Subject: I just finished an introduction to this work

Dear Friend


If you've taken the time to read our series of emails carefully, either you purchased our package or you're still wondering "Can this be real?'


I spent about a week putting something together called "2012 - Primer for a Dimensional Shift". It's a 35 page ebook and I'd like to get your opinion and see how it reaches you. (I think there's still grammatical errors so be patient and if you find any, please email with the page number) There 's also an offer at  the end of the ebook and you're the first people I'm sending this to, so if you're moved to place an order, use the discount code July17 and you'll get an immediate $15 off for the next 3 days.


Here's the link  - 2012 - Primer for a Dimensional Shift


Remember  insert the discount code July17 and get $15 off. This discount is good until  midnight July 20th.


Have a great weekend............................Wynn Free