Subject: Transcript-Monday BB Call 9-03-2012--Wild Card!

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Wild Card!



Monday – 09/03/2012
Host: Wynn Free
Audio Link - Channeled by Terry Brown and Daphne Karandanis

Transcribed by Connie O'Brien

Edited by Terry Brown and Valerie Hawes

Formatted and sent by Gary Brownlee



Wynn:  Guys, we’re on BBS Radio; this is September 3rd, 2012.  This is Monday night. My name is Wynn Free in Sedona, Arizona. Terry will be here in a moment.


As you all notice, I never come on this call and think of myself different than you guys. We start out with spaces so that we can feel the energies. Before you know it, you guys will just be able to check in and there’ll be silence and you’ll say “I feel it; I hear it.” Then you would know you’re really getting it down.


This is going to be one of those calls where we just hang out together. We’re on a moving vehicle, and when we go from one call to the next it’s kind of like we’re making a train in a timeline. This is something I became aware of; I’ll mention it to you because maybe you can relate to it.


Every time I make an appointment, there’s a string of energy in a timeline from the moment I make the appointment until the time the appointment fulfills. It was one of the reasons, when I was younger and even not so long ago, I just hated making appointments; I hated being pinned down. It’s one of the reasons that people who have what I call high-matrices in this realm, they have connections to really higher timelines. They can look many times as being irresponsible, because every time they make an appointment, they usually put a string on their timeline and bring it down to the level of that appointment. That kind of rides along with them until the appointment and then it releases. Some of you might relate to that experience.


It was very hard for me to want to do these conference calls, until I found out that the conference call was holding the energies of the high timeline.  It didn’t carry a 3D kind of obligation to it, but it held the energy of the high timeline that I could make the appointment and there was very little string attached to it.


By doing three appointments a week, three conference calls a week, I started to notice how the high timeline of the conference call would stretch out from one call to the next to the next. Making the commitment didn’t create a compromise; in fact, it created an anchoring of energy in my entire life on a higher level.


What I’m watching: some of you may be noticing this. I’m pointing this out so that you can observe it and see if it’s true for you. This is not a call where there’s an ‘us’ and a ‘them,’ or there’s me being entertaining and you being an audience. On the surface it may look like that. Somebody may think that, but underneath that it’s a call where our energies start to come together and we create a group synergy.


We bring in the energies of these group souls. When the call is over, as you keep coming in you’ll find out, the call never is over. It just has a string connected from Monday to Wednesday through Sunday and seeing how that works. You’re not going to notice that right away. Maybe some of you will never notice it; I hope you all do; that’s why I do it.


As you create that string of energy, it weaves through all those calls, your life starts to accelerate. That’s when these little miracles happen, when synchronicities happen. You find yourself with your depressions leaving.  If you remember the Ra group, I think it was last Monday; they talked about consistency and about how consistency was so important in getting this down.


Some people hear this and they hear that it’s a good idea or interesting concepts or intellectually stimulating. They can be the smartest person in the world, but if that’s the level they’re hearing this on, they are going to miss it. They’re only going to hear it at the level they’ve already mastered which is their intellect and their mind.  This call does not happen on that level; it stretches into it.


The energy that rides along with the call is not into it; it’s somewhere else.  It attaches itself to the call and it attaches itself to the people who are listening to the call who want that to occur. This is the key. I’m explaining the process so that you can be open to that opening. They do not violate your free will; nothing is going to attach itself.


I hate to use the word ‘attach’ because attach—attachment—is kind of a negative term for negative attachment; that’s not how I mean this. I mean that this higher timeline, these higher dimensions, are riding along with this call.


By showing up, showing up, showing up, it starts to re-train, re-entrain your energies, your own energy levels, so that your life will change. If you start to move into higher timelines you start to hold that energy; your life changes. It’s not because you’re sitting here saying “Elohim please do that; Ra please do that.” It’s not about prayer.


They are in those very same timelines and it’s more about reverence, appreciating the connection and all of that. This is what I’ve noticed; this is what I’ve seen that other people who come into the calls notice. We kind of compare experiences, mainly because I don’t have a clue of how to do this or what to expect.


I can only learn from my experiences and paying close attention, watching the experiences of other people and saying “I think this is real.” Each of you is in that same banana-boat, to keep checking it out for yourself to see if it’s real.


I called this a Wild Card night and I don’t think we’re going to do any channeling tonight. Both Terry and Daphne did five hours on Saturday, five hours! They held the energy. We have never done that before, ever, done a five-hour marathon like that and I wasn’t sure we could do it. It was one of those things, again, that we had to prove that we could do it.


I did talk quite a bit at the beginning and some people said “We really liked your talking.” I say again; I’m not talking because I need the attention. I’m talking because I know I’m helping to balance the human side of everybody. They picked me because I was such a good human; I have very high intent; I have a lot of connections with other realms. But, I’ve also, probably—they even said this on Saturday—I’ve had lifetimes in the negative. That means I’ve kind of learned a lot about the negative and I know how it works, so I’m able to hold the energy and hold the energy for other people’s negativity.


Some people can’t do that. They get into angelic realms and as soon as something gets negative they have to leave the room or they’re picking up weird energy. That doesn’t bother me. It’s probably why I can do this; I can sit on these calls, I can talk to you. When the call’s over, it’s kind of like, usually, not always, when I go to Expos I process; when I’m live in front of people. I’ve learned on these calls that the processing for me goes really fast. The processing for Daphne sometimes is the worst and Terry second-worst.


What do I mean by processing?  It means that when we all meet in oneness. Since we initiated it, we’re there with you; maybe we’re more used to being there than you are. That’s not true for a lot of you, but a lot of you it is true. It’s a new feeling; it’s a new idea, concept. If you were more used to being there and then we become one with your energy, all of you are going to have the same experience, so you might as well learn how it works.


If we are going to become one with your energy, then you, who are not used to being in this higher timeline, are going to go back to your old way of being for a while. The way people evolve, it’s like they go up and they go back and they go up and they go back. Over time, they don’t go back as far and they go up higher. Over a certain period of time, people start to anchor themselves at that new timeline. In the meantime, you’re going to go back; it’s something new.


When we become one with you, we really are. I believe our energies are one with you and you go back; it pulls us back to a certain degree, because we’re connected with you still. Then, we have to come back to ourselves.  You’re going to learn to have the same experience.


You are all learning how this works by tracking the energies of what we’re doing; you are learning how these energies work. You’re going to be able, I think, to do the same thing for people in your lives. You have to understand that just being in front of people like this and talking about this and channeling, from one level it looks like, I want to be like Wynn; I want to do that, too.


You can do it; you may not do it like me, but you’ll do it like you. You may not be channeling; you just might be loving, but, you will still experience this circumstance of moving into somebody’s matrix and then moving back again into your matrix.


There’s a time-lag; this is still holding energy for them. That’s all good, because that’s why you’re here; that’s the service you’re providing here.  You can put that in you mind and pay attention to that in the future.


Terry’s on the line; everybody is on mute. Are you guys ready now? The question is, did you guys like it when we sang [Stevie Wonder’s] song “I just called to say I love you” when we all sang it together?


I spent three hours last night thinking “What song can I play tonight without just playing the same song over and over again?” I got one, okay? Are you guys ready?


[music playing]


Wait a second; that was me turning it off for a second.  Quick question:  Is it really distorted, or can you hear it? 


Callers: We can hear it.   


Wynn:  Does anybody know what song it is yet?


Gijs:  Knocking on Heaven’s Door


Wynn:  That’s right! 


Caller: I love that song!


Wynn:  Why are we so silly? This is serious; we’re talking to the Elohim; the world is breaking down. We’re all here on this line together and we’re singing “Knock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven’s Door.”


Some of you are still thinking, including me, about what Daphne said about the three months. I’m going to do a full report on that. I’m going to get an alternative view of it; get another view through her, to understand what they meant by that three months.


I just want to point out that I’m not sure it’s accurate. Those of you who were not on Saturday’s call, I’m not going to even explain what I’m talking about. You have to catch these calls, because certain things come in on the group energy and they have to be evaluated later. I know it gave everyone a cause for concern. What they said was:


I asked a question. The question was; there is some question—this came up even in 2002—about, was the earth going to survive as a planet? How is it going to continue? Was it possible all life would be destroyed? They said that they didn’t see that, but it was a possibility, if there was a majority of choice in that realm. A majority of choice doesn’t mean everybody choosing that; it means there’s not enough opposition to the negative and that the negative is prevailing over all the neutral people who are not holding their energies high.


On Saturday I asked a question.  I said “What are the chances? They indicated that there was some chance that the earth was not going to make it. Then, I said, “How long do we have to get enough people to shift so that it changes that as a probable outcome?” Note: I didn’t say “When is the earth going to fall apart?” I said “How do we change that as an outcome, and how many people?”


I kind of believe that if I got famous, if enough people—don’t tell people I said this; they won’t get it right. Don’t say “Wynn said make him famous or the world is going to come apart.” That will get me plastered; I’m just telling you how I think. I know we’re shifting energies, changing timelines and people are shifting and people are starting to understand how to play the game down here.


Most people don’t have a clue how to play the game or what the game is about, that if enough people, you know, 10 million people, are coming into my conference calls and we’re holding grids, that maybe we could change the probability futures of this planet.


I asked them “How much time do we have to change that, to change that as a possible future that everything would be destroyed?” I didn’t say, when would everything be destroyed? I said “How much time do we have to change it?” They said “Three months.” That’s not what I expected.  I thought I’d hear five years, or ten years, but they said three months, which happens to be just about December 21st, 2012 , doesn’t it?


I didn’t want to pursue that topic any more. When I ask a question like that, I have to consider the possibility and so do you; we just do this openly. I’m transparent. We have to consider the possibilities, as it’s true, or, Daphne reads a lot of stuff about different people; she internalized it and it was a bleed-through from her conscious mind in the channeling.


We most definitely have bleed-through with both Terry and Daphne.


If you keep listening to Terry long enough, there are a few people she recommends. One of them is Dr. Marshall. It sounds like the Elohim are recommending him; maybe they are, because they’re becoming one with Terry’s mind. Dr. Marshall has been Terry’s favorite doctor for years and years; he has his own vitamin line and he seems to be expert.  Oftentimes Terry will tell somebody when they have a health problem , to call Dr. Marshall.


The very first time she ever did that and we did it publicly, it was embarrassing. I said “People are never going to believe she’s talking to the Elohim if all she ever recommends is Dr. Marshall.” Then, I started talking about it and I said “We know she couldn’t come through with the kind of information she comes through with; we know that. We’ll just let Dr. Marshall slip in.”


Daphne is reading things, so “three months” might be what she’s slipping in.  It’s really not them; especially the way she said it. If you remember, she said it in such a way that it sounded like “They’re telling me to say this.”  No; she said “This is what I’m hearing.” Prior to that, she was channeling; it was them speaking through her. Why did she say “This is what I’m hearing”? Maybe she didn’t want to say it; maybe she wanted to look at it and think about it before she said it. So that’s the second possibility.


The third possibility: there was a moment when a negative source came in and it said something that would tend to create fear. We know this can happen. In The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? the book, there was a whole chapter where they were talking about Edgar Cayce’s devastation prophecy, where he said everything was going to disappear in the blink of an eye; Europe was going to disappear; Tokyo was going to disappear; California was going to disappear. There were going to be huge inundations and tsunamis and earthquakes and it was going to disappear. 


Through Wilcock, it was corrected; I think I talked about this last week.  They corrected it and said that was not them speaking through Cayce; it was not the Ra group. They said these changes are going to happen gradually; I remember reading that 35 years ago, 40 years ago, I said “These are two different messages.” Then, they said that message came through in order to create fear; and, it did.


Even when I first started reading Edgar Cayce, I remember my friend in Berkeley and I we would oftentimes take a trip on the weekend and say “Maybe this is the weekend of the big one.” Edgar Cayce had made even some indications; I believe he said “When Mount Vesuvius erupts, look for the big one after that; look for this big devastation.”


When I studied the Cayce readings, which I did when I was writing The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? I studied them; I had them all on CD, all 15,000. I discovered that reading and it wasn’t Cayce’s normal source that put it through; it was someone else. I searched that other being’s name and it came out later on; the Edgar Cayce group decided not to let them come through anymore.


When we get something that has the slightest bit of fear-provocation, it takes a lot of looking at it to decide how we want to deal with it. In one case, maybe fear has a certain good aspect to it, because it motivates us. It makes us feel the importance of the time we’re in; there is no time. There is not time to dilly around. Whether that’s true or not, there is a sense of urgency.


The urgency is more about making sure that you graduate this realm than whether the planet survives, because whether the planet survives or not, you are going to die; that is for sure, and I’m going to die. If we die, what is the most important thing anyone can know? It’s to understand the process of dying; understand with certainty that you continue; that you don’t really die. Once you know that, you can approach the future without fear. If you don’t know that, if there’s the least bit of you that thinks your body is all there is, you have to then be afraid of dying, because then you stop existing.


That’s one of the values of coming into these calls and talking to these guys, because first, we have the chance to have them explain all this stuff to us. Second, we have Terry here and Terry remembers her past lifetimes.  She has that experience.


We have this amazing story of the David Wilcock-Edgar Cayce look-like; the Terry-St. Catherine look-alike. And, the Wynn Free – ah!  I’m not going to tell you; one day I’ll tell you and you can go look me up. I’m not going to tell you yet; you’re going to have to think about it. There was someone who I was, that I believe I was, that’s kind of mind-blowing.


The one that I do talk about, I don’t think I’ll talk about him tonight. I don’t like to talk about my past lives, because I had a lot of lives as an orphan, a misfit, didn’t fit in, I probably was a criminal.  But, there were a few lifetimes I had where I was kind of exalted and I did some really prominent things that are in the history books.


They’re interesting to look at, because if you’ve heard of those people and you look at how I’m manifesting now, if you look at how facile I am at doing this and talking to you and, how comfortable I am—it’s kind of like we’re all family; we’re in the same living room. Most of my life I felt like a misfit. “What am I doing here?”—for a long, long time.


Suddenly, I step into this and it’s like I still had to go through a lot of ‘training’ and figuring it out, but, now I’m standing in the middle of it.  This is great; this comes so easily. I could do a lot of things; I learn how to do things because of the way I want to express. I learned how to do the web designs and the emails and the internet. I had no desire in learning that stuff; I couldn’t figure out how to get this out there if I didn’t put it out.


What I’m going to do –– remember, I said this is going to be a wild card tonight. We’re not going to do any channeling. We did five hours on Saturday; we did our two-hour grid healing yesterday. Not only am I giving Terry a break and Daphne a break, but there needs to be moments where you express and you’re not just listening to channelings. There’s too much temptation to give up your power to the Elohim and to the Ra group and all these Sources.


Its 6:41 and we have about another twenty minutes. Why don’t we take some comments? I should say “Ladies and gentlemen; somebody came in on the line yesterday and said “Wynn, I don’t think you should call everybody ‘you guys.’” I said “What should I call them? How about, ‘ladies and gentlemen’?” He said “That’s much better.”


I will tell you the reason I am so casual about this; it’s not really casual; it’s very sacred. We’re talking about people’s future trajectories; we’re talking about miracles. It’s so high that it’s intimidating. Part of me is to let—this is what I’ve learned—let myself be as human as I can be, because it makes it more accessible to other people. If I am solemn it sounds like it’s a religion and I don’t want to do a religion this lifetime. I did that in another lifetime and I’m not going to do it again; I see where it went.


In any case, I’m not going to change that. I like the casualness; it also allows me to do three calls a week and never feel like I have to be more than I am; I just come as I am. It allows you to come as you and it allows Terry to come as she is and Daphne; we’re all some of the biggest misfits around, including you! Some of you, I won’t say all of you, but, some of you, know you’re misfits. You don’t fit in. You’ve been trying to figure out how to fit in. You don’t have to be anything more than you are when you come to this call and things shift.


What I will do, if anyone would like to share anything, even if they think I’m terrible; even if they don’t like the way I say “You guys”, I want you to feel free to do it. The worst I can do is mute you. But, I probably won’t.  Just do *6 and say your name and your city; don’t be anonymous. Maybe you had a miracle; we’ve been getting emails everyday from people that have had little miracles that they believe are connected to this. Does anyone have anything they’d like to share?


Donna:  I would—Donna from Great Falls. I would like to say thank you, Wynn, for accepting me the way I am.


Wynn:  You are welcome; thank you for accepting me the way I am; we’re even.


Donna:  I do; I do that for everybody.


Wynn:  When I was picking songs last night, when I was going through UTube, one of the songs that came up besides “Knock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven’s Door” was one of Sly Stone’s. Remember Sly Stone and the Family Dog? And it was “We Are Everyday People. The fat one, the short one.” I don’t know; you guys may be either too old or too young, but it just felt like a good song.


Thank you, Donna. Let’s see if anyone else has something.  Do I see Ray Wheeler on there?


Ray:  Yes, you do.


Wynn, when I heard the message from Daphne, first I thought it was very unusual that she was actually shattered out of her channel when she said this.  I wasn’t afraid; I was pondering how many people needed to actually hear either this or something like this to make a move in the right direction because we need to get moving.  I don’t think it was a coincidence that so many people actually heard that, because I think it was your biggest conference call, wasn’t it?


Wynn:  No, we’ve had more people on the weekly calls, but it had quite a few people.


Ray:  I think there was a definite synchronicity about it. It wasn’t just thrown in there just to scare people; I think it was to make them think. It certainly did for me.


Wynn:  Yeah, like I say: If it’s true or not true, we’re not going to know because they didn’t say the world was going to end in three months. They said the time period to make a difference; that would mean things could decline for ten years, then it could hit the fan. It doesn’t mean that in three months our lives are going to change significantly, but it means that the balance of power between the negative and positive.


It also—keep in mind—there’s a graduation taking place. It’s like I don’t know all the ramifications of it. When I was asking a lot of questions early on, it seemed to indicate that they couldn’t pin themselves down because everything was reconstructed in the moment.


If they said something, that would tack it down as being true. If they said it was true they’d start the re-creation of it. There were a few different points-positions taken regarding this ascension, regarding this graduation from this realm. So, we can’t tack it down. I was surprised that they tacked down a three-month timeline. That’s why I’m going to question it and you should question it.


You can also look at how you respond to that and say “If it is that urgent, what am I going to do?” If a guy knows he’s going to die next week, he’s going to live his next five days differently than if he didn’t. And, you do what’s really important. Somebody said it’s not a bad idea to think that you’re going to die everyday, and what would you do if you were going to die that day? The only great thing about dying is that once you die you don’t have to worry about taxes and houses and worldly responsibilities. If you know you’re going to die you might as well shrug them off right that moment, or put your affairs in order.


Otherwise, many of us have responsibilities to other people. We don’t want to see them hurt so we have to do what it takes to make sure we keep the people around us sustained.


Ray:  Maybe it also changes us from service-to-self to service-to-others when there’s something at stake.


Wynn:  Yes.  Thank you, Ray.


Let me see who else is on there that would like to say something?


Carol:  Wynn, can you hear me?


Wynn:  Is that Carol?


Carol:  Yes.


Wynn:  Hi Carol, what city are you in?


Carol:  I’m in Israel. It’s a quarter to five in the morning here; I just walked my dog. I came back and saw there’s a live program. This is the first time I’ve been able to be online. I had some problems with Skype and figuring it out. I’m really happy to be here. I love your program; I feel the energies very strongly. I work with a psychic healer here on my Kibbutz and I know what you’re going through with the negativity and all the problems. I really resonate with everything that you’re saying.


Thank you very much and I hope to on more live programs in the future.


Wynn:  Please, on Sunday when we do our grid healing.  Are you in Tel Aviv, or near Tel Aviv?


Carol:  No; I live in a very small kibbutz on the Jordanian border which is relatively a safe area, I must say, with some of the things going on here.


Wynn:  Safe as Israel goes. Why don’t you go out and put a sign at the local liquor store—do they have liquor stores in Israel?


Carol:  Yes, they do. But I don’t go there.


Wynn:  Put a sign that says “My friend is talking to the Elohim and you’ve got to come listen.”


Carol:  Okay. I’m really happy to talk to you guys though; really it made my day.


Wynn:  Thank you. It’s so nice to be connecting to someone and holding energy from here to Israel. Thank you for coming up and saying hello.  Anyone else?


Willow Morning Sky:  I would like to say something.  This is Willow Morning Sky.


Wynn:  Hi Willow. We have to give a big public fight. Everyone thinks we’re enemies.


Willow:  Donna just called in; thank you for accepting her. I want to say to Donna “Donna, I accept you too. I just hope you’ll accept me. I’m so sorry we had a confrontation.”


Wynn, we have no even strands left of anything in conflict between us; not from my part. What I wanted to add to the conversation is: I don’t acknowledge a polarity between positive and negative. I think it’s something that we humans create for ourselves that we do not have to create. All we have to do it keep our focus on the positive, on where we’re going. Anything that wants to be negative will just fall by the side. 


Wynn:  Willow, that’s interesting because I had a conversation with Daphne about something like this today. She was saying “I’m just here in duality; it’s so hard to be in this realm.” I said “You can be beyond duality.  In order to make a contribution to this realm, you have to master the ability to move into duality and then move out of it without getting caught in it and move out of it again. Otherwise, you just hang out and you say “Everything’s perfect”. You can’t say everything’s perfect. You have to be exactly on the edge where you can make a difference and figure out where that is. It was just like we had a very interesting conversation; it kind of relates to that.


You know, beyond duality means beyond good and bad; it just means neutrality. Good and bad, positive and negative, service-to-self/service-to-others, all happens underneath that umbrella. But, you’re above it. The point is, if you stay above it and you want to hold that space, then you have to withdraw from life; you have to go into a cave. You have to mediate all day. There’s an art-form to be able to move in and out.


Willow:  I think it’s a matter of focus, that you acknowledge and you know that “Okay the world could end; yep, tomorrow.” We could all blow up and go sky-high and be gone. To remain in that reality and fight that negativity just feeds that thought energy.


Wynn:  Exactly. I think sometimes of the Titanic when the ship was going down. I think the people who had it right were the band that was just playing; everyone else was screaming and getting to the lifeboats. They were playing and singing, and they were happy. That would be how it would be if that happens. I’m not saying it is happening, but if it did that’s where I’d like to be.


Willow:  If we actually believe, really thoroughly, that our thought creates reality, which I do, then I need to recognize that this is true and then alter my thought to “Okay, that’s out there,” but really and truly what I want to do is work with kindness and love, the way you are.


Wynn:  I think you’re doing it.


For any of you guys that want to know, Willow and I went through a huge altercation – it was last Wednesday. I thought we’d end up killing each other; we weren’t going to kill each other.


Willow:  So to speak; out of each other’s lives.


Wynn:  But, we had this huge energy. Willow, in this situation I remember saying “Do I want to risk going into that? Or, do I just want to stay in the distance and say ‘Alright, I never want to talk to Willow again’”. To me, as an example, I kind of risked going into it and we switched it all around. You risked reaching back. There was this huge mistrust of people’s intentions and we turned it around. It was miracle that we turned it around; I’m not going to go talking into it because I never even thought we’d turn it around and I don’t think you did.


Willow:  No, in fact if it hadn’t been for Donna I would have just thought you were a fraud and gone away. Actually, Donna’s anger at me; her rage at me and her interruption into my life which made me so much more upset that I contacted you again, and actually, that was the step up. Donna, as much as I railed against what she was doing and saying, she was the step up for me to contact you.


Wynn:  Okay.


Willow:  Did I say that in a positive way or did I say it in a way that would be harmful?


Wynn:  No; you said it fine. The biggest thing here, if we didn’t do that right, Willow, we would have become like the Israelis and the Palestinians, or the Hatfields and the McCoys.  It was set up to go in that direction.


Willow:  Right.  I could have been just all your worst nightmares and you could have wasted a lot of time. You took the risk and I thank you for that, Wynn.


Wynn:  It was an example of where we put something into practice.  And, we did it publicly. You didn’t hear all the stuff, but maybe I’ll send our email exchange out and you can hear what happened.


Willow:  I already gave you permission.  I want to thank Donna and I want to acknowledge Donna’s part in there. I think the way Donna was drawn in was very productive. I think she needs to be recognized for that.


Wynn:  Thank you, Donna.


Donna:  You’re welcome. Willow, let me say this – this is what I do.  I cause things to happen.  I’ve been called a key; when I step in your life I’m there for a reason and it’s to make you change; either you go down or you go up. I’ve done it all my life. That’s what I do; that’s what I was made for.  That’s why the angels are with me all the time; that’s what we do. That’s what that was all for; I’m glad I could be of service to you.


Willow:  Very good.


Wynn:  Thank you Donna; thank you Willow. Does anyone else have something they’d like to say? 


Callers:  Many people respond.


Wynn:  Wait a second, we’ve got too many people answering; you guys are getting brave now. Do you see that? You were all shy.


Don:  I’m holding off until next week.  It has to do with synchronicity. 


Wynn:  Is that Don?


Don:  Yes. Don in Pembroke Pines. 


Wynn:  Don, since you’re holding off, why don’t you come in and say something?


Don:  Just a few things; there’s this negative idea out there. I’m not going to get into politics, but that the negative forces would like the population of the earth reduced to 500,000. You’ve probably come across that figure.


The synchronicity:  I just started studying the Bhagavad-Gita and what you mentioned about not fearing death. As you know, the Bhagavad-Gita is 6,000 years old. I was wondering whether the Elohim or the Ra may have had anything to do with that. This lack of fear of death, this no fear of death, is a prominent feature of the Bhagavad-Gita.


Wynn:  Donald, let me say quickly. I am sure that they had a lot to do with a lot of things throughout history but I want to be the last person to declare that publicly; I don’t want to. You realize what I’m doing is I’m telling people who have a religion that are following something, I’m saying I’m talking to the same Source and they said they were talking to a Krishna or Arjuna, or whoever; I’m challenging their religion. I’ve got enough problems!


Don:  Could you ask them if they may have?


Wynn:  No! I would not ask them.


Don:  I see, okay.  I understand now.  I understand now.


Wynn:  I don’t even like to ask them myself and put them on the spot to have to say something. I know even today there are people who channel; I’ll tell you one guy. There’s a guy Steve Rother in Las Vegas and I was on his TV show.  We went out—he’s a channel and he channels something called ‘the group’. I thought there was a connection between the group and our Sources and we had a conversation and he saw the connection too, like maybe we had the same Source.


Otherwise, it would be violation of how they work to ask them “Are you talking to Steve Rother?” Then, you create competition and fights between people down here. Like: “He’s saying he’s talking to the real Elohim and I’m not.” That’s why it’s best to let …it’s best to let…


Don:  sleeping dogs sleep.


Wynn:  Sleeping dogs sleep.  Right.  Right.  I’ve got enough problems; I’m controversial enough!


Don:  Wynn, I see your point.  Very well taken. One more thing—very fast—there’s a book, another synchronicity-type thing. I had this book; I looked up on my shelf and I brought it down. I was going to be in the doctor’s office. It’s entitled Frequency by Penney Peirce. Are you familiar with the work?


Wynn:  No.


Don:  If you just think of the movie “Frequency” that’s one of her favorite movies. It’s very upbeat; she deals with personal frequency and also with the Sources you mentioned. She said, “Yes, these things come from some Sources but I’m not sure from where.”


It’s a very interesting book. That’s about all I have to say; if you want to go on to someone else if there’s still time. Thanks for talking with me.


Wynn:  Thank you for sharing, Don. Don, you’ve been paying attention to us for quite some time and I’m just really glad. Am I right?


Don:  Yes.


Wynn:  You’ve been paying attention for a couple years at least I think, right?


Don:  Yes, I have – mostly reading all the Messages-a-Day and the transcripts, although I try to listen as much as possible on Sunday.


Wynn:  I have to mention now. Terry kept telling me, “When you’re on George Noory everything starts to crash on the internet around you.”  We had been doing really well up until yesterday, when the company I use to send all our downloads and everything out said, “You have too much volume and you’re temporarily disabled.” I think that’s miserable; why don’t they give me warnings and say “Go find something else.” They didn’t even say “We’ll charge you more money.” They just disabled it for two weeks.  [It is fixed now.}


Who else wants to say something?


Jen:  I did. My name is Jen; we don’t have much time. I did want point out that I guess I went down a rabbit hole on the internet back in August.  Have you seen the interview by David Wilcock and others of Bill Brockbador? It’s on UTube, it’s David Wilcock – it’s interviewing Bill Brockbador, which is the Bill Wood incident going back to January – it’s on UTube; it’s very long. 


It’s quite interesting, because the technology is talking about the military and it’s talking about the date you’re talking about in December. It’s talking about two timelines that may intersect. That part; then yesterday I heard Scott Mendelker interviewed; he also worked with Wilcock, although he got into the Ra material. He was praising Carla Rueckert’s work and giving it validity.


Wynn:  You know, Terry has been saying…Terry are you there?


Terry:  Yes.


Wynn:  Terry, I’ll pass this on; I’ll just introduce it. You can make a comment on it.  We aren’t having any channeling, so I don’t have to worry about burning out Terry and Daphne.


Terry has been always studying things; both Terry and Daphne are always on the internet looking things up. I used to do that, but now I don’t have time to do it. There’s this incredible thing that Terry’s coming up with; we don’t have this through a channeling and we haven’t asked it. When she comes up with it in her conscious mind I’m afraid to ask it, because I’m not sure if her conscious mind would bias a channeling.


If you guys have noticed, I’m really careful about to not just believe channelings; I have to keep checking them out. It has to resonate even now, even when they say something, to be neutral. I know that like on that Saturday call [Saturday, September 1, 2012], there was a huge amount of wisdom that was coming up. I know it was really helping people.


I can recognize wisdom. I’m smart enough to recognize wisdom because I guess I have some levels of wisdom.  But, when it comes into other things, like galaxies moving into galaxies and two timelines coming together, if somebody said that was happening to me, I would say “Well, I’ll consider that.” I have to work on it a while and see if I can validate it.


Terry had been coming up with it; Terry, are you there?


Terry:  Yes, I am.  Can you hear me?


Wynn:  Yes.  Why don’t you share a little bit about what you came up with about that?


Terry:  Okay.


I guess it’s NASA, that sends up some of these satellites, they’ve sent a satellite out of the solar system. It’s just about leaving the solar system at this point. It’s been sending back data, so they’ve been correlating the data of that mission they sent out. Then, they’ve been correlating it with some of the other satellite data. They’ve determined that the solar system is moving at 60 to 90° perpendicular in direction to the direction that the Milky Way is spinning.


So, this brings up all kinds of thoughts, that when you have the solar system and it’s cutting magnetic lines of force that’s it’s moving through, then you have a sort of an action like a motor.


Another thing that they’ve come up with is that the solar system is moving through one of the arms of the Milky Way Galaxy right now, so it’s moving through a more dense environment. But then there was another thing: that the galaxy Sagittarius is moving into and colliding with the Milky Way galaxy and that one of the arms of Sagittarius is just about cutting now and moving through the same arm of the galaxy where earth is, the solar system is. So, there’s the Sagittarius debris field and the arm of the Milky Way Galaxy and earth is in the vicinity of both of those things right now in the solar system.  I don’t know what this all means but that’s very interesting information to me and it’s scientific.


Wynn:  Thank you.  Does anyone else want to say anything? *6.


Caller:  Hello?


Caller:  I would.


Wynn:  We’ve got two of you.  Let’s have the lady say something first.


Yvonne:  Hello.


Wynn:   We hear you.


Yvonne:  Hi Wynn, this is Yvonne from Florida. I just want to say that this show, this conference and the whole thing is very good because, like for me when I first started listening to it, I did feel the energy. I started reading the books and listening to the tapes and the workshop. What happened Saturday, when it came to that 3 [month] timeline—at first, I was sort of like panicky. Then after that, I listened to a tape. I was listening to one of the tapes and I was reading a book.


I think it’s so good because a lot of information that’s on the tapes and the books, a lot of people can understand a lot of things. For me, things that I went through that other people would say “That’s crazy. That’s weird.” I can understand a lot of myself right through the series of the Wanderer. I was reading Edgar Cayce last night; it was like 3:00 in the morning. I was going through it; I had to start reading it from the beginning. It just really opened up my energy; it opened my insight and really gave me a whole different perspective about life and death.


There’s more insight of, like, myself, things I went through. I went through astral projection. At one time I had an experience of, I guess, maybe having contact with another dimension, the vibration of another dimension. There was like a vibration, but it was just like I was able to see in high-intensity. There are a whole lot of other things. I have experienced so many things throughout my life and just felt so different.


Wynn:  Yvonne, you are different.


Yvonne:  Right.


Wynn:  Do you know what’s most different about you? You have the greatest—is that a New York accent?


Yvonne:  Yes, it is.


Wynn:  Is that a Brooklyn accent?


Yvonne:  Actually I was born in Queens. I’m in Florida right now. I think I sent you an email; I’m the one that I’m here taking care of my mother, because she wasn’t well.  I left New York to come take care of her.


Wynn:   Yes.  You discovered us with George Noory, right?


Yvonne:  Right; I discovered you through George Noory. I was a Coast to Coast member. Then, I was just like “Wow!”  Then after I came in contact, I asked myself “What drew me to your site?” I’m not the kind of person that everything I see on Coast to Coast I say “Let me go to their web and look at this.” It was just something that just really attracted me to it. I had been going through; like I said, I came over here to take care of my mother. I left my job, my family, and my grandkids who I’m so close to.


That was another thing when I heard that timeline. I was just like “Wow!  I’m not going to be there for my family.” I had an incident one time where my son at the time was younger.  He had friends coming in and was going through something.  You know, he was going through a spiritual thing.  What happened then, everything just changed overnight and you could feel it.


Wynn:  Yvonne, let me give some other people a chance to talk.


Yvonne:  Okay, I’m sorry.


Wynn:  No, don’t be sorry.


Yvonne:  There’s only one thing more I want to say. I think it’s very good because a lot of people could see. I think a lot of people in the world that we live in sometimes don’t have understanding of a lot of things they go through. They think they’re alone in their situation. Having something like this makes people understand that they’re not alone, and, that they’re not as different as they think they are. Thank you.  Have a good night everyone.


Wynn:  Thank you for speaking up. I love your accent.


Yvonne:  Thank you.


You know what’s really interesting when I’m talking to you guys? I’m thinking “I think I know how George Noory feels when people call.”


Yvonne:  Like, get off the phone please.


Wynn:  No, no, no.


Yvonne:  I’ll tell you—it was the energy that actually got me on the phone to talk, because basically I’m a really shy person.


Wynn:  Yes. Terry’s a shy person; Terry? Are you shy?


Terry:  I’m very shy.


Wynn:  I’ll tell you the very first time; I’ll tell you a story. Terry was channeling. I was taping all these channelings. No one had ever heard her channel unless I played them a tape. I was giving a workshop in Santa Barbara and I think I had about twenty people in the room. Terry was in the room; I looked at her and I said “Terry, do you think they have something to say to these people here?” She looked at me with fear and panic in her eyes. Somehow I managed to call her up and she came. There’s a picture of it; she was looking at me like she was standing on the edge of a diving board and I had to hold her so she didn’t fall. She did this beautiful, beautiful channeling the very, very first time she ever did a public channeling.


That’s actually up there somewhere on our sites. Nonetheless, thank you. Who else wants to say something?


Keith:  My name is Keith.


Hello, Wynn. I’m calling from Orange County, California, but I do conference you in with a couple of my friends every time you have a conference call. I basically just wanted to encourage everyone who comes to these calls, being that you are obviously on a different level of consciousness. I would just like to encourage everyone to try to invite people to these calls so that we can raise the number.


Wynn:  Somebody sent me a letter today; they said “Wynn, I wanted to introduce you to some people.” They wrote this letter, an email, that was probably 600 words. I said “Nobody is going to respond to that.”


I’ll give you guys a tip; here’s a tip:  If you want to introduce me to someone, if you want to introduce this work, I shouldn’t say ‘me’. I’m the guy who is just sticking myself out and making people feel comfortable, but Daphne and Terry are equally important to it all.


The best way is to write them an email and tell them “I’ve discovered this guy and I’ve learned a lot; I’ve had some really great changes through watching his material. He’s a little wacky and he keeps talking about these two women that channel that have amazing Sources come through them.  Go look at his video.” The video that I put on, the little fifteen minute video, is very good; it makes people curious.


Then, call them back: “Did you look at his video? Why don’t you come to his conference call?” Then, conference them into the call. You might say “I’ll call you up before the call; it starts at 6:00, I’ll call you up at 5:00.” If you have that feature on your phone, conference them. Because it’s very, very hard; then be very detached about how they respond to it. If they don’t like it, just say “That’s fine.  It’s not for everyone.” Don’t invest yourself in the way you present it in such a way that you have any attachment whether they respond or not. They could still be your good friend. If you have an attachment, you may screw up your friendship.


Thank you so much, in Orange County.  Right?


Keith:  I thank you so much.


Wynn:   Is that Huntington Beach you’re in?


Keith:   I’m actually in Anaheim, right next to Anaheim.


Wynn:  I know Anaheim very well; I did a lot of little things in Anaheim, little shows.


Caller:  Will you be at the Conscious Life Expo in L.A.?


Wynn:  I will; Saturday – 5:00 p.m.  I will be there.  Usually, when I come to LA, I try to organize a workshop the following week in Pasadena. So keep tuned; I’ll announce it on my email list as soon as I commit to it. Saturday, 5:00 p.m. I will be there and Terry will be there; so we’ll have a great time.  Thank you.


Who else has something to say?


Jay:  This is Jay in New York, Wynn. Hello, thanks to you and Daphne and Terry because you guys are great. I was wondering if you’re going to leave the line open after the show tonight.


Wynn:  You are one of the people that likes staying on the line, right?


Jay:  Yes; Keith was actually there the other night. He was really cool, too.  The thing is, I ended up having a lot of stories to tell other people about, just with the conversation afterward.


Wynn:  Can I make a suggestion?


Jay:  Okay.


Wynn:  Here’s what happens; this is what I’ve watched happening; we create a lot of open energy on this line. People are opening their hearts; they’re opening their hearts to each other, to me, to the Elohim and, they’re very vulnerable. When everyone then goes to an open line afterwards, there’s no control of who says what.


The thing that happened with Willow is that somebody started channeling on the line afterwards. They said they were channeling Ra and then they said they were doing healings. They might have been doing that, because I didn’t take the time, nor did I want to take the time, to find out.


I’ve already had the experience so many times in this group, that somebody starts channeling something negative and they want to take over the group; they want to screw it up. I don’t want to talk about that in great detail. There was no doubt in my mind that’s happening.


Now listen, Jay; here’s what I want to suggest. What I’d like is you and Keith, who have a connection, to talk to each other and say, you’re going to moderate that line so there’s some control and that we have some guidelines about what’s permissible.


Willow:  No, no, no; I heard Keith call me a loud-mouthed, old woman. That was more hurtful than anything else, was hearing the way that all of them that I had been such friends with, after Donna came in and attacked me, all of them were attacking me. That was really [difficult].


Caller:    We’re sorry.  We’re sorry.


Keith: I promise that I never called you a loud-mouthed old woman; I have way too much respect for people.


Willow: Did you hear somebody say that, Keith? I thought it was your voice.


Caller:  That won’t happen again.


Willow:  That hurt my heart to have people that I just thought I was friends with talking about me like that behind my back. That’s not love!




Callers:  [Talking at once]


Wynn:  Wait. Wait. Wait.  Wait a second; I’m going to go on a power trip right now. Just a second, I’m going to come right back. What I’m going to say is, I love the idea of people coming together and networking, because they came together through the energy of this line. Let me say: whatever happened in the past is—all we talk about is; this is the time to reboot and forgive.


Willow did things that I could have been really mad about; which at first I said “What am I going to do about this?” I actually started searching the internet, looking at Willow’s picture, looking at some of the things she did. I said “This is a really nice lady, and yet she attacked me.” I said “Underneath she’s a nice lady” and I gave her the benefit of the doubt and talked to her. We switched the whole thing around.


I would like to say to all of you, if there’s any hostility or any resentment from anything that happened on that line to whatever anyone said, let’s reboot and start over. Part of being spiritual is being able to see the best in people and forgive them for their worst. We all have our best and our worst.  Every time you’re in an interaction, if you start to go into lower-level stuff, like judgments, then catch yourself and come out of it again.


When you go into lower-level stuff and you do it right, you can actually use it, like I think Willow and I are going to know each other in a way that we never would have known each other if we didn’t go through that confrontation. If you go through a confrontation, if you go through something, and you can consciously move through it you can then change everybody.


I think that Donna, Willow, Keith, all those people that went through that…on one hand, I think that you heard Willow and I talking. You were coming to my defense, which I appreciated, you were coming to my defense. We were all just still working it out. Willow, whether she was right or wrong in that moment, it was working out. What’s happened is, it’s surfaced this huge amount of stuff and we are on the other side of it. So, it was all good even though at the moment it seemed horrible.


My suggestion is, there’s the makings of a Team Shift group here, coming together. It’s kind of organic, calling in the Light. You know what Team Shift is. I could leave a line open, but the thing is, if I leave the line open today and something goes wrong, I’ll probably just dump ever doing it again.


My thought was, if I was going to leave lines open, there should be some kind of moderation; some kind of faint little bit of overlooking it to make sure that …


I’ve watched this happen I’m sure you all noted this: There are people who really need energy and they come on a line and they just start talking; they talk all the energy for themselves. They ruin it for other people. When somebody tries to stop them, it goes really big-time negative. I don’t want that to happen; everyone is on a process of enfoldment. I don’t want anyone to turn away from the work we’re doing because they have some kind of conflagration on the line after the call.


Those are my thoughts about it.  Now, who wants to say something about what I just said?  Willow, do you want to say anything?


Willow:  Okay.  I asked a question of that woman that said she was Ra; she was channeling Ra; I asked a question of her.


Wynn:  Willow, I don’t want to talk about that situation. If you don’t mind I’d like to talk about…


Willow:  Okay.  I wasn’t going to talk about the confrontation; I was talking about my question. It’s like a big-deal question with me, and I didn’t want to ask it of Terry or Daphne because I want to believe in Terry and Daphne and I think my question would require very special, special answer. I was afraid if I asked it of Terry or Daphne and their answer didn’t feel trustworthy to me that it would have that negative wedge with you and what’s going on.  So I really asked it of this other person who meant nothing to me, because I just wanted to hear what the answer was.


Caller:  Hello? 


Wynn:  Yes?


Caller:  I’d like to think that your invocation is powerful enough and it protects the full call. So thank you for that great invocation.


Wynn:  The invocation is not perfect because it all works on intent. If you establish a strong enough energy amongst people on the positive, usually if someone comes in who wants to steal the energy they won’t be able to get through that. It’s when people first meet that no one knows what’s going on that somebody will steal the energy.


Keith:  Can I say one thing? 


Wynn:  Yes, who is that?


Keith:  It’s Keith.


Wynn:  Yes, Keith.


Keith:  I kind of wanted to say this: “The reason why I joined this call is because I’ve been searching for a group like this being that we are on the precipice of something major happening. I’ve been feeling it for the past several years. I’ve been knowing with a select group of my friends who consider ourselves to be mystics, that something is going to happen. It is hard to find a group that converges like you are able to bring together. So I would never do anything to taint what I feel to be one of the most enlightened groups of people to get together.


So to Willow: Me, I’d like to love everyone. I say “Love thy neighbor as I love thyself.” That’s pretty much how I live my life.


When I saw the confrontation between you two, I thought it was a good thing because the people that were there got to see how you would react, Wynn. The way that you handled it was just beautiful  because I got to see that you were who you really said you were. There’s no ego came out in that. I really appreciated being a part of that.


Afterwards when you stuck around on the call discussing other things and Jay was very helpful to me just from the way he looks at things I said to myself, “The conference calls are very helpful, but the fact that I can sit there and speak to other people that pretty much are on the same, let’s say ‘level’, not to say I’m better than anyone else; I can get a lot more out of this as well.


That’s the last thing I’ll say.


Willow:  Maybe we could have a code-word is something is starting to happen and one or more of us feel that there is an energy coming in that is not productive or loving, maybe we can just individually say a code-word.


Wynn:  I’ll make a suggestion.  Why don’t we take a person – does everyone feel Jay is a fairly neutral guy? Does everyone feel he’s okay?


Keith:  I do.


Wynn:  Okay. Willow?


Why don’t we try this as an experiment?  We’re not locked into it.  Let Jay kind of be like the moderator, helping hold the energy together.


Jay:  Gladly!


Willow:  Will he have a mute, then, that he can actually have some power?


Jay:  No, I don’t need to be powerful.  I think we’ll do alright.


Wynn:  He’s got a good voice.


Willow:  He’s got a powerful voice; Jay is a good choice.


Wynn:  Let Jay just kind of like, if anyone goes out of line, let him be the mediator; let him say “I think that’s out of place.” See how that works; then give me a report back? How does that sound?


Willow:  Can we have Jay and Steve? I would approve that now.


Wynn:  Okay. This is not the ideal; the key to this is people who are on spiritual paths hate authority, including me. I’m the first guy that hates authority. The point is, if you don’t have the slightest bit of authority in a thing like that, through somebody you can trust, it often goes down into the path of the lowest person on the line and they’ll try to take the energy over. There’s no one that has any authority to say “I don’t think that’s appropriate.”


Try it with Jay; next week it could be Willow. You could transfer the authority; that way I’d feel more comfortable. Honor my thing that it’s not a place for people to channel, okay?  


Caller:  Okay.


Wynn:  If somebody wants to channel, have them invite you to their own thing, give them the number and then go somewhere else. But, not on my line, okay?


Caller:  Okay.


Wynn:  Okay. Fair enough. Thank you. Next.


Pamela:  Wynn, may I say something as a new person?


Wynn:  Yes.


Pamela:  Wynn, this is Pamela from Texas.  I was fortunate enough, I believe, to be in a room with Keith. I had arrived a little late in the call, but I had listened to many of the archives. I can tell you that my first experience with you brought tears to my eyes and a very joyful feeling in my entire body. I greatly appreciate y’all.


When I found that, even though I had arrived on the call late, we were able to be in these little rooms it was just fascinating because I was so ecstatic.  There was a way to communicate afterwards about our experiences and how we felt. I, for one, really appreciated it. I did want to tell you that.


Also, a real neat experience that I have had is recently my family just went haywire and I found myself full of hatred, just wanting to blast away at everyone. I got onto the archives and went through one of the Sunday sessions and it took the anger away from me. I just think that when we get angry on the phone and talk, it helps. I’m just grateful; thank you. I think sometimes that when we feel that anger if we’ll just go back inside and recapture what you’re directing; that’s what it’s all about.


Wynn:  Thank you so much. It’s like everything we do is major, even going into a little conference room and getting along. If Jay and Keith go there and they make that work then they can come back and teach me how that works. I’m going to say “I don’t want to cut that off.” That can be responsible for me saying “I’ll keep the lines open every Sunday.” I want to; I want people to connect with each other.


If you notice when I’m on these calls, I have to—you guys don’t realize this, but I’ll just tell you—sometime I’ll do a whole hour and tell you, explain this; the negative chases what I’m doing. This is like a venue that the negative would grab and destroy if it could. The negative doesn’t come only in the form of the New World Order or from anything else. It comes in people who don’t even know they’re negative; they grab the energy and take it for themselves, then just hurt other people. If you guys understand that, you’ve seen me be tough with people sometimes, I have to not worry what people think about me. I have to stay true to the moment.


Jay and Keith, if you’re going to do that, learn how to do that, and then I’ll trust that you can do that. That can be the beginning of bunches of people meeting each other. You are like plowing new territory.


So I’ll just leave these lines open.  I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. We’re still on BBS, by the way.  This is not a private.


Sherry:  Wynn, I’d like to share something really quick with you. This is Sherry from Michigan. I just wanted to give you some gratitude for the call on Saturday. You asked the question that I had posed about the animals.  Terry had given the answers and I just was blown away.  I just have to tell you I was just blown away.


Wynn:  Are you the person with the dogs?


Sherry:  Yes.


Wynn:  The thirty dogs, right?


Sherry:  Yes; I absolutely was blown away. When Terry came back and had to confirm or clarify the answer because they said that they could tell I was really upset about it, I was in tears at that point in time. It was an unbelievable experience.


When you had done the visualization-meditation right before that question was posed, I was following that meditation very calmly and respectfully and I started feeling a tingling in my head. I felt at that time that I thought, it came to my head that my question was going to be next. I put that thought out of my mind because I thought “No, that’s a selfish thought.  My question couldn’t come up because there are a hundred people on this line. Why would my question come up?” The next thing that happened was you asked my question.


The whole experience was just amazing.


Wynn:  Well, thank you for sharing.


What we’re going to do is I’m going to close the recording here; thank you all who are listening on the recording. You can hear how we are as humans, not just being celestial emissaries. We’ll see you Wednesday when we answer questions.


We stopped the recording; BBS are you still on the line? Are we still live?  Terry, are you still there?


Doug:  Yes, you’re still live.


Wynn:  We can close down our BBS thing, Doug. Thank you for letting us keep running.


Doug:  Alright. 


Gijs:  Probably Wynn, those who want to talk, probably go to a private room because we have left the lines open; it might create noise.


Wynn:  Yes. Those of you who want to talk—Jay and Keith and Willow, send me an email about how this goes. If it goes well, it’s the beginning of how to do this. Realize this is how the universe changes.


Health Disclaimer: All material on this website is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. This is not meant to replace seeing your doctor, dentist or any alternative practitioner. Some people get healings here, so you can be open to it

Channeling Disclaimer:  Channeled information is not meant to be believed blindly. Sometimes information may bleed through from the conscious mind of the channel. It is possible that a negative Source may interfere. Apply your own discernment; take only what resonates and discard the rest. An answer to a question is meant for the person asking the question and you have the privilege of listening in because sometimes you can gain insights from the answer. However, even though the circumstances may be similar, do not merely assume the answer applies to you.

Copyright 2002-2012 Wynn Free and Message a Day

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