Subject: just got this - radiation counts in LA are up

at least according to this one report...this was forwarded to me by Roy Gibbons in Pasadena--------

Subject: FW: Radiation Counts are Up
Date: Saturday, March 19, 2011, 6:17 AM

Hi All, this was forwarded tonight from a good friend who has been tracking radiation for years and here is his recent readings.
Regarding radiation measurements I've taken recently.
Radiation Counts are Up.....Info for folks in the Los Angeles Ca, San
Fernando Valley, Thousand Oaks (Anchor Ct) and surrounding areas re;
my recent background radiation measurements.
I've taken periodic radiation measurements, over past 24 months (~once
a week), I do this as a metrology hobby and am curious about the
environment in which I reside.
Instrument I use: 'Ludlem Mdl 3 Survey Meter' with 'Ludlum Mdl 44-7'
radiation probe, thin mica window, beta & gamma sensitive. Instrument
recently calibrated. Meter scale setting x 0.1, ie, raw count = 600 x
0.1 = 60 CPM (counts-per-minute). NOTE: Normal 'Background' radiation
is always present & is considered to be safe, the readings are very
low, are caused by things in nature, such as sun, distant stars, radon
gas, previous meltdowns, etc. **The radiation levels currently being
measured are also safe(?), however the readings are elevated.** One
might consider, covering food, rinsing dishes prior to use, frequently
washing hands and fingers, covering the kitty's & doggy's dishes, etc.
Typical background radiation during past 24 months (indoor & out)
measurements: (night) 20 ~ 40 counts, & during business hours, count
changes slightly to 30 ~ 60 counts.
Wednesday evening (03-16-2011, ~8:00pm PDT), count slightly rose to
~70 up to 80 counts (I have not seen background counts over 80 in the
past 24 month period). Thur morning the count was also elevated, ~70
up to 90 counts. Friday at noon count was ~60 peaking up to 200
counts and occasionally up to 240. Friday early evening (7:50pm PDT)
the counts dropped a little, in the ~40 to ~100 counts range.
Currently as I write this, Sat, 03-19-2011, 12:46am (PDT), the
counts-per-minute have dropped down to 20 ~ 60 counts, which is
nominal and is consistent with typical readings of the past 24 months.
It is also raining....


Potassium Iodide? READ first.

What you must know before taking Potassium Iodide forRadiation Protection                 


We have received many calls and emails from students & friends concerned about the Nuclear Accident in Japan and potential radiation danger in the U.S. & Canada.   A large number of people have told us they want to know if they should take Potassium Iodide (hereafter PI), which is being heavily promoted now for radiation protection.


There is a huge amount of misleading promotion of PI right now, either from sellers of the tablets or from well meaning persons who are not aware of the facts.

To protect your health and that of your loved ones, our resident expert Robert J. Gilbert Ph.D. (a former Marine Corps instructor in Nuclear-Biological-Chemical warfare survival) has written the following special report on what you need to know to make an informed decision on whether or not to take these PI tablets.


Feel free to share this email with anyone you think will be helped by it.

Robert is also working on other special reports to help you navigate the large amount of misleading or fragmentary information on this nuclear accident and on radiation protection in general, which will be sent out soon to everyone on our mailing list.


 QUICK SUMMARY                

To protect your health and that of your loved ones, Here is what is essential for you to know:


*  Potassium Iodide only deals with one aspect of nuclear fallout (radioactive Iodine) and only protects one part of the human body (the Thryoid gland).


*  Potassium Iodide is not a complete protection against nuclear radiation.


*  Potassium Iodide, and other forms of Iodine, causes severe allergic reactions in some people.  Start with a very small amount to see if you have a reaction, before dosing large amounts.


*  If you know how to test energetically (either vibrational radiesthesia, kinesiology, or pulse diagnosis), then be sure to test yourself or other people for their not being allergic to the PI tablet before taking it.


*  Dosage levels of tablets sold for use after nuclear accidents are far beyond nutritional levels, and can be highly toxic.  They should only be taken in cases of certain exposure to high levels of radioactive iodine from medical tests or nuclear fallout.


*  High Dosage PI may cause birth defects, so pregnant women should take it only in cases of immediate radiation fallout danger (very "hot" zones.)


*  PI does not need to be taken far in advance of nuclear exposure.


*  PI should not be taken on an ongoing basis, and should be discontinued once exposure has ended.


*  Children should never be given the full dosage PI tablets which adults take; their dosage needs to be considerably reduced.


*  Natural sources of organic Iodine are much more bioavailable and less toxic than inorganic pharmaceuticals like PI tablets.


*  For more complete protection against radiation, there are specific foods and supplements which are needed.  Many people have survived severe nuclear exposure (especially in Hiroshima and Nagasaki) without any supplementation of high dosage PI tablets, by eating the correct radiation-clearing foods.


Please see below for a more complete discussion!


by Robert J. Gilbert Ph.D.                    


As many of you receiving this email may know, my background includes having been a U.S. Marine Corps instructor in Nuclear - Biological - Chemical Warfare Defense and Survival (abbreviated as NBCD.)  I received a Meritorious Field Promotion by Major General Robert Haebel in Okinawa for excellence in NBCD training, and helped create the first pocket guide for troops dealing with NBCD threats in the early 1980's.  I have been studying nuclear, biological and chemical toxins for 30 years, both from the standard scientific model and from the perspectives of energetic therapies & alternative medicine.


At the moment there is a lot of concern about the nuclear fallout effects from the Japan Nuclear Reactors disaster in Fukushima.  You have probably seen information circulating on the internet of very variable quality, and often in a fragmentary form, about radiation and what to do about it; many people are using this partial information to go buy specific products which they are told will protect them from nuclear radiation effects.  One of the most commonly suggested panaceas is Potassium Iodide tablets, which are now being taken by many people on the U.S. West Coast (they are now sold out in many West Coast health food stores.)


There are some important things you should know regarding health effects of Radiation, and how to protect yourself.  I hope to have time to create a complete document sometime in the near future, until then please see below for a few key points about Potassium Iodide, one of the most commonly suggested (and misunderstood) supplements being promoted right now.


I have seen literally dozens of emails telling people that they need to start taking Potassium Iodide immediately, before radiation from Japan hits North America.  This is great for sellers of this product, but may not be so great for you.  High dosage tablets of Potassium Iodide can save lives of people exposed to high levels of Radioactive Iodine fallout, but should ONLY be used in these cases as it can be highly toxic and many people do not tolerate it well.  PI is NOT a complete solution for radiation exposure, it is highly targeted and only protects one specific part of the body from one specific hazard.


Read on... 


Subject: Potassium Iodide? READ first.
Date: Saturday, March 19, 2011, 9:40 AM

For informed prudence, GO TO:
Robert Gilbert
or see below.