Subject: alternative news- Was Michael Jackson murdered because he was going to expose the Negs?

You might note that some of the most independent of pop music icons all ended up dead. These were all people who had vast power to influence the public and could not be controlled. John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobainand others.  Here's some interesting videos of Michael indicating his awareness of the Negs and the high level secret societies. I know some of you don't want to believe this is true. The amount of control these groups have exerted over our planet and human evolution is overwhelming. Why is it important to know about it? Because the negative will do anything to look positive and if you don't understand how it works, your can easily be fooled. Some of this is explained in the books I've made available....Wynn
An interesting note: After Michael died, he actually contacted me via both Terry and Daphne. At first I couldn't believe it was him, but eventually a circumstance occurred which left me predisposed to think it was. I've been reticent to share this story, but eventually I will.
Interviews with Michael where he lets on his knowledge of the NEGS
intense images of michael dancing destroying illuminati symbols