Subject: alternative news......Chemtrails and JFK - Be sure and read this.



In my experience over the past few years, I've learned that there are very powerful behind the scenes groups around the world that are promoting negative agendas. Many of you are growing aware of this and some of you have no clue. You're not going to learn about this in the evening news or the newspapers but there's a wealth of information on the Internet, if you look for it with an open mind an do the right searches.

I accidentaly came across this video of JFK where he actually gave a speech referring to secret societies around the world. Here's the link to that video. I believe he died not too long after this.

Here's another video, by a fellow who has made a study of secret societies. I do realize that the awareness of these things might be a bit scarey, and I apologize for that, but things are going on, on our planet right now which are connected to this and if you have no understanding, your discernment can be easily tricked. In this video, you'll note the connections to Egyptian symbology and rituals. This explanation of this comes up in The Ra Material as channelled by Carla Rueckert (Books One and two of the Ra Material are included as downloads in the Primer Package) and The Egyptian Connection which is a 4 hour workshop, which I gave.


Once you grasp the realities of the agendas of the service to self groups, you'll know the importance of the Sunday Morning Grid healing. Do your own research, If you're on the Internet you have more information about this available to you than at any time in the history of mankind.It's not good to dwell on the negative, but if you don't understand the agenda, you will very likely be tricked at some time in the future.  The negative doesn't neccessarily have horns. It can come in the guise of love and light, ascension terminology, etc. and can look really good on the surface.

Is Haarp artificially causing Earthquakes?


And Chem Trails

other link on Swine Flu


If you'd like to learn the background on these secret societies which started in Egypt here's a link to the primer Package which includes 2 of Carla Rueckert's Ra the books where the origin of the negative in this realm is linked to a negative ET group called the Orions, plus The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? and MORE.

A special offer - If you purchase the Primer Package, I'll throw in The Egyptian Connection for only $6.00 more. The normal price would be 68.95 but for the next few days, the total for both is now $55.95. After you order the Primer Package,  email me (be sure and put the word Egypt in the subject line) and request the special discount code which will allow you to purchase The Egyptian Connection for only $6.00 (regular price $19.00)


Obviously, I've checked out the information on this page with my Sources via both channels and have gotten confirmation.


Please join us for our Grid Healing tomorrow morning... We begin with a personal healing session and then planetary session. 712 432 1600 pin 1099743#  10am pst. 


Blessings to all and happy Sunday............Wynn