Subject: alternative health - Is Mental Retardation really auticism

Is Mental Retardation Actually Autism 

Jean Genet, a neuro scientist and autism survivor, believes that children who are labeled with "mental retardation" might be suffering from autism instead.

One day Genet's friend, Shirley, was talking about a person named, Anthony. Genet had to stop her and inquire, "who is Anthony?

"Oh, that's my son." replied Shirley.

I said, "Shirley I've known you for several years and I didn't know you even had a son. Where is he at?"

With a softer voice Shirley said, "Anthony lives in mental hospital. He is severely retarded."

Curious, I asked for Shirley to describe why she thought Anthony was retarded? She went on for several minutes describing the complications during Anthony's birth. How Anthony is 35 years old and has never spoken a word. How she longed to hear a spoken word from him. How disconnected he was from our reality. And how she always had a simple wish just being recognized by Anthony as his mother.

The more Shirley describe Anthony's condition the more she was describing a person who was suffering from autism not retardation and I told her so. "Shirley I don't think Gregory is retarded I believe he is autistic. His disconnect from our reality. His not being able to speak. And his inability to recognize your presence as his mother are all signs of autism."

Shirley spoke with some hesitation, "But the doctors always assumed that Anthony was mentally retarded."

I said, "Shirley, the medical community has always assumed that autism is a mental disorder leading to retardation due to the outward appearance of the child, when fact I believe autism is brought on by an imbalance from the chemical interaction of the vaccinations received at an early age."

"Well, I remember Anthony being very sick after his vaccinations." said Shirley, "His doctors were concerned with his high temperatures."

"Shirley, high temperatures after receiving vaccinations are symptoms of a bad drug interaction that seems to destroy the brain's ability to properly develop speech, emotional balance, and mental focus, all symptoms of autism.

"Well, there is little I can do about it now." Shirley said with some frustration.

"Actually researchers, of which I am one, believe that the brain uses certain brain wave frequencies to repair its ability to develop speech, emotional balance, and mental focus. This technology is presented on CD disk that is listened to while going to sleep. The responses have been quite promising.

To make a long story short I was able to provide Shirley with this CD technology and Shirley started having Anthony's caregiver play these CDs after Anthony went to sleep at night. In about six months things began to change for Anthony. He seemed to be more connected to his surroundings. He began to unwrap himself from his arms and open up his physical presence. Within a year Anthony was diagnosed to be autistic instead of mentally retarded.

One day I received a call from Shirley. There was an excitement in her voice as she said, " They're moving Anthony into a living assisted facility with five other men."

The transition from living in a mental hospital for 35 years to moving into a home with other men was overwhelming for Anthony. With Shirley's help he adjusted and made some gains in interpersonal communications with the other men but these gains were minimal to the connections Anthony made one morning at 5 am.

Everyone was awakened from their sleep with boisterous sounds of music. All five men walked sleepily to the source of the music. They found themselves in the living room standing in front of Anthony who was playing perfect Chopin on the piano.

This is spectacular in itself but to turn and speak to the boys in "old english" was beyond belief. Why "old english"? We have no idea. Maybe something Anthony brought from a past experience.

What is most important to understand is that Anthony has always been able to speak, have emotional contact and play the piano in his own reality. Once Anthony's brain was repaired Anthony crossed over into our reality and brought with him these talents, free of mental retardation, free of autism.

Learn More About The Byonetics Autism System And How Medical Professionals And Parent Alike Are Seeing Great Improvements with Speech, Eye Contact And Emotional Connection With Their Autistic Children.