Subject: We have a New Service!!! Frequency Treatments With Healy Device



Hello Dear Community,

Ever heard of frequency treat?

Maybe you've heard of ablation therapy. It's the same thing. And it is a type of therapy that uses radio waves to create an electrical current, which deliver heat to targeted nerve tissues to treat and reduce chronic pains.

Frequency treatment has been used to effectively get rid of all kinds of warts, skin treatments and so much more.

We offer you Healy, our proprietary Frequency treatments with IMF applications that have been designed to help you stay fit, support you during stressful situations and speed up your recovery.

When you want to increase your vitality and boost the flow of energy reserves and activate your energy reservoirs, then our frequency treatments are your best bet!


 You'll be glad you did.

To your health,

Dr. Helen.




25% OFF of combination of Healy and Life vessels treatments

25% OFF of Healy and Laser treatments

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