌That is a lot! The harvest is great! And there is a need for more workers. So, we are told to pray that the Lord will send more laborers into his harvest. Is this type of missionary prayer a typical part of your prayer life? If not, can it become so? Can you join us, please, and pray for the harvest among the Roma in former Yugoslavia and specifically for God to empower and utilize our current efforts to translate the Bible for them?

And notice one more thing. The ones he commanded to pray for more workers in the harvest, were themselves sent by him into the harvest. So, watch out, and be willing to be an answer to your own prayers.

(This is part of a sermon I preached at CrossWay Bible Church on April 7, 2024. This place in the sermon is at the 46:00 mark. You can watch it here.)

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