Subject: Elohim/Tears Fron Heaven tonight 7PM Pacific

Another Session on Death and Dying

Sunday Morning 10 AM Pacific


or 667 770 1523 pin 940658#

This is a topic which should be of great interest to everybody since no one gets out of here alive and it's good to know how to cope with this experience in the best way and who could address this subject better than our Sources.

I came across a video tonight where 4 scholars were talking about near death experiences and I quickly reconized they were describing dying exactly the way Terry has described and I mean Terry, not the Elohim or Ra. so...

      If you're afraid of death...

      If you want to graduate this realm....

      If you want to approach death in a manner that enables the best future,



Whole Planet Healing

I haven't talked about this too much. I started it a few years back when Terry was in the hospital and I was pretty preoccupied with keeping her alive, WE SUCCEEDED WITH ALL OF YOUR HELP IN THE FORM OF DONATIONS. Thank you~!

Whole Planet Healing is a nightly get together with 5 people facilitating. When we started it, I didn't know how to do it or even if it would work.

Over the years, we've seen a lot of miracles, from personal healings to stopping a hurricane. But we have to ask. I asked myself what would happen if we asked every night for planetary healing and that was/is the idea of Whole Planet Healing.

As we did this, a big side benefit became manifest. We were developing this great uplifting energy on the line and a warm family feeling.

I haven't put out very many invitations for people to participate. I felt like we've been doing a Beta Test and I'm finally getting confidant and I'm inviting you.

You have to experience it to get the idea of how powerful it is.

Last Thursday we did a special call where people shared why they keep coming to Whole Planet Healing and I'm going to share the audio. We didn't channel on this call, but our Sources are energetically on the line and people can feel them. Here's the audio of that call. See if you can feel the vibe,,,,

Thursday Audio-Intro to Whole Planet Healing

If you'd like to listen in live, here's the access info:

7pm Pacific - every night. Dial-in number: (667) 770-1527 250513#

That's all for now

                   Have a Great Day.................................Wynn

PS: If you appreciate what we do, please consider making a donation so we can reach more people. DONATE HERE