Subject: Transcript-Sunday Grid Healing Call-06-09-2013

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Personal & Planetary Grid Healing Session


Message-a-Day Archives
Sunday Call-06.09.2013
Hosted by: Wynn Free
Audio Link:
Channeled by: Terry Brown
Transcribed by: Rick Vornbrock
Edited by: Terry Brown and Susan Rush
Formatted and sent by: Gary Brownlee


Wynn: Good morning, it is June 9, 2013 and this is Wynn Free in Sedona, Arizona. Just coming back from Phoenix and Terry, are you on the line?


Terry: I’m here.


Wynn: That’s Terry Brown. Her body’s in Sedona. [Laughter] Do you feel like you’re in Sedona?


Terry: Well, I’m kind of a universally all-over-the-place person. But localized in Sedona.


Wynn: And then we have Carla Rueckert who is in Anchorage, Tennessee. Are you there, Carla?


Carla: Kentucky.


Wynn: Anchorage, Kentucky. You see, I was still back on Chris - he’s in Tennessee, okay? You know, Carla, how are you doing today? Everyone wants to know how you’re feeling.


Carla: Thanks, hon. I’m doing splendidly, hanging right in there - lying on my Clinitron bed, getting better by the day.


Wynn: Now I’ll bet you feel you’re in your body, right?


Carla: [Laughter] Well, I understand a lot of people on this bed don’t. It’s one of those therapy beds where you get air rushing against your body all the time so it’s sort of like a spa experience of floating. Now, I’ve never had that experience, I’m perfectly grounded. Whew! But a lot of people sort of lose contact and drift off. I haven’t had that experience here yet. I’m still definitely planet Earth, third density, yah, yah that checks.


Wynn: Okay and we have all of you everywhere all over the world in your bedrooms. Of course, this is our Sunday morning planetary grid healing and I’m going to spend more time today on the planetary and personal healing part of the call. But just to start off, I want to welcome the people that are here for the first time.


This call, this work we’re doing has to do with making a connection, a bridge with Sources that say they’re in other dimensions. The first thing, if anyone’s checking this out, is to do enough study of both my work and Carla’s work to say, “Hmm, maybe they’re doing what they say they’re doing.” You’re not supposed to believe it because I say it and we have enough free material that if you don’t expose yourself to it and you think coming into these calls is enough, it probably isn’t. Because we’re doing something that so is out-of-the-box that your mind cannot possibly validate it.


You can’t believe me because I say it’s true. So therefore, you have to do your own work and validate it. You have to make it real for yourself and if you don’t do that, you are missing a very important step because otherwise, you fall into the category of being a blind believer and say “Well, if Wynn says it, it must be true.” And I don’t want that and I don’t want you to look at me that way. I want you to due diligence. I had to do lots of due diligence, probably three years’ worth to just begin to think it was true. And why should you skip that step? You don’t have to do three years because now it’s all organized and you could spend a month and say, “Oh my God, wow, how does this happen?”


Because, you see, unlike a lot of other spiritual groups [things] and they can all be valid but one of the things that distinguish this work we’re doing is this vast body of evidence, even if it’s anecdotal evidence. Do you know what “anecdotal” means? It means - you couldn’t take it to a scientist and say, “Here this is true,” but it means that there are so many circumstances pointing in that direction that you would have to say, “How could all of this be true and that not be true?” And you could say that but it’s unlikely because there are so many facts and figures, you know? From people who look like people in past life times to little miracles, to a consistent point of view of the Universe and how it works over many, many years.


What’s pretty interesting is I started studying Carla Rueckert’s Ra material, oh probably twelve years ago when I was first exposed to it through David Wilcock’s work, and at that time my mind was spinning and I’m saying, “Can this be true? Can this be true?” I mean it’s pretty wild. I mean if you read Carla’s Ra material, for the first time, first of all it’s hard to understand but when you start to understand it, the premises of whom this Ra Group is and how they interface with us, is like science fiction.


I mean, you know, for example: here is this group soul that’s made up of graduates from this realm that moves souls from one planet to another so they can continue their evolution. How in the world can you believe that? I mean, you could say, “Maybe it’s true,” but how do you know? Then of course I started with Daphne, you know, she started bringing through messages and I started asking all these questions about the Ra material and she had never studied it when I started asking those questions.


I mean I asked myself maybe she knew this already? In fact, I even took a trip to Laughlin, Nevada to ask Carla Rueckert (probably in 2002) if she was familiar with the work of Edgar Cayce. She was, but only his health work, not his past life stuff. And not his past lives which I was drawing certain inferences from her material. So, in any case, Daphne started giving me the same answers to this model of the Universe as the Rueckert material (the Ra material) and then Terry continued and Terry never heard of the Ra Group. We had three people, four people including Wilcock, giving this same model of the Universe, somewhat independently. How do you have four people giving this same extraordinary model of the Universe, independently?


Well, you could say there’s some negative force that just wants us to get down here and its programming four different people. But that’s not very likely. In fact, as we have learned, negative sources don’t want this material to be out there and many people know that Carla was attacked and Daphne was attacked during these sessions and so something doesn’t want it here and yet, here we have it.


So now we have this and we have this idea that there are real group energies in other dimensions that can interface with us. Now if that’s real, you want to know how do they, interface? Of course, everyone wants to personally know, how do I make my life better with this? How do I change my life? It has to come down (in a bottom line) to changing your life. You don’t change your life by, even if it’s true, believing or deferring to some huge external intelligence that’s wise, that’s powerful. That’s not what changes your life. They can help you change your life. You can learn huge amounts of things from them. But you have to change your life.


You know, I was reading something in The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce the other day and I sent it to someone and it was, let me just paraphrase it, I hope I get this right. They said, ‘one of the most major accomplishments that a being in 3D can make in their own evolution is to be aware of the patterns that are on an unconscious level that are impacting their life.’ Did you follow that? To be aware of the patterns on an unconscious level that, are impacting your life.


That is profound! Because, you see, that is the way you begin your own self-mastery. Everyone here has patterns. Let me just say, I don’t like to make sweeping statements. I suspect everyone here has patterns that fit into that category. Patterns on an unconscious level that are running you and you don’t know they’re running you. In fact, you think it’s you.


So how do you find what these patterns are, since they’re unconscious, how do you find them out? This is where, well, the one thing that I have found as a way of uncovering my patterns is to look at repetitive things that happen in the world; where the same kind of thing happens, and you’re not really intending for that to happen, but it happens anyway. Say for example, you constantly get rejected, and why are people rejecting me? Well, usually from a 3D level you start to think, “They must be rejecting me because I’m no good.”


And so now if you’re no good, you’re not worthy and if you’re not worthy you have no connection, you don’t deserve to connect with God or higher sources, and so you go through lifetime after lifetime feeling worthless. And you still haven’t come to the crux of the problem. “Why do I feel no good?” Well something on a lower level is doing that. Something is causing people to reject you and it’s not because you’re no good.


Once you start getting into this spiritual evolution game, it’s not really a game, but once you get committed to a path, you have to take the responsibility for everything in your life; [it] is part of your creation. If you have things in your life that you don’t like, you have to solve the problem of how you are creating that. Of course, for every person the answer is going to be different. The solution is going to be different. Then, once you find out how you’re creating something in your life then the next challenge is, “How do I fix that?”


Now this is an arena where you can start getting help from other dimensions when you get to the place of “How do I fix that?” In fact, you might even get help say in a reading or when you hear one of these calls, we happen to describe one of your patterns and you might say, “That’s me. That’s me.” So this is a challenge we’re all facing, how we create our lives. Now you know I’ve noticed recently, like some things in my space where I’ve noticed how gossip actually works. Do you gossip? Do you go around telling other people somebody tells you something and then you tell someone else?


We could say, “Why do people gossip? Why do they do that?” They do that because there’s a moment of uplifted energy when you tell something that you shouldn’t tell. Somebody gives you a lot of energy in that moment and it feels good. And it’s very transitory but unfortunately it doesn’t matter because you’re in that place where you’re desperate for energy and you say something and boom you have a little reward of energy coming. Somebody’s paying attention to you. Somebody’s interested in you.


In the long run you may be doing betrayal; you may be taking confidences and telling someone else. The short run of upliftment you get, because somebody’s interested in what you’re saying and, you know, it’s got that guilty pleasure to it. In the long run the betrayal can permanently damage relationships and you don’t know you’re doing that. You think it’s harmless, but it’s not because then somebody’s told you something in confidence and you tell someone else and you’ve damaged the confidence.


Believe it or not, and maybe you’ve had the experience, you tell somebody something and say, “Don’t repeat this” and I don’t know the percentages, but so often they repeat it. What’s happening is you are contracting yourself into this energy pattern that gets you stuck into this realm. Do you see how that works? It’s like, somebody is betrayed, somebody is giving … it’s not spiritual. It’s like manipulating lower level energies.


I know, I watch really carefully how this works, and I watch very carefully who I share things with because humans are so desperate for energy that they will take something and then tell somebody because it makes somebody else pay attention. Jeez, there was somebody in our group that told someone else, “Wynn gave me his personal telephone number. He calls me all the time.” And that wasn’t true, [it] didn’t happen.


Why in the world would they say that? “Well, Wynn thinks I’m special so you should think I’m special.” You see what a dark spiral that is creating, that is moving down. Then every time I’ll talk to that person--the person that said that--I may not even call them on it, but I will think about it. Say, “Why is this person doing that?” Carla, do you have anything you want to add to this?


Carla: Well yeah, I think the thing about why people do that--I think you’re right--it makes them feel powerful. But it doesn’t last and then you’re hungry for it to last and so you try a little more of it, but it doesn’t last either. Meanwhile you keep thinking “Well, the joy is gone from this, why didn’t this work for me?” You don’t realize that for everything there is a corresponding reaction.


For every energy there is the same energy coming back to you. If you do something, it comes back. You breathe in, you breathe out. If you breathe out to somebody else they will breathe in back to you or back to somebody else because we’re All One. So when you’re betraying, when you’re gossiping you are offering yourself up to the world and saying, “Okay, in my world it’s ok to gossip so please gossip about me, hurt me, destroy me, I love it. This is great, keep on doing that.” Of course, you don’t really mean that, but that’s the way energy works.


It’s just a matter of time for you to inevitably feel the thud of someone betraying you. You don’t think of it as betrayal, you think of it as sharing with someone whom you trust. But that’s actually not so. When you give something out to somebody and say, “Don’t tell a soul,” what you mean is, “Please tell and tell them that I told you, so they’ll know what a powerful person I am, that I knew that.”


So once it starts, the only thing that will stop it is if you finally forgive yourself and start over. That’s a really hard thing to do because by now you’ve started the energy going that makes it inevitable, you know, seemingly inevitable that you’ll keep on acting that way. So it takes a really big effort of will to stop doing that. You are capable of it but it’s really hard. So the easiest it ever is to stop doing something is right now.


Wynn: When you do stop or you do intend to stop, you may find yourself in relationships with other people that are built upon this kind of interchange and you’ll talk to them and they’re going to say, “Well, how’s Barbara doing? And how’s Joe doing?” And they’re going to give you positive rewards for reporting on everybody and when you start to report you’re moving into betrayal. You’re moving into, would that person want me to say this to this person?


I mean if you’re sure it’s okay, then it’s okay. But if in doubt, don’t do it because all the trust and the confidence get lost. I mean, I can say I am honored to have a friend like Carla and like Terry because I would trust them with my life. I know they don’t do this kind of thing and doing it is one of those subtle ways that you can sabotage your own spiritual growth. You know, maybe Terry wants to share something. Terry, are you there?


Terry: Hi. Yes, what I find is when somebody does that, like they share something personal and then they share it with a whole bunch of other people and they put their own spin on it, that makes them look good and me look bad and then I don’t want to talk to them anymore. I just want to avoid talking to them. Because if I talk to them then I kind of have to monitor everything I say and make sure that it’s nothing that they can then report-on to other people about how Terry’s this way or Terry’s that way which is their own spin and to me, it’s not even true. Then other people report back to me, that this has been said and then I just don’t want to even integrate with that person anymore, which can be detrimental to that person and that person’s growth. That’s all.


Wynn: I was just going to say another thing, in this same arena, not exactly, but close, you know, this need to talk to other people; and it is intrinsic. We want friends, we want camaraderie and you just have to be really careful about the whole deal. Because often times you’ll pick people who you are confiding in who would be jealous of you, for whatever reason.


They could be jealous because you may have a good relationship with someone. They may be jealous because … their jealousy may be something that’s not overt and you don’t see it and you confide in them and talk to them. Then you want to start something new, maybe a new relationship or a new business enterprise, something to make yourself be what you wanted in life and while you’re doing that, if you’re reporting to this person, who has this propensity for jealousy, what’s happening is--this happens a lot of times on an unconscious level--you’re not aware of it. But you feel their disapproving of you because you’re going to be more successful.


So you plant their disapproval in your mind and you can sabotage your own relationship or your own success. It would be kind of like you have a new possibility for a personal relationship and somebody that has this propensity and you start talking about that person and they say, “Oh yeah, he’s a little fat,” or “He swears too much.”


At that point when something is a seedling and somebody says something like that you don’t even realize they’re saying it because of jealousy, you start sabotaging your building of this relationship. And I always say to myself, if something is a seedling, if something is just starting to grow, I’m very careful about who I’m going to talk about that with because it’s a very vulnerable position at that moment. Even I can hear the slightest comment and somebody will say something negative and I have to either revise it [or] re-clear it from my space.


So these are very important things. For example, people that need to make money, you know, there are certain things that you could do that will make money. Perhaps they’re not the kind of jobs that have high status appeal, but they’ll get you through the day. If you’re going to do these things and then you start talking about them to your friends about what you’re doing, because they don’t have high status appeal, you’ll resist doing them. You’ll think, “I don’t want anyone to know I’m doing this.”


I remember about a year ago I was in a restaurant in Sedona and I was talking to this guy and he built a business cleaning windows at stores. [Laughter] Actually, he was quite successful. But at one point he just got a window cleaner, he learned the best way to clean windows and he would walk up and down the block and ask these stores, “Do you need your windows cleaned?” And he would get their business. It’s like I think he bought a home with it, he probably has more accounts than anything.


But somebody else could say, “I’m going to help clean houses. I’m going to find a way to make money.” And everyone needs houses cleaned. “I’m going to clean houses, and don’t tell anybody about it.” You might get rejected for a week, but do it and make the money. Don’t brag about what you’re going to do and then either fail or have your friends look at you as if you’re something lesser than because you’re just going to clean houses.


Jeez, previously, you were a computer high-tech person making a thousand dollars a week. Your friends are not going to pay your rent. They’re not going to buy your food and it doesn’t matter what you do. I mean in my life, I’ve done so many different things and I learned that it didn’t matter what people thought, but there was a point in my life when it did and I thought about the esteem in that. I know Carla’s husband - should we talk about Jim, Carla?


Carla: Absolutely. I’m proud of my baby.


Wynn: Yeah, at some point you know, Carla was doing The Law of One channelings and then she was doing the Qu’o channelings and her husband was very, very dedicated to the work. Carla has this propensity, as do I, to want to give this stuff out for free. Because, I mean, I understand why one does that. Because it’s hard to sell something that’s so far out-of the-box that people are going to have a hard time believing that it’s real. So they have to get into it and after they get into it and it touches them, many times people will give a donation or do something to support it.


But it’s never enough. Well, I won’t say it’s never enough. If you have a million people it can be enough. If you have ten million people it would be more than enough. But at the stages where you have ten thousand people, it’s not enough, it helps though. It helps. And so I imagine at some point Carla’s husband Jim decided he was going to mow lawns [Laughter] to help pay the bills. And he started mowing lawns and now he has a business. Landscaping, right, Carla?


Carla: Right and you know it was so wonderful of him. I said I really need to work and get some money. I’m a librarian and I can get good money. He says no. He says, “The work that you’re doing is so much more important, not just to me but in general, to humankind as a whole. I want to support that and I am going to take care of you and you do the work.” I’ve always been lucky enough to have someone that would shelter me this way.


Because, as Wynn said, there’s no real money in spiritual writing unless you’re tremendously good at making stories up and stuff the way Shirley MacLaine did a long time ago. But in general, my feeling was, and from the very beginning our whole research group’s feeling was (Don, Jim and me as a whole) that this was something we wanted to give to people totally for free because it could make such a difference in their lives; and if the person had a serious interest we wanted it to be available.


We wanted it to be available, if possible, globally. We managed to have that happen through the years. But it took somebody sticking to it, keeping your nose to the grindstone (if spiritual work has a grindstone) and keeping it happening. To do that it takes your time, it takes your life. So I attended to the spiritual work, Jim attended to working.


I always thought of him as my white knight on a great charger, you know, but the charger was orange and it said the name of the mower company. You know, he’d be riding along on his mower and he’d be carrying a lance, he was my knight. He was taking care of not just me but of the work. And I’m so grateful and I know everybody that runs into the work and they find out, “OMG, I don’t have to do anything to get it, I just have to click on it. It is right there, it’s on the web.”


Wynn’s given his whole life to this and he scratches trying to make a living and if people had not helped him along the way, he would not be able to do the work. He’d still be in his little RV going from town to town and [Laughter] being a hobo and having a wonderful life but a different life. So he had to settle down and stick to it which meant he had to commit his time. He could not make a living, he needed to do this. So that has meant that various people have said, “Look, I want to give you a hand” and if people didn’t, we wouldn’t be able to survive. That’s all.


Wynn: You know, the point is (one important point is) I know that when people first discover this work and they discover this idea that there really is intelligence in other dimensions that can actually help us, actually add to our energy, add to the synchronicity factor (when people discover that) they move into the God/Man old format that they say, “Please help me, do this do that. I need this, I need that.”

It’s not the way it works, it’s not magic.


The best explanation and this is the Elohim speaking through Terry of how they interact with us is that it’s kind of like a bicycle. Where if you’re just on foot, you can get from A to B and it takes so long. But when you ride a bicycle, you’re turning the pedals and then there’s a chain and it amplifies the energy to the rear wheel and you can go much faster than walking.


Well, the higher Sources are like the chain and the gear that goes to the rear wheel. But, somebody still has to peddle [Laughter] and if there’s no peddling, there’s no transfer of energy. So the advantage of making these energetic connections with these higher, positive Sources is that you learn how to do things and they’re amplified. Your own little human, little motion gets amplified potentially many, many times greater than you could possibly do by yourself. But in a sense, you’re still doing it by yourself.


If you understand that it’s you taking advantage of a system that’s in place. The system is there and it’s like all you have to do is engage in the system and suddenly you are far more effective at everything you do. And in The Law of One everything that helps you is part of you. It’s not separate from you - it’s part of you. So the Ra Group is you. The Elohim Group is you. The Universe is you.

Now it doesn’t mean that you’re going to see the Universe because your body complex is not designed to see the Universe. It’s not designed. Your eyes see 3D, your nose smells 3D. Everything is designed for 3D.


But you can and many of you have had this experience on our line, you can get this expansiveness, you can feel the expansiveness. It’s hard to explain in words. When you keep coming on these calls, there’s an-energy on the call that you can internalize. Some of you noticed (this has been my experience, just observation) when I said you can feel the expansiveness, as soon as I said that, something shifted.


Now, I’ve observed this phenomenon enough to draw the conclusion for myself that these guys in other dimensions are watching us. This is a rare opportunity for them to impact beings in this realm. So when I say something like that, they kind of are in the background and said, “Okay, let’s blow some energy in” and some of you could feel a shift. I’m not doing that, in fact I even forget it and then I’ll say it and then say, “Oh, there’s the energy.”


So if you didn’t feel it, you could think we’re all nuts, it’s all hypnosis or suggestion but I’m not hypnotizing anybody. In fact, I don’t even know what I’m saying and I’ll suddenly say that and I feel the shift. Of course, when we do our healing sessions, we actually focus on that energy and it comes in really strong. So let me see here … it’s 10:48. Carla? Carla, are you there?


Carla: I am.


Wynn: Now Carla had this idea of having us all sing a song together and she wrote [it] as a round and I was going to send the lyrics out so that can work, we could try that. But she didn’t email back this morning the lyrics, so I didn’t do it. Maybe I’ll have her sing it and next week or the week after I’ll send the lyrics out and we can do it together. It’s just a little round; would you like to do that?


Carla: I would. I like this because it really is something that is true of us, whoever we are and what our circumstances are, it’s true of us. And the words go:


We all come from God or rather we all come from Love, I changed that. [Laughter]
We all come from Love and unto Love we shall return
like a river flowing into the ocean
like a ray of light returning to the sun


[Carla sings it.]


Wynn: Do it again, I like that.

Carla: [Singing]


Wynn: Thank you. Some of you saw the email about the event in L.A. and this week we did something really interesting or different. Not interesting but different. For years now, I’ve talked and people have listened to me and I’m a good speaker and I have interesting things to say and I realize that it’s not about me, I’m just like a catalyst, to catalyze things. So we had two things happen this week, one was in Phoenix and one was in Los Angeles.


In Phoenix, Eric Soffield suggested why don’t we do this and I said why don’t I come down? There’s a little restaurant there that has a meeting room and instead of me lecturing or talking or doing that, there are a few people in Phoenix that have been coming into our calls regularly or listening to them, and let’s just invite people to show up and meet each other and not make it like a Wynn event. Well, needless to say I did talk too much but it worked. We had a great energy and when people who’ve been coming in these calls regularly, get into a room together, you hit the ground running.


The energy is already there, they’ve already learned how to tune in to the energies. So there’s a good chance … See, sometimes people think I’m supposed to tell them what to do and I’m not. I’m creating opportunities and then people have to reach for the opportunity and then even create the opportunity themselves, around this. But what happened was, I suggested, I said if you guys like meeting like this then maybe somebody on a Sunday morning either once a week or once a month, invite everyone to their home.


You can switch homes and listen to these calls on a speaker phone and then have some kind of potluck breakfast or lunch, right? And start the building of community, the anchoring of energies. You know, there’s a lot of garbage in the world right now. There’s a lot of negative stuff in the world as many of you know and a lot of negative agendas. You can’t confront them directly but you can build positive connection in the trenches. You can build spiritual connection in the trenches, it’s very important.


So then Vaughn in Los Angeles, he did a potluck dinner last night and I announced that to the group and probably about 12 people showed up and apparently they had a great time. I wasn’t there and they’re going to continue some kind of meeting format. So if some of you out there have, you know, a living room or you know of a cheap meeting room – the meeting room we used in Phoenix was free as long as people bought $50.00 dollars worth of food, they didn’t charge for the meeting room.


So this is a very simple easy thing. Drop me an email and then I can check and see if there are other people in your area and then something could happen; so, just mentioning that. It is 10:55 and, I’ll tell you what, before I would go into the next part of this call, I just want to see if any of you have something you would like to share with the group. Now it’s not going to be big long sharing, keep it short, I only want to do 5 minutes and then I want to go into our personal planetary healing session. Let me just see here – last time I did this, somebody tried to sell something [Laughter] Let us see … okay, we hear you, the lines are open. Anyone want to say anything?


Teresa: Yes, I do. It’s Teresa.


Wynn: Hi Teresa.


Teresa: Hey. The beautiful experience we had last Wednesday when I volunteered for something I didn’t even know, what was going to be happening - that was absolutely awesome. I felt the energy so strongly; I felt it was a combination of the Elohim and the Ra Group. It was so real I could touch it, it was strong around me and then Dwayne and I connected this week and he is awesome. He’s a delightful person and we have a lot in common and that was a tremendous blessing so that’s all I wanted to say.


Wynn: Well thank you.


Joel: This is Joel; I can second that motion by the way.


Wynn: Joel, did you listen to what she said?


Joel: No, I haven’t had a chance to go back to it yet. But from my standpoint I now understand … people go back about a year …


Gijs: Hold on guys, okay Joel.


Joel: They ah, you could feel ... I would have to say it was like a puff of smoke because the information would hit and as it would hit it was a matter of difficulty trying to translate what is kind of pictorial and linguistic and then… in the end, I was trying to convey information and then it just got to be too intense that I couldn’t keep up and I had to cut off. [Laughter] But it kept me up; I mean the energy was very, very visceral. It felt very kind of pulsee, I guess that’s the best way to say it and very, very …


Wynn: You were very profound, both of you. Both you and Teresa were very profound.


Carla, some of you don’t know what we’re talking about. We might try this again on Wednesday. I did a workshop some time ago and I did this and … I didn’t do the workshop. Believe it or not, I didn’t get a single email from anyone that was interested in the workshop on it so I was wondering for awhile, jeez, I hope we did okay.


But maybe on Wednesdays we’ll do this in the future with different people. I could call it an exercise in learning how to get your own guidance and on this call, there is a group-energy and that I’m talking into that energy, right now; and Terry talks into that energy. So what I did was I did a little exercise where I picked a couple of people who I was going to give the opportunity to talk into the group energy.


So [to] Teresa, I said start out and say I am Ra or I am spirit or whatever word, I am love and don’t censor yourself. Let whatever comes out of your mouth come out and let’s see what happens and it was quite amazing. [Laughter] You can go back and listen to the archives of last Wednesday. If you didn’t know how I would set that up, if you didn’t know what would happen and you just took what either of them said, you would swear they were channeling. [Laughter]


So we may try that in the future. You know, some of you may learn to be able to move into that altered state, write things down, and ask your high self for guidance and get your own guidance system working. Just always remember, always remember, whenever you do anything like that it is possible you could get something negative. When we’re on these calls there’s such a positive supportive energy that that’s unlikely but if it happened I would just cut the person. But listen on Wednesday and thank you for sharing. Anyone else want to share anything?


Joel: But you should quantify that we walked into that blindly, by the way. We had no idea …


Wynn: Yeah, they walked into it blindly. [Laughter] I just said I’m going to do an experiment …


Joel: ‘three, two, one, go. It was a little mind-numbing, it worked out well I guess. Thank you.


Wynn: It was totally unplanned. I picked two people; I said I want you to volunteer and if you don’t want to do it when I tell you what it is you could like change your mind and then they volunteered or I might have even volunteered you. I called on you, didn’t I Joel?


Joel: You asked if I’d volunteer and I said, “Sure …”


Wynn: Alright, we’re going to go back to our format. Okay, so what we’re going to do here is … let me go to my healing list.


Alright, so I explained earlier this idea that we can affiliate ourselves with the energies of the Universe and then every week we do a little guided visualization where we do that and actually many, many people feel the energies come in. This is like--in the earlier reference, this is like--learning how to ride your bicycle. This is like getting the bicycle [Laughter] and then when you go home you have to figure out what you want to pedal and put into this amplified energy, always remembering ‘for the highest good of all concerned and honoring free will.’


So we start with the idea that the Universe is one being. And we, you and I, are micro-cells or souls in this being. In our dimension, in 3D, we have lost, for the most part, the ability to consciously feel this connection with All That Is. So there’s a propensity to feel alienated, separated, it’s a dog-eat-dog world, and many people lose the ability to have compassion. Well you can’t be compassionate out of an idea. You have to be compassionate out of The Law of One. It’s the only way that’s real.


That means you have to perceive the other as part of yourself and you have to be giving to the part of yourself that lives in the other and then you have a true expression of compassion. So the Earth is us. We are each other. For a moment, let’s see the energy of the Earth. Everyone listening right now is on the same Earth and the Earth is alive. The Earth has an-awareness. The Earth pays attention to you. Mostly you don’t know it but it is happening.


So in this moment feel the energy of the Earth coming up through the ground, though the floor and into the bottom of your feet.


[Guided visualization continued as usual]


[Still on guided visualization] Do you know if you’re one of those people who are vulnerable, who people can take advantage of - who people manipulate easily - part of the reason for that is your energy in your solar plexus is weak. Because your solar plexus is the seat of power and how do you make the solar plexus stronger? Do you know, that’s one of the things they emphasize in martial arts, it all comes from your solar plexus. They teach people to radiate energy from your solar plexus when they’re in a combat with another person.


An easy way to get energy into your solar plexus is to make a guttural sound from your diaphragm. You can do this not just on this call, you can practice it anytime. That will help bring the energy down and create more power. When you have more power you can create more boundaries. You can defend yourself psychically. You can walk in an environment like the supermarket and not get pulled into everyone else’s vibration. It also allows you to project your heart more freely because you have your power protecting you. Some people are afraid to generate their heart energy because they’re vulnerable and when you add power to it you now have vulnerability with power.


Do you know years ago I couldn’t imagine myself doing what I’m doing now and I believe that one of the reasons I’m able to do this is I learned how to associate vulnerability of my heart – to power of my solar plexus. So here’s a little technique, guttural sound. Are you ready? If you don’t do it well, then practice, okay? Put your hand there, feel your solar plexus.


You want to feel your diaphragm tightening up and the sound goes like “Ugh!” Let’s practice it, “Ugh!” Feel the energy move down into the solar plexus? I’m going to un-mute everybody. Let’s see what you sound like. Ready? - One, two, three “Ugh, ugh, ugh.” Not bad, okay. [Laughter] Thank you. Well, practice that okay?


You know, in the Hindu’s there’s this idea of having a mantra and one of the ways that mantras work--one of the ways that makes them work--is the way they vibrate your body. For example, one of the most famous mantras is “Ohmm.” Take a moment and look at when you do the sound “ohmm,” how it moves through your chakra system. Like if you do “ohmm” it’s in your chest and maybe somewhat touching into your solar plexus; “ohm” (changing sound/tone) and when you get to the “ohm” (changing sound/tone some more) – the “m” sound moves right into the top of your head where the third eye and the crown chakra is.


That’s one of the reasons chanting can help keep you open.--why people chant together because they share the group energy while they’re opening the chakras. Watch, “o-h-m-m, o-h-m-m, o-h-m-m.” That’s another one you can do by yourself and practice. If you’re going to do these things, pay close attention that you just don’t do it from your throat because you lose the impact.


Like for example, if I did “ohm” in my throat it would sound like this: “ohm.” It’s like, you know how a guitar has a sounding box, it has strings and the sounding box makes the sounds? You want your whole diaphragm, all the way up, to be the sounding box so the little sound that comes from your throat is being moved and held by the sounding box. Just like the strings that come from the top of the guitar only sound resonant because of the sounding box behind the strings. So your vocal chords are in your throat but all the way down to your diaphragm, is the sounding box. So you want to make these sounds so it’s not that you open the airways so it goes down into the sounding box and not just in your throat.


And then we go down to our genitals and there is an area which is probably one of the most controversial areas in human development and it’s our animal side, partially. It’s something that we all have to learn to deal with and what is our natural predisposition, to our expression from that area? From spirit’s point of view, as far as I get it, there are no rules although it’s easier if you have one relationship and but if that doesn’t work for you, you have to find your own path.


You have to find, is it with men, with women, or both? And then the prime rule is:   Don’t hurt other people. If it’s not going to be a lifetime relationship or a marriage then make sure you leave people better than you found them. Then you don’t get karma. If you go around hurting people you get karma. You get karma for creating hurt. Then you don’t want to do that, you want to make this life, a life of clearing the old hurts that you created and not creating any new ones, if you can help it.


Then we go down through our feet, through our legs, through our feet and into the Earth again. Take a moment and feel the energies and feel the connection between the Earth, through your body and the celestial realms. Now, while you’re feeling that I want you to think the things that you would like to shift in your life. The areas you would like help, the healings you need, the synchronicities you want to attract to yourself, and think them because the Universe is listening.


Now we have a healing list here, people that have sent things in. Let me go through some of the things that have come in today and yesterday and this week. We have here … now remember - I don’t know, whatever word we use – I don’t know if healing is a good word because this is an area where we use our group energy to expand so that we access those energies that are bigger than our disability and we see ourselves being perfect.


So we have Zoe in Sacramento … [continued as usual]

* * * * *

Wynn: And that’s all we’re going to do there. What time is it? It’s 11:35. Let us call in the Light and Terry, are you there? Hello, Terry?


Terry: Hello?


Gijs: I did un-mute you Terry.


Wynn: There you go, thank you Gijs.


Terry: I unmuted. Can you hear me?


Wynn: Yeah.


Terry: Okay.


Wynn: Father Mother God, we ask for the presence of the Light to surround and protect Terry, myself and everyone on this line. And that all negativity be taken, released and transmuted in the highest realms of Light. We see ourselves in the flow of energy, radiating from the center of the Universe, through the galaxies, through the Milky Way, through the solar system, through the outer energy fields of planet Earth, through our bodies and into the center of the Earth. And right now we invoke a group energy connection while maintaining the sovereign integrity of our souls. And we invite those sources that are positive, service to others, honoring The Law of One to join with us as we create a protected space that only the positive has access to. And anything not of that nature must leave now. And we invite our message for today. Thank you.


Ra’An/Terry: We greet you in the Love Light of The One Infinite Creator. This is the 9th of June 2013 and we are honored to be able to connect with each and every person who is within the sound of the voice or who will then be reading a transcript or listening to a replay. And we take a moment and we connect and touch each person who wishes to make connection with us.


Some individuals may not see the energy in that they are looking through a different filter/mechanism than where we are. In order to see us, it is a different part of the brain by the crown chakra that you and we can connect. And we are there whether you sense us or not, it just is whether you’re looking in right place using the crown chakra area of the brain when making the connection. We are extremely joyous that this explanation has been made and we are joyous of Teresa’s and Joel’s bringing through the higher Sources (us) also.


We are available all the time, 24/7 and we are there, we are in the Light Love of vibration and love which we engender is a filter filtering out negativity. We take a look at what each of you have in your hearts that you wish to change as a goal. And we move love into the area as love focused on the goal that you desire brings energy and eventually manifestation to the goal, the fulfillment of the goal which you desire. And we are profoundly thankful at this ability, this opportunity to bring you assistance, to focus our energy in conjunction with your energy upon your goal.


The desire of Jyoti to lift the brain fog and we see beyond the brain fog, and focus upon the clarity that underneath it all is really there. The desire of David to have the goals fulfilled for a better job, a better connection within an area that can meet the needs of existence in the third density. Others of you we silently connect and lend, impart, share energy toward the goal that you are working or moving into towards the cessation of the difficulties in the moving easily into the feelings you desire.


We work silently with the energies and we see what your own goal is. And the stronger your goal towards the fulfillment of the goal, the easier it is for us to work with you and to lend our energies to connect with you. Because when you have a strong goal in a certain direction we have something to connect to, to help build that is centered within yourself and can help the energies, the electrical potentials, to build, to bring the healing you desire to yourself and your body and your friends and your connections.


We do not say this lightly as we see the aloneness that some of you are experiencing. And we are there at a level that you are not focused on but when you can let go a bit and make a shift, allow the Love Light in, then you can move into your own area of connection with others and see the aloneness begin to fade. Thank you for this opportunity to be with you.


Wynn: Thank you so much. Let’s move now into our planetary healing. You now just like your individual healing, and all of us, every one of us, me included, have blocks, have subconscious patterns, have needs--so does the planet have blocks. We can’t violate those individuals on the planet, their free will, and overcome them through power who have intentions which we could call negative.


What we can do is find those areas, those cracks of openness and work in reinforcing them and expanding them kind of at a grassroots level. Find those areas where shifts can occur without violating free will and ultimately we have more power than the negative. I’ve said this many times but I’ll say it again. According to the Rueckert material, there are ten times more positive--I believe this is the Rueckert material: There are ten times more positive out there than negative.


The obstacle is that the positive has to honor free will. They need us to ask for them and the negative doesn’t. They can manipulate, they can lie, they can control the media, they can control newspapers but there is an area, the Internet, which they can’t control at this point. So we ask for the freedom of the Internet to be kept alive. I’m going to send out something later today. There was one of the most important videos I’ve ever seen on You Tube where the Department of Defense in Canada addressed the Parliament and told them that ETs were real, that cabals were real and that they were trying to control the world. I’m going to send this out and I hope that you will all share it with others because it is the most credible person to publicly make this kind of statement.


Planetary Healing


So let us move into the group energy, that area where we’re all connected and we’re connected with the higher forces and we’re acting as a team. We can now manipulate this energy for the highest good of all concerned and honoring free will. Now we just do it through our intentions, our group intention.


We see this energy … it’s like a movable mass of energy, of positive Light energy. It’s connected to our intentions and we bring this beautiful energy and we surround our planet with it. We can visualize the Earth and in fact, you’re part of the surrounding of the planet. We move it closer to the planet and we have all of these beings on this planet, multimillions of them that have taken bodies who came in from higher dimensions. Many of you are those beings but there are many more and those beings are like seeds to be awakened.


We surround this energy around each one of them and when they reach up they might feel something, might feel there’s something hearing them. Let’s take this energy now and move it through the oceans. Let’s move it through uplifting the vibration of water everywhere. Water is very sensitive to intent. Some of you may have read or read about the work of the Japanese fellow Imoto who wrote a book where he was analyzing water molecules and he found out if you took a bottle of water and you wrote the word “Love” on it, it would change the molecules of the water.


You might try that. But it’s not just the word “Love,” it’s your intent to bless the water when you are doing it. So let’s bless all the waters of our planet. Let’s bless all those beings in the water, particularly, the dolphins and the whales (who are) … the dolphins are very evolved.


Let’s move this energy around all those power structures on our planet. We don’t expect to convert them but there are people inside of them with positive intent that would wish things to be different than they are. Like that gentleman in Canada who made that amazing breakthrough speech to the Canadian Parliament. Let’s surround all those legislative bodies in Washington, D.C., the judicial bodies, the executive body of our government and that all those people can feel the energy to have a choice of being more compassionate.


This is all for the highest good - more caring. As we go to London we do the same thing and Moscow and do the same thing; and Ottawa, Canada and do the same thing; and Israel and do the same thing; and the entire Middle East. Let’s send the light to all those people that have been killed, many of them unjustly, most of them unjustly.


Let’s do the ring of fire. Let’s do earthquakes. Let’s do the whole planet first and see our blanket of Love surrounding the planet and moving in on anywhere there are potential devastating earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and ask that these can be put off or minimized away from population centers - small eruptions to release the tension, rather than large and in particular the ring of fire, moving up from the southern [tip of] South America.


The ring of fire is the area mass surrounding the Pacific Ocean, the land masses, which is the most volatile area in our planet for earthquakes. And we go from South America and we see our energy going through the Earth, finding those tectonic plates, surrounding them with Love Light, up the western coast of South America, up to Central America, up to Mexico, up through the western coast of the United States. California, Oregon, Washington, in particular Los Angeles and San Francisco and their environs which are particularly vulnerable to earthquakes.


We see the energy moving through and down into the Earth, up through Canada, up through the Yukon, across to Alaska, the southern coast of Alaska, down the eastern coast of Russia, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines. Australia, New Zealand, Japan. Let’s surround the nuclear reactor, it’s probably still leaking, and ask for the radiation to be dispersed.


We have about one more minute. Let’s ask for interventions to stop any nuclear weapons from going off on our planet. Let’s ask for transmutation of all those harmful things that might be artificially created from Chemtrails to HAARP waves. Let’s ask for freedom of the Internet. And finally, let’s bring the energy back down to ourselves and realize every moment you’re alive in this realm you have the potential to be anchoring this energy, wherever you go, whatever you do.


Remember this space, bring this energy in and anchor it as you move through your daily activities in your own town, in your own family, with your own friends and with your neighbors. On that note, we are going to end this session. I thank you all so much for participating, you are really important. I know there are many of you listening, I don’t know your names - you’re all over the world and you are being felt and heard and appreciated. You all have a wonderful rest of the day.


And I thank Carla and Terry, I thank Gijs, those people that are coming into this call and making it possible for us to do this. We’ll see you next time. Everyone’s unmuted.


Chorus: Thank you, love you all, thank you, have a good day, I love you, Love and Light, love yourselves …


Health Disclaimer: All material on this website is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. This is not meant to replace seeing your doctor, dentist or any alternative practitioner. Some people get healings here, so you can be open to it.


Channeling Disclaimer: Channeled information is not meant to be believed blindly. Sometimes information may bleed through from the conscious mind of the channel. It is possible that a negative source may interfere. Apply your own discernment; take only what resonates and discard the rest. An answer to a question is meant for the person asking the question and you have the privilege of listening in because sometimes you can gain insights from the answer. However, even though the circumstances may be similar, do not merely assume the answer applies to you.


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Copyright 2002-2013 Wynn Free and Message a Day