Subject: Off the top of my Head - Some important things

Off the top of my head is a real time message being sent out to the message a day group. 

First off, I want to thank all of you who made donations on our last request. Some of you were very generous. And for some of you, you gave what you could and I want to particularly send my gratitude to all those who sent even a small amount, particularly when I know how difficult economic things are for so many of you. And I thank those of you who sent emails of gratitude for what we are doing even though you were not in a position to donate anything. Those emails mean a lot to me and I forward them to both Terry and Daphne. When a bunch of people are on a list like this, you can think you are anonymous, but you're not. You are actually the beginning of a new collective energy that is above the consensus reality of fear. My goal is to get enough people paying attention to our programs to lift the consensus. If you had thought about making a donation and didnt do it, guess what, you still can. Here's the link. You can do any amount of your choosing. Click on the button which says Singular donations. You can use Pay Pal or credit card. You can also send something to the address at the bottom of this email where it says Book Talk. Trying putting one dollar in an envelope and see how it feels. 

We have been doing a new experimental program called TeamShift, where small groups of 3-5 people get together everyday on a conference line number dedicated to that particular group for about ten minutes. "calling in the light." If you're reading "message a day" every day, you'll be reading about the two group souls - The Elohim Group and the Ra Group - who have been helpers and guides for humanity since the beginning of humananity. Team shift is an outgrowth of our conference calls held 3 times a week, they are addressing us verbally and they say they are connecting with the people on the line. What's amazing is the people who email me back and report that they are feeling the energy. And now, in TeamShift, people are learning to invoke those energies themselves. 

The links to the programs are underlined or blue in the above relevant words and those forthcoming. If you click on donations, you'll go to the page where you can make one. If you click on conference calls, you'll go to the page with the fone numbers and schedule. If you go to TeamShift, you'll go to the page where you can sign up for one of our daily ten minute meetings. All these offerings are no charge except to put up with our donation requests.

Important! - In addition to message a day, we also have 2 additional subscription programs - The Wynn Channel and The Spirit Channel. In general, The Wynn Channel is my place to share what I think from my human side, will help you through the day, which includes my songs, poems, health tips, and alternative news. Alternative news is going to be an important topic over the next week. Please sign up and you'll receive updates on Swine Flu, Swine flu vaccine, and Chem Trails. To sign up for The Wynn Channel and/or The Spirit Channel go to this link and fill out the online form. I keep the three channels separate so that your suddenly not be inundated with too many emails every day from me, so you can free willingly choose to be interested. 


This past Monday's conference call/BBS Radio broadcast was quite extraordinary!!! The topic was "How did religions get started and how did they get screwed up?"  The answers were actually channeled by our Source, who, if we have it correct, played a great part in the beginning of religions. You'll want to hear what they have to say. Click here to hear the audio on internet or call 712-432-1281  pin 368522# to listen to the replay. 

Finally, you'll note that the message a day website is getting a makeover. It still has bugs, and it will take another week or two to get it up to snuff. We're going to put out a lot of additional information to the public, including archives of many of the channelings, videos, free ebooks, and a more professional look. If you are using google chrome, it does not come out right but most of the pages are looking good on explorer and firefox. I want to thank all of you who have been participating, sending me emails, sharing your experiences, for giving me the confidence and courage to be more forthright about my experiences to the general public which is the outcome of the new website. 

The transformation to the new earth has got to be a team effort. I thank you for the part your playing.

Blessings to everyone......................Wynn