Subject: Sunday Morning Planetary and personal Healing Session 10am PST

The Sunday Morning call is one of our most powerful. Many people on the call feel the energy, even in other countries. 10am PST 712-432-1600 pin 1099743#. It's an extremely rare thing to do an energetic co-creation while "they're" actually communicating with us verbally through Terry. We establish a group energy with "them" and then move it to trouble spots around the planet. We also do a personal healing at the beginning of each call. Often times we put something into the light and something shifts afterwards.. Is it coincidence? You can't prove it one way or the other. But if you pay attention for awhile, it seems a bit beyond statistical probability. Hope you'll listen in. Even if you remain quietly in the background, just the mere presence of your energy makes a difference. You can also listen on the replay line afterwards. Since there is a non linear aspect to this (non linear means outside of time), the energy is present no matter when you listen. Many of those people who listen to those calls regularly have had permanent shift in consciousness, miraculous healing, and synchronicities. Replay line (good after noon tomorrow) 712 432 1281 1099743 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------