Subject: June Newsletter

Happy June everyone! While I normally don't work on the weekends, I have had a lot of requests lately from people who can only sit with me on a weekend. I love to deliver messages from Spirit and help as many people as I can, so I am going to open up a few Saturdays coming up in the next few months for those people who are not able to sit on a weekday. Please email the office at, or call/text us at 626-308-1614 to reserve a spot before they are gone!

I also had to rearrange my vacation plans last minute, so I have opened up a few sittings on June 12th, 13th, 15th and 16th. Head over to my website to book today! 

Don't forget, you can email the office at or call or text 626-308-1614 to purchase a gift certificate or book a sitting. I am booked about six months in advance, so make sure to reserve your spot today. You can view available dates and times HERE. If you want to be added to the cancellation list, please let us know at the time of booking.

I look forward to sitting with you and Spirit soon!
June Affirmation: Prosperity of every kind is coming to me this month. I am a magnet to miracles.
Tim's Helpful Hints For Mind, Body and Soul:
Clearing things in our homes and moving things around is a great practice to get into, at least a few times a year. Start small, with one drawer. Do your best to only keep what you really need and try to donate to others or throw away things that are taking up space. It's amazing how much lighter you will feel.

*Tim Braun is not a medical doctor and is only sharing these helpful hints as a recommendation from his personal experience.
Tim's Favorite Mantras
"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it." -Charles R. Swindoll
Message about having multiple sittings

I get a lot of questions about having multiple sittings. I recommend that you wait at least two to three months in between sittings, but you are of course welcome to come back sooner. I recommend this because it gives you a chance to listen to your recording and reflect on the messages that were delivered, before returning for another sitting. This is my advice for getting the most information, quality and insight out of your sitting.

Call or text the office at 626-308-1614 or email to get yours today!

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook!


I only send out newsletters twice a month, but I post on Facebook and Instagram all of my events, video questions and answers, quotes, etc. Make sure you are following, so you don't miss out!

Recent Testimonials
"My sweet horse (Tucker) came into the sitting. I was feeling so bad, so sad and had so much guilt inside of me. I couldn't move on. It was haunting me everyday. Tim saw him next to me in the sitting, he was with my Grandpa on the other side. This healed me to know he was ok and waiting for me. Thank you again Tim! You saved me that day from a bad depression I couldn't get over and I am forever grateful to you! Love you forever!" -Sabrina

"Having been laughing at a friend of mine for years for believing in past lives, I laughed even harder when he gave me a gift of a telephone session with Tim. An atheist and a sceptic I was looking forward to recounting my hilarious experience with a medium at the dinner parties. However the session left me in tears (happy tears) after Tim connected me with my granny who passed away years ago. This has profoundly changed my outlook on life. I will be forever grateful to my friend and Tim for showing me how amazing life really is! I am also comforted by the fact that I will always be there for my kids no matter what might possibly happen. Love and light to you Tim." -Sasha
If you enjoyed this newsletter, please email it to the people in your life who you know would enjoy it too!
Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
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