Subject: Miracle or Coincidence?


A few times a week I get emails with incredible stories
of things that happened to people coming into our conference calls.
I'm going to start sharing them with you......This came in
this morning:

The Kid That Didn't Go to Jail

Wynn,  I would like to share with you guys a small miracle
that happened recently. During a Sunday call that I was listening
to on the replay line,I silently asked for some things to be placed
in the light. It was my first time and I was unsure about  what to
do.The previous day a friend that I work with called and asked
me to pray for her son and ask my angels to help. So I placed him
and his mom and also the judge in the light.The judge just happened
to be a no nonsense kind of guy and rarely gives anyone a second
chance. So all day they sat in the courtroom while the judge sent
every one,six young men to prison,then last was my friends son,
Nathan. My friend was already in tears because she knew what was
going to happen to her son.For no apparent reason ''that she knew of'
old Mr.grumpy judge'  did not send Nathan to prison,he allowed him
to go home and report later to a drug rehab facility near by.This judge
gave him a second chance which by his own words he never does.
also Nathan found out that he has a new baby on the way. A feel good

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degree of inherent wisdom and guidance for navigating the shift we are in the
midst of. Always use use your own scrutiny and discernment with regards
to all channeled messages, regardless of where they come from.

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