Subject: Transcript- Monday BBS Call 12/05/2011--Book of Revelation – Should we be afraid?

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Monday –
Book of Revelation – Should we be afraid?

Introductory Notes by Wynn Free

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Channeled and Edited by Terry Brown

Transcribed by Connie O'Brien


Wynn:  This is Monday, December 5th, 2011 and my name is Wynn Free and this is our Monday night conference call. I announced a topic tonight; I’m going to do something a little different.  We do these calls every Monday and those of you that are regulars know that we pick a topic.
If you’ve read my book The Creator Gods of the Physical Universe want to talk to You, you know it’s a fairly compelling story.  I always tell people: “Don’t believe anything, particularly just because it’s channeled, just because they say they’re creator Gods.  Don’t believe that just because we say it.  Believe it when you come to it yourself.  If you’re listening to them and it sounds like it makes sense; if you hear my story, everyone has to evaluate whether it’s positive or negative.”  It certainly is real because there are too many phenomena attached to it.  It took me three years of having these conversations to come to the conclusion that they were who they said they were and to understand the value of putting this into the world.  I tell people, again I say this:  The important thing is not to believe anything in your mind.  Believing things in your mind is one of the ways the world has gotten screwed up.  You have to know something past the mind, and it’s not even enough to believe it because it feels right or it feels good in your heart - that’s a good start as a level of discernment.

There should be evidence.  In my personal case, there was so much evidence that it was real.  The purpose of this particular call tonight is not to present that evidence.  It’s available in my two books—The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce and The Creator Gods of the Physical Universe want to talk to You,.  I’ll tell you one piece of what I’ll call evidence, just things that seemed to prove the case.  One of the things that was a great exclamation point for me was:  I started writing the book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce and I learned that people tend to look like their past lives.  If you’re on this call and you have no belief in past lives, just go along with me for a moment because it takes a lot to come to a conscious understanding that maybe it works this way.  I can talk for hours and sometime I will and you’re welcome to listen in.

In general when you die, your DNA imprint is held in the soul matrix and when the soul comes into a new body it programs the DNA of the past lifetime.  So according to theories of reincarnation, people tend to look like their past lifetimes and you tend to meet the same people.  You always come into this life with a blank mind; you don’t remember anything. 

Unless you happen to be famous and unless there is other evidence connecting you to somebody, then this bit of information is not that important.  Except for me, it was very important because I was researching the case of David Wilcock and Edgar Cayce.

I had been very much influenced by Edgar Cayce and if any of you are listening and have never heard of Edgar Cayce, he was a guy who died in 1945.  For forty years of his life he would go into a trance and voices would come through him and he was able to diagnose people’s illnesses, he was able to recommend alternative cures; he was able to make future predictions and he was able to tell people who they were in their past lifetimes.  He did 15,000 readings and many people went to study his readings to prove that he was a fake and they ended up writing books in support of his work because he wasn’t a fake; the evidence was real, too much evidence proving that he was doing that.

What does that mean for us?  Are we all going to read Edgar Cayce and start another belief system and repeat:  Edgar Cayce said this; Edgar Cayce said that?  The Elohim said this; the Elohim said that.  Those are all not really important.  The only thing that’s important is:  Can something help you make a better connection with something that’s positive, that’s out there – and, how can it help you?  How can you add it to your life without a belief system?  On some level you would have to internalize it.  If you were Christian, somebody would say, “Well, just have faith.”  Having faith is okay; it’s a good first step because it makes you start looking.  The act of looking increases the chances that you will find it. 

If you just stop at faith, if you just have a belief system, a belief system is not good enough because how do you know your belief system is right?  If you happen to be of a religious persuasion, or have been of a religious persuasion, you’ll note that most of the belief systems of most religions usually make their religion superior and others inferior.  So you start feeling better than other people.  If you really go the route, you start saying “Let’s kill them!  We’re the only chosen people.”

Which belief system is right?  I’m obviously having conversations with what I believe to be positive sources in other realms.  They don’t really put forth a belief system, other than everything is part of one energy and we’re all subdivisions of it.  They call it the Law of One.  When you are able to access this energy you will then have compassion; you can’t help but have compassion because you start seeing everybody as part of yourself.  It doesn’t mean you have to be friends.  When people are going through really negative things you may not want to be friends with them, but you can have compassion.  Let them go through it and the people you are meant to connect with will flow towards you and you will make the connection.

This is all a preamble to the topic tonight which is “What about the Book of Revelation?”  The Book of Revelation is a book in the Bible of prophecy.  Many traditional Christians believe that it is foretelling the future and that we’re in the times right now described by the Book of Revelations.  Because of the work I’m doing I’ve had a lot of opportunity to try to figure out who Jesus actually was, who actually God is, and what can you trust and what can’t you trust. 

I’m not going to have time on this call to back up and give all the long explanations, the footnotes where everything came from.  There will be enough cross-references if you want to write things down you can do some of the on the web and do your own references.

I know we have new people on the line tonight so I’m trying to give enough of a backdrop so you have the context from which we are talking about.  For all those people who have been coming into my calls every Monday, please bear with me because I know you know these things.  I want to make sure new people on the line know (these things).  What I’ve learned is that in most cases, the major religious events in history were caused because somebody was channeling.

What is channeling?  That’s when a voice speaks through someone else from somewhere else.  Either there’s a voice speaking to them or they’re crazy.  If there’s a voice speaking through you from somewhere else, then somehow or another if you are listening to that voice whether it’s in your own head or whether it’s – in my case – through two women who were in my life, you have to figure out (if) you can trust that voice.  Why should you trust the voice – because it’s speaking through somebody?  If they say they’re something, how do you know they are who they say they are?  If your wife suddenly woke up and said “Hi this is God, I have a message for you” how would you believe that was true?  Somehow or another they’d have to do certain things to convince you.  If they convinced you and they said, “We’d like you to share this with other people” you might do it.  Then, you’d get a bunch of believers and you’d say, “I have a bunch of followers.”

The big problem with the idea of channeling is:  How do you know the voice that is talking to you today is the same one that talked to you last week?  They could say the same name:  “Hi, this is    In the physical world if somebody knocks on my door and says, “Hi, this is John” I know it’s John.  I know what he looks like.  This is in case he’s not cloned because now people say people are getting cloned and you never know who is a clone.  Assuming he’s not a clone, then you recognize John.  But when you have a voice speaking to you through someone, how do you know they are who they say they are and how do you know it doesn’t change from one week to the other?

One of the things that was coming through David Wilcock was information from the Ra group.

( I wrote about this in) The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce.  (David Wilcock is) the guy who was the spitting image of Edgar Cayce – now that’s something that couldn’t be faked.  If you have ever not seen the picture (of the comparison of David Wilcock and Edgar Cayce) you should look it up on the internet – David Wilcock/ Edgar Cayce.  Too close.

As I first read (the Ra groups’) communications, my first feeling was, “These guys are wise,” and, they seemed to be very caring.  They’re wise and they’re caring – those things you don’t have to validate.  If somebody tells you something that’s wise you can apply it to your life and if something shifts in your life you can say, “It doesn’t matter where that came from.  I don’t care who is speaking through that guy, there is a lot of wisdom there.”  If you hear them talk and you feel a tingling sensation in your heart, that’s your heart’s opening up.  You don’t have to wonder who they are; you say “I have this feeling in my heart.”  You can feel that.

If they’re talking about prophecies, if they’re talking about future events, if they’re telling you to do things, if they’re telling you, “You’re better than someone else,” that’s hard to validate.  When you get the idea that a voice that’s coming through someone may not be the same voice from one week to the next and that a negative source, a trickster can take over the line and suddenly say they’re the same name – if they’re telling you to do things; you see, you can never give up your power to an external source.  You can only co-create.  You can always discern.  If somebody is bringing forth a source, you have to look a how sharp they are, because if they’re not sharp they won’t have discernment and they could switch from one source to another and never know the difference and think they’re doing God’s work.

That’s how tricky it is, because the other realms are filled with what we would call negative sources, sources that want to tap into the energy fields of the planet – of you, of (me).  It’s very tricky, and if I didn’t go through all the experiences I’ve gone through for the past eight years, I think I would be fooled.  I wanted to say (one thing):  how they were knocking me over the head.  This is only one of many things that convinced me.

As I said about David Wilcock, I had learned that people tend to look like their past lifetimes and David was the spitting image of Edgar Cayce.  When I say that, you shouldn’t believe me – this is stuff you have research to prove me right.  I convinced myself that I was right.  I can’t explain all the things I did on this call, but I did convince myself. 

Then two years into writing my book I had a woman in my life suddenly start telling me, “Those guys want to talk to you.”  I had this voice that’s predicting newspaper headlines, that’s creating a medical miracle with my sister, saving her life.  I’m asking all the questions about the Wilcock book to this voice and they’re giving me the same answers.

All of that time that was happening, especially in the first six months, I was asking myself, “Do I have a trickster entity here, or is this real?”  They didn’t ask me to do anything; they didn’t ask me to go out in the world and tell everybody but they said they were the Elohim.  I looked up the word Elohim and it said, “The creator gods of the physical universe”.  I had a chance to ask them in a very normal, human way – they didn’t ask me to genuflect or worship them.  In fact, I asked them, “Do you guys really like to be worshipped?”  And, they said, “No, We’re available to be your energy friends.  We exist; we’re in another dimension.  We’re real and we can beam into your dimension, but we don’t violate people’s free will so they have ask for us.”

Everything was making sense but I didn’t believe it.  It was very hard for me to believe that I have a woman in my life who’s tapping me on the shoulder saying, “Those guys want to talk to you.”  And I’m talking to this group soul that says they created the physical universe and they were the first breakaway from what they called the One Infinite Creator.  They didn’t want to be God; they weren’t God.  Except, because they could connect to us energetically, they could cause transformations in the physical realm that couldn’t happen without that energy connection.  The woman left me and my old friend came over to comfort me a few weeks later, waking me up in the middle of the night and they started coming through her.  She’s on the line.  We may have them say hello to you through her later in this call.

This is like being in a science fiction movie – I have something in another dimension tracking me through two women.  It took me about another six months anyway to say, “I think it’s the same source coming through Terry as is coming through Daphne.  I think it’s the same source.”  I asked them, “Was Terry ever anybody famous in a past lifetime?”  I didn’t expect them to answer, but they did.  Those of you on this line know that Terry’s very shy; she’s been very great in coming forward, but you can tell in her voice that she’s shy and wouldn’t normally be a public person.  I’m different; I used to be a singer-songwriter, so it’s easier for me to be a public person.  I asked them, “What Terry ever anybody famous?”  And they said, “Look up St. Catherine of Sienna.”

I looked up St. Catherine of Sienna who I never heard of.  I assume she was connected to the Catholicism and I find this story of a young woman who is only 14 years in Sienna, Italy in 1300 A.D.  She would go to the local church and they would write down everything she said because they thought God was speaking to them through her.  St. Catherine’s Dialogues with God are an official part of Catholic history and recognized by the Vatican.  I’m not saying that’s good, because I don’t believe the Vatican’s positive, but they’re recognized by the Vatican.  And, they’re still on Amazon:  St. Catherine’s Dialogues with God. 

The incredible thing was, Terry was the spitting image of St. Catherine.  Look at the chances of that - that I asked this disembodied voice, “Was Terry ever anybody famous?”  She’s channeling a voice that say they’re the Elohim, which is the name for God in the Old Testament and they say, “Look up St. Catherine” and there is this story of this woman who is going into a church who was channeling God.  They didn’t use the word channeling; nonetheless it was channeling.

They believed it and they wrote down everything she said and Terry was the spitting image of the person.  I do have that on a web page –  If any of you want to see that page and can’t find it just email me and I’ll make sure you get it.  That was a pretty striking blow/confirmation that maybe what I was doing was real.  Maybe they were who they said they were. 

In The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce the voice that was speaking through David Wilcock also said it was a group soul and it was made up of graduates of this realm, souls that had embodiments in the physical.  The Buddhist thing (is) getting off the Wheel of Reincarnation. 

This voice speaking through David Wilcock said that both David and Edgar Cayce both had connected with negative sources.  I believe they used the word ‘trickster’ entities.  They said that they wanted to correct a prophecy of Edgar Cayce’s.  If you’re familiar with Edgar Cayce you’ll know that he had a prophecy, sometimes called the “devastation prophecy” where he said Europe was going to disappear in the blink of an eye, New York was going down, Tokyo was going down, Japan was going down and it was going to create world-wide havoc. 

Through David Wilcock, they said that prophecy was not them and that they don’t do doom and gloom prophecies.  (They said) that was a trickster entity.  When I went back to the Edgar Cayce files and studied that reading, sure enough that reading had a name on it which is Halileah.  I don’t want to say his name because I don’t want to invoke him, but that’s it.  If I said it wrong, it’s okay.  There were other readings where he came through where he said “I am in the heavens; I am in the heavens like Jesus was on earth.”  So he’s really exalting himself and saying, “I’m big stuff; give up your power.”  Yet, he made this devastation prophecy. 

Probably thirty years ago, when I read Edgar Cayce, I remembered that prophecy.  I read a lot of his stuff.  There was another place in the Edgar Cayce where, in a channeling, it was said “These changes will happen gradually.”  I remember noting why are these things different?  In one case it said everything was going to come down like a house of cards – everything was going to come down in one devastating blow and the world is going to fall apart.  Everything is going to sink into the oceans.  And, somewhere else it said, “These changes will come about gradually.”  They said, through Wilcock, that was them, and the other one was the trickster entity.

If you see what I’m leading to, I’m leading to the question: anytime there is information that comes in from other realms, it has to be suspect.  You can’t assume that it’s the same source unless there is the same resonance.  (Then) you can start to lean in that direction; that it might be the same source.  But, when it suddenly takes a 90 degree turn and is talking quite differently than the original source, you really have to put it to test to see if it’s the same source.

I remember reading the New Testament years ago, and there were little things that Jesus said that I knew were true because I could validate them in my own life, like: “When two or more are gathered I am also present.”  If you come onto these calls often, you will know that there are many times that people come together on these calls and there is an energy that comes into the call.  Many people feel it; I would say that’s a demonstration of “When two or more are gathered.”  Now when it says “I” does that mean Jesus is present?  Well, the cosmic Jesus is present; the energy from the center of the Universe, the father energy, is present.  There’s an energy presence that comes in when people gather for a very high purpose and are reverent.

Another one:  Judge not lest ye be judged.  That makes it sound like there is some big meany up there who is watching you.  If you make any judgments it’s going to come down and point the finger at you and say “No, no, no!”  That’s not the way it works. 

The reason you’re judged is because everything is one energy (as I said earlier), and the highest truth of the Universe is the Law of One.  (This demonstrates) another statement of Jesus’:  As you do it to another you do it to yourself.  Or, treat others the way you want to be treated – I think that’s Jesus– but, in any case, if you judge somebody, you’re judging yourself.  It’s not up to you and me to make somebody wrong; you may not want to know them, you may want to put them in jail, but it’s between them and their own creative force to deal with them, not you and I, nor can we deal with them.

If you judge somebody, what are you going to do by judging them?  You want to go out and hurt them, kill them?  Do you think that’s going to make it better?  In one of the interesting channelings we had, they said “You can’t, because it’ll just come back.  The energy is still in the Universe.”  The best thing is, turn the other cheek and go on with your positive work and let those things that might be negative – you could call something negative, it doesn’t mean you’re judging it, it means you’re observing it – go their own way.  Turn the other cheek.

It’s my contention that our sources are very much connected with the positive sources that worked with Jesus and they’ve said many things, not just to me directly but through Carla Rueckert, through David Wilcock – that all correspond about how they operate; how they function.  Their M.O. is to send loving energy to us from their realm.  If you’ve never felt that, I would say it’s possible – many people who have come into my conference calls have felt that energy, have felt that sense of lovingness, have opened their hearts.  Of course, not only can you feel the energy, but they talk to us.  It’s pretty wild; you feel this energy coming into your body, you feel it tingling everywhere and suddenly Terry is talking and it’s the same consciousness.  The energy is that voice and you make that connection and you put things together.  They’re not God in the way religion makes God out to be.  They are group consciousness in other dimensions that exists eternally and we’re part of that consciousness but we separated ourselves by being in a physical body.

They have said that they don’t do gloom and doom prophecies; they don’t create fear.  They said if something creates fear, it’s not them.  If something particularly is intended to create fear, it’s not them.  What does that tell us about God?  Once you’ve taken to the idea that God has been talking to us through channeling, then how do you tell who is and who isn’t?  Because a voice comes through somebody and says, “This is God” how do you know it’s ‘the God’?  Who is it?  How does it work?  It’s my take throughout history and throughout the Bible that it’s varied.  At times it has been these really high sources that are very loving.  If you go into the Old Testament there is that Psalm: “to everything there is a season; a time build, etc.”  Beautiful, lyrical, very uplifting – there is a song about that.  That feels like my sources. 

Then you come to the God who says, “We’re killing the first born.  This is the God of wrath; we’re going to get over you.”  That is not that source; that’s another source, another source that’s wanting to create fear and wanting to control you by fear.  If you really go deeply into this, you will see that throughout history there’s an agenda. 

If we go to Carla Rueckert – (Carla) has been one of my sources of study that has put pieces of the puzzle together for me.  She channeled a voice that said it was the Ra group and my indications show that Edgar Cayce and David Wilcock channeled the Ra group; and that the Ra group has been doing interventions and it’s one of the principal sources that has been responsible for the creation of religions and spiritual movements from the positive side.  They have talked to people throughout history; oftentimes when they did that, in their track negative sources would come in and steal the line and start talking through somebody and say they’re the same intelligence that was positive.

Therefore, you get a beautiful energy that can bring the words through for that psalm “To everything there is a season” and down the road, that same energy is saying “Kill the firstborn” and down the road it’s coming through Jesus and its saying beautiful things.  Down the road you have the Book of Revelation.  The Book of Revelation has every earmark of being from a negative, trickster source.  If you’re a Bible person and you believe every word in the Bible, you might study the Bible very carefully and you’ll find that it’s put together by many, many people, it has gone through different editing sessions including the Council of Nicaea 300 years after Jesus.  Some people would say initially Rome was not into Jesus, but when they saw he was getting so popular they decided to get on the bandwagon.  So, they totally edited it so it could be used as a tool to control people instead of enlighten them.

If you look up the Book of Revelations which I researched a little bit. Let’s see of I can find some of the things I marked off:  “If any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the Book of Life and out of the Holy City and from the things which are written in the book.”  The book is filled with prophecies, of things to come, destructions, of plagues of anti-Christs, of many, many, many things that are scary. 

If you read it and you think these are those times, the only logical response is fear.  If Jesus said these things and you can really peg them on him, then you’d say “This must be real.” 

I had all these little sections of the Book of Revelations where it shows what a fearful tract this is.  That doesn’t mean that there might be someplace in here where it’s real, because with channeling, it can go back and forth; it’s like, the source of the voice can change.  But in general, I have not seen too much positive here:  “I will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know that I am he which searches minds and hearts.  I will give unto every one of you according to your works.”  

I’ll give you an example in the Old Testament of what has to be a negative source saying it’s God; if you’ve read the Old Testament you might be familiar with this tract.  If you haven’t, it has to do with this woman Jezebel who was the wife of the King and worshipping the god Ba’al, trying to convert the Hebrews to worship Ba’al.

The Hebrews were worshipping Yahweh.  There was a prophet at the time, Elijah (who) was trying to protect the Hebrews from being taken over by the influence of Ba’al.  Jezebel and Elijah were kind of enemies, although they never met each other, he took it as his personal mission to make sure that the Hebrews stayed true to the real God Yahweh.  They had a show-down. 

The Ba’al King sent all his best priests who were representing Ba’al to meet with the best priests who were representing Yahweh, and they met.  I think the way it went was, there was something they were supposed to set on fire.  Whomever had the real God would set this piece of wood (or some object) on fire, it would catch fire.  The Ba’al guys were not being successful; they were doing their incantations.  Then, Elijah stepped to the plate and called on his God, and lightening came down and the fire started.  At which point all the Ba’al priests were fairly intimidated and in awe.   What did Elijah do?  “God told him to” kill all the Ba’al priests, so according to the Old Testament, he slaughtered 400 of the priests.

Then what happened:  he became a wanted man, because Jezebel said she was going to kill him.  He disappeared, went on the road, ran – he was scared.  You could say if he was really who he said he was, why would he worry? 

Yahweh is not one of our sources; in fact, we’ve asked questions about that and they say Yahweh was a bit of a renegade and had turned negative.  He was the God of the Old Testament; he was the voice that would come through and he was the God of fear, of wrath, of subjugation, of “Follow me!  Give up your power!”  We have (here) two negative sources, each vying for control.  The one that won was not necessarily God; it was this high negative source.

When I look to say, “Who wrote the Book of Revelations” – I don’t usually do calls like, this is a very unusual call.  (The call) is a little bit scholarly; I’m trying to make points.  We’re in a changing time right now, and it’s my take that those negative sources are trying to make the Book of Revelations come true, and the more fear they can create the more chance they have.  It was all a plot to create this period of time; they can create over long periods of time. 

When I looked at the Book of Revelations and I found out that it was a guy who had a vision who wrote the book.  He had this vision; there was some controversy about who he was.  Some say he was John Eljer.  It didn’t come directly from Jesus talking to his disciples and then writing it down; it was a guy who had a vision and then he sent his vision to seven different churches and it got included in the Bible.  In his vision, he said it was Jesus talking to him.  As we’re seeing now, there is no way that he could know if it was Jesus or a negative source.

If it wasn’t for the internet, if it wasn’t for my ability to cross-reference huge amounts of things – I would stymied to figure all this out; I don’t know if I could.  How could you decide what’s negative and what’s positive?  If somebody told me Terry was the reincarnation of St. Catherine, I could have never looked to find her picture to see if they looked similar.  Maybe I could have gone to a library; I could have spent a week thumbing through all these different books and maybe I would have found that picture.  Maybe I wouldn’t have.  The internet has made it possible to do so much research so fast, and it makes it possible for you to check me out, because things I say – many of them can be validated. 

I quoted Carla Rueckert –  She has a huge website; she posts a lot of her channelings.  Again, with channeled material, it’s not to believe it.  It has to work for you – it has to bring you wisdom, it has to give you something that you can add to your life other than believing in something because that is a waste of time. 

The Book of Revelations came from somebody who channeled something who said it was Jesus.  My contention is that it wasn’t; it was a negative source.  Today, look at all the people who are running around talking about that!

Some of you have heard the word ‘Illuminati’.  Some of you have heard the word ‘negative elite’.  These are very important things to be aware of; not to focus on but to be aware. 

What we find is if we are to believe Carla Rueckert’s Ra material – I highly recommend every one read that.  It’s very complicated, not easy to understand, but after you hear this stuff it might resonate.  If you look at the Ra material, (it) says there is a group in another dimension that is bent on planetary conquest (and) they call themselves the Orions.  I do believe it’s connected to what David Icke calls the reptilians – I’m not sure, but I’m pretty sure.  The Orions are very technologically advanced and they are very high in the chakra system, except for their heart chakra.  They have a lot of psychical powers and they can project thoughts into people.

The principal way of taking over a planetary population, conquering a planet, is not going in with weapons or guns and doing it that way.  They’re smart enough to understand karma, I’m sure – and doing it that way is a way that they might get karma.  They project thoughts into the elite and start talking to them and make them think they are God and take control of the leadership.  Those groups that we call the Illuminati, which are the most powerful people on our planet financially – most every president has been in that.  They have secret meetings; there is all kinds of stuff on the internet.  If you want to know about it, just look up that word and keep reading through.  Remember, don’t get afraid because the power we’re working with here is higher than that power, but most people don’t tap into that.

I’m hypothesizing that this group sets up long term plans, because they’re in another dimension so time works differently for them – they can set up long term plans – so they can set up by talking to someone -- what Carla Rueckert said (was):  When they’re channeling to a negatively disposed person in this realm – and you could call that service to self – when they’re doing that, they will just say, “We can give you power, we can do all this stuff for you.”  It becomes the essence of devil worship.  When they’re channeling to a positive person, a service to others, they trick them and they make them feel important in terms of delivering messages of doom and gloom.

The Book of Revelation totally fits the profile of an Orion transmission of doom and gloom to create fear.  Those sources today who we would call the Illuminati or the negative elite, in their own quarters they’re worshipping the negative.  That might be Lucifer; but who is Lucifer?  Who did Jesus mean by the devil?  I believe that this is the source.  I don’t know if he understood that in his time, but even if he did he could never say it; no one would understand it.  We have a bunch of guys in spaceships that can channel through people and they’re going to mimic the positive…  It’s easier to just say “the devil” and make people be very careful.  “People will come in my Name but they won’t be me” – he gave all these kinds of speculations or warnings; ways to check it out.  Yet, millions and millions of people are believing in that Book right now and thinking “This is the way it has to be.”

If you listen to our sources; if you come into our channelings – they say that there is no prophecy that is locked in stone.  Things could look a certain way at a given time, and based on our consciousness we have the ability with them, together, to cause things to shift.  If enough things shift, the entire planet will shift into a loving space.  We do conference calls three times a week, particularly our Sunday call which is totally focused on shifting things, on changing things.  Why do things shift? Is it because those guys like us and they change things?  No, they are us; we are them. They can help; we help each other.  It’s all one energy – when we become that one energy it becomes very powerful.

Each of us by ourselves has a little bit of energy, but when we combine and create a group energy then that huge energy is a miracle-making machine.  Their criteria is honoring free will, and “for the highest good of all concerned.”  If I talk about all these, what sounds like bad guys here, on the planet, we’re not supposed to judge them; if you judge them, you’re polarizing with them.  You have to notice they’re there and find an area where you can create positively.  If you polarize against them, you lose your connection to the higher forces.  You now become embattled in a war in this realm.  They have the power, so you’ll probably lose, as we have in most cases. 

When we come together as a group and team and create a group consciousness, and we add to our group consciousnesses these millions and billions of high, positively disposed souls (we have a lot more potential to succeed).  In one of the readings, they said “There are ten times more of the positive in other realms than there is of the negative.”  Essentially, there is a huge edge that this planet has if it connects to the positive and invokes all that energy for transformation – ten times more energy than the negative.

The positive honors free will; the negative does not.  (The negative) everything it can to trick you, enslave you, lie to you, get you so that you give it it’s energy and create fear so you give it it’s energy.  It’s one of the reasons it’s been so hard to transform planet earth; because the negative has so much influence in the way that it controls things down here.

I hope that those of you who are listening will really take the time to investigate more of my work.  If you want to come into my conference calls I have a schedule posted:  On these calls there are huge amounts of great information; there are live conversations with the guys I’m talking about which I believe brought very positive uplifting helpful and informative (information).

Our most important call is Sunday morning; Sunday morning we have the same format every week that there is this incredible energy on the line, an incredible loving energy which people can feel.  It comes in through your body in the way that if you’ve never felt it, it’s hard to explain.  When you feel it, you know it has occurred.  When you come onto the call – many people have sent me emails – not only have they had miracles; their depressions lift, they start feeling more centered, they don’t feel alone, they feel connected.  Sometimes people have miracles, sometimes they have healings.

This is not a religion, this is nothing to worship.  This is something to kick the tires and either I’m one heck of a loony guy, or I’ve got it right.  You have to figure it out by applying yourself.  The fact that you’re listening right now means you have the chance to apply yourself.  This is a fairly rare and unusual thing we’re doing.  It’s not like other things, although people tend to put things like other things to make them familiar.  This is not familiar.  There are so many people that have emailed me, telling me that they’ve experienced these transformations on the line; oftentimes I don’t even know them.  We don’t charge for these calls, not because I don’t need money – because I do, but because it’s my conviction that why would you pay for something that you don’t even know what it is?  You haven’t experienced it.

People give us donations.  Anyone who wants to support our work, wants us to reach more people – go to or – and it helps us because this is the only way it’s going to get out to people because we’re not charging – why don’t I charge?  (It’s) because I don’t want to be controlled by money and I don’t want to turn this into a business to get more people to come to a call.  Occasionally I give a workshop, occasionally I do something – some of you have noticed, I say “Suggested donation of $3, $5 but put in your own amount.”  It creates a relationship of gratitude between us; it creates a relationship where I appreciate you and you appreciate me.  It doesn’t put me above you; you are creating me by your donations.  If nobody donated, I’d figure no one cares – why bother doing this?

I do know people care; and, I do know we are making a difference for a small group of people.  Sometimes people think we’re reaching lots of people – I would say we are reaching a few hundred people, yet it could reach thousands.  And, it could reach millions, and if it did this planet would shift.  I am always making efforts to reach more people.  Some of you are here because I ran an advertisement; some of you are here because I gave a book away for free; some of you saw an advertisement on Google.  I pay for those things, and you’ve gotten years of support.  Very rarely do I absolutely say, “Here’s something for sale.”  Now that I’ve said that, I’ll say “Here’s something for sale.”

I do have a workshop that elaborates on some of the things I’ve been talking about; this is a four-hour workshop.  It was one of the most amazing workshops I ever did, and I remember when I did it I was scared when I did it. 

I was a little scared tonight about doing this talk because I don’t really like to go against people’s sacred cows; of course the Bible is a sacred cow.  There’s so much chance for so many people to be in fear, and it’s artificially created.  I wanted to put something on record.  If this makes sense to you, do feel free – we’ll have an audio and a transcript of it sometime this week – share it with other people, because you’re not going to get somebody who is a fundamentalist--everything in the Bible is accurate just per se--to change their minds, it’s unlikely.  But, there are so many people who are wondering, who are in-between.  There are so many people that conventional religion is not working for, and people are not believing in it and it sounds like fairy-tales.  If it does work for you, if it brings you closer to the higher forces, if it brings you joy, if you can feel the energies of higher realms - then it’s working and you don’t need this--but if it’s making feel superior, if it’s making you look down on other people, if you’re not finding the kingdom of heaven/of God inside of you and you’re looking at some of the guys that have been accused of sex crimes that are ministers, you may be caught in the control mechanism of religion.  In many religions, at the core of it, there is a control mechanism – there are people channeling the negative.  I speak about this very confidently, and I’ll share with you one of the things in the course of the history of these calls that happened where I had a direct experience of that.

A few years ago, we were doing calls and unbeknownst to me one of the people coming into the calls said they were channeling the Elohim, and they started talking to her after she came in on these calls; that she was supposed to ‘prove’ herself to me and the way they asked her to prove herself was to invite the people who were coming into the calls to her own private call where they were going to talk to her.  (That) it would be very important after a period of time that they would all know she was channeling the Elohim and that I could trust it.  This went on for two months and I never heard about it until finally somebody mentioned it to me.  I didn’t immediately draw conclusions or condemn the woman, but at that time I did do a private channeling with both Daphne and Terry separately, and I asked them, “Could you tell me about this situation?”  The answer was:  “It’s not us; it’s a negative source trying to steal your line and you need to do damage control.”  Both of them said the same thing.  I did; I corrected it.  I said, “Geez, this must be what I’m reading about.”

Another time I had met the former wife of a leader of a major religion – she divorced her husband.  The reason she divorced her husband was because she was a channel and she decided that what she was doing was negative; she didn’t want to do it any more.  She told me every person who was at the head of this religion had a wife who was channeling what she considered to be the negative.  Then you can see how tricky this is – how what I’m calling the negative (I’m going to assume it’s these space guys who are trying to take over our planet) are effective in screwing up an entire religion.

If you ever read David Icke – and I’m not saying I believe everything David Icke says – he has book after book on how (he calls them) the reptilians have been in control of our planet.  He says the Free Masons – remember when you were in school (learning about) how the Kings and Queens ruled by Divine Right?  That’s it – that’s the negative.  They have rituals – there is so much stuff on the internet.  I don’t often tell people: go look at this, go look at that because it can be scary to realize how much of the influence of that there is.  What I do tell people to do is to come into our Sunday conference calls, because each of us who learns how to pick up the frequencies of these higher realms is making a huge shift in this realm.

It’s hard to believe how important that is – it’s hard to believe it.  It’s hard for me to believe it.  It’s taken me having watching it over years now to get the feeling for it and I say, “You know I think this is real.”  You have to check it out for yourself.  I’ll give you the website for the call:  This call you’re on right now we do it every Monday.  We have new people who have downloaded the Creator God book and they’re on this call tonight for the first time.  That is why I gave so much background information; this is really important to understand. 

I’m looking at the David Icke’s book:  The Biggest Secret:  The Book that will change the World – David Icke’s most powerful and explosive book to date includes the astonishing background, the murder of Diana: Princess of Wales…

What happens is, if you guys notice, people who are artists who get very influential and who can’t be controlled get knocked off.  Every one or most of those guys understand; they may not understand it in all the ways I’ve explained it tonight, but they understand the negative, because the system is controlled by the negative.  The movies are controlled by the negative.  The media is controlled by the negative.  If you get too famous and you become a threat – you’re gone – look at John Lennon, Jimmy Hendrix, Princess Diana, John Kennedy.  John Kennedy was not playing by the rules, and there are a number of ways where he was not doing that.  (It) most definitely was no accident in the way that he got knocked off. 

I’ve gone a long time tonight. I know (Terry’s) been holding the energy and I told Terry that I wasn’t going to have her channel.  We really don’t need to do a channeling tonight; this is pretty complete in and of itself unless they are sitting there and they want to make any comments.  I’m not going to ask them to validate and confirm anything I’ve said because I don’t want them to go on record doing that.  I’ll take the hit on the controversy here, but if they want to make any comments, I can leave the space for that – about anything.

Terry: Maybe not tonight, it’s pretty late.

Wynn:  Okay, so we’re not going to do a channeling tonight.  Usually every Monday we do and we ask questions.

If you’re intrigued with the work we’re doing, you don’t have to believe anything.  Just show up; try showing up for a few weeks to our calls – has got the schedule.  Show up for a few weeks; most people who do that become less afraid, they become more relaxed and many of them start having little synchronicities and miracles.

I think one of the things that everyone can get out of these calls is the real the way, what I believe to be the way the universe works where you really don’t die.  Your body dies; your energy continues.  The one thing is you do not want to die being totally scared shitless, because then your energy continues in a worse place.  So if you’re scared of dying and you know you don’t die that’s a really big step.  Coming into these calls regularly I think is pretty convincing after a while. 

When you start to feel your energy, you start to feel not just your body – you start to feel the energy in your soul.  You will have better future lifetimes when you have that experience.  I can say that; then I’m not going to say “We’re doing this workshop and it’s $100 and you can have better future lifetimes.” 

But I mentioned that workshop The Egyptian Connection where I spent four hours going into great detail about the origins of Jesus and the Old Testament in Egypt where that came from – the part that I played, the part that David Wilcock played – if you want to download it, it’s four hours.  The web price is $19 – – anyone who can’t afford it, email me.  Tell me how much you can afford; if you want it for nothing tell me.  Realize that we are trying to support ourselves through this work.

We actually pay for this call on BBS; we pay every week a certain amount of money because BBS is a business and they have to stay in business.  If you appreciate the work we’re doing, make a donation, buy the workshop.  If you can’t afford it, don’t feel bad asking about it for nothing because it’s more important that you read and I’m not sitting here saying,“You don’t deserve it.”  I spent many years of my life not knowing where money was coming from so I have a lot of compassion for that situation.  If you can afford it, get itIf you want to make a donation: or

I thank everybody who has been volunteering to keep all of this going; I thank all of you who are supporting the energy that come in every week.  Special greetings to – I get speechless – those people who are here for the first time tonight who responded to my invitation.  Thanks to Lisa for greeting everybody tonight and thanks to many, many people.

If anyone wants to go look up some of our old shows you can go to the  It’s not very well presented, but we have audios, we have transcripts of our conference calls.  If you get through the bad presentation, there’s a huge amount of great, great stuff there to check this out.  Please kick my tires – check it out.  If it doesn’t resonate, fine.  Most people who take the time to check it out it does resonate and there’s no chicanery, no exaggeration.  We do this live; we talk to these guys live right here on the calls.  There is no way I could fake that.  There is information and things that happen on these calls that couldn’t possibly happen by normal human ways of reality.

On that note, I am going to say goodbye to everybody.  We’ll see some of you on Wednesday when we do our question-and-answer call.  Have a great rest of the week.





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Channeled information is not meant to be believed blindly.
Sometimes information may bleed through from the conscious
mind of the channel. It is possible that a negative Source may
interfere. Apply your own discernment, take only what
resonates and discard the rest. An answer to a question is
meant for the person asking the question and you have the
privilege of listening in because sometimes you can gain
insights from the answer. However,  even though the
circumstances may be similar, do not merely assume the answer
applies to you.. This is not meant to replace seeing your
doctor, dentist or any alternative practitioner.  Some people
get healings here, so you can be open to it.