Subject: 6pm PST - Are schizophrenics communicating with Elohim and Ra?

Every Wednesday at 6pm, we (our Sources) answer your questions. Other questions we'll be asking tonite...

My son is on drugs. How can I help him?

How can I heal a past relationship and move on?

6pm pst 712 432 1600 pin 128506#   replay 712 432 1281 #......#

Subscribe to the Spirit Channel and get the transcripts and audios of all our calls in  your email.
This week on the Wynn Channel:  - things I share not related to celestial communication.-- poems -- songs-- alternative news--  health tips -- articles

April 8th Jury Scam - people's identities are getting stolen  via a clever phone scam. Find out how it works and make sure it doesn't happen to you.

April 10th - The top ten April Fool's jokes (Sorry, Wynn and Terry at the UN was not included)

April 9th - some Rumi poems

April 14th - What's it like to be in the womb. Two very young twins tell us in baby talk..  

And finally, all our services are subscriber supported. If you're getting positive benefit, use the link below to donate. There's no outside funding except what you choose to give.... Thank you.........Wynn   or