Subject: alternative health

Friend   --  Here's two articles on healing your kidneys with parsley..  I think I like the protocol in the first one. The second one calls for parsley tea boiled in "voided urine". If any of you try it, let me know how it goes. The idea of drinking urine is somewhat unappealing but I have heard other alternative health people recommend it...,Wynn



Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments.

How are we going to do this?

It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley and wash it clean

Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.

Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination. Also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.

Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!









By Dr. James Howenstine, MD.
April 12, 2008

A superb clinician and herbalist placed his wife on parsley tea when she developed a urinary tract infection on a trip. This therapy has been 100% effective in his experience. in curing urinary infections. She was known to have large kidney stones in both kidneys. By the fourth day of therapy the infection was cleared and her kidney stones had dissolved.. This clinician has never seen parsley tea fail to cure a urinary infection after many years of use.

Parsley tea is made by placing one ounce of first voided morning urine and a handful of fresh parsley into a quart of water which is simmered for an hour. The tea is strained and one quart is drunk hot or cold throughout each day. A follow up urine specimen can be obtained on the 4th or 5 th day of tea to prove that white cells, indicating infection, are no longer in the urine sediment..

There is a long history of successful use of parsley tea in Asia and among native Americans. The urine specimen must be the patients own urine which has beneficial immunologic properties.

The reason for the striking success of this therapy in infections probably relates to parsley tea’s ability to penetrate [1] the bladder wall. The 100% efficacy insures that no resistant bacterial strains are created. Mannitol has been a mainstay of U.T.I. therapy in the alternative health community. At best it is only effective in about 80% of patients with 20% of strains found to be non-responsive to mannitol possibly because adhesion of the involved bacteria to the lining membrane of the bladder is too strong

At least 300 persons have experienced resolution of urinary infections and or kidney stones in the USA. Sometimes the parsley tea needs to be continued for 10 days to obtain complete resolution of stones or infection. The exact mechanism whereby the stones dissolve remains to be defined.

In women urinary tract infections usually originate in the urethra with symptoms of frequent voiding and burning discomfort when voiding. Some kidney infections originate with bacteria from the blood stream landing in kidney tissue (pyelonephritis).This same type kidney damage may arise from infections that spread up the from the bladder via the ureters into kidney tissue. Often inadequate therapy permits smoldering infections to gradually destroy kidney tissue. This is particularly likely to occur when there is obstruction to urine flow out of the kidney (stones, tumors and scarring of the ureters which drain the kidneys).

Antibiotic therapy has proven to be a mixed blessing. Certainly it can be lifesaving in blood stream infections(septicemias). However, there appears to be a lack of physician awareness of serious problems that may arise from antibiotic therapy:

Killing of healthy bacteria in the intestines damages the immune system. More than 70% of the body’s immune cells are located in the intestines. When healthy bacteria are missing nutrient absorption suffers, production of important antibodies against cancer and bacteria will diminish and the number of killer lymphocytes will decrease. All patients taking antibiotics should take powerful probiotics(Culturelle GG and living bacteria from foods (sauerkraut, unpasteurized goat yogurt, raw milk etc.)

Antibiotic use has been shown to increase the incidence of breast cancer(February 18, 2004). Am not certain if this information has led to evaluating antibiotic use in other malignancies because such information could hurt the sale of antibiotics. My guess is this immune damage ought to cause other malignancies to develop. Because of poor diets(excess sugar) and prior use of antibiotics and non-steoidal anti-inflammatory drugs(Motrin, aspirin, Voltaren) most U.S. citizens have unhealthy patterns of bacteria in their intestinal tracts. Whenever possible, natural therapies(cucurmin, garlic, essential oil of oregano, nano sized colloidal silver Argentyn 23 etc are preferable to antiobiotics because they have no adverse effects on the immune function of the intestine.

It is not unusual for antibiotic drugs to be used for several weeks. Because of this different bacteria found in urine over time can become resistant to the killing effect of the antibiotic being used. These resistant bacteria become the predominant organisms in the urine culture.