Subject: A Spellbinding INTERACTION with Carla, Wynn and Terry

Carla, Wynn and Terry on Duality


This past Sunday on our 10am BBS broadcast I had to do a replay because Terry was not well enough (in the hospital) to do our usual conversation with the Elohim channeling.

I chose to replay a call from May 14th 2o14 which I hadn't listened to since the time we recorded it 8 years ago. When i listened to the replay I thought it might be one of the best examples of the amazing rapport that Carla and I have ever did.

As you may already know, Carla was the channel for the Ra, Law of One Series in the early 80's and those sessions have become legendary and Carla has become a legend.

I discovered Carla when I was first considering writing The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce. Wilcock bwlieved he was channeling the same Ra as Carla. I used to call Carla fir her take on the experience I was having when Daphne started to channel.

As you can see by the picture above, Carla went to church every Sunday, singing in the choir. Somewhere around 2012, Carla became bedridden with her arthritis. I realized she was not going to be able to go to church and I invited her to be a guest on our Sunday call with the Elohim and she enjoyedf herself so much that for the next 5 years (until she died) she acted as my cohost on the Sunday call.

This is one of the best examples of a call with Carla, Terry, and myself. It's on the topic of duality, It's filled with thought provoking wisdom, humor, with Carla and I at our best. It's long but you won't get bored. Email me and let me know what you think!

Update on Help Terry Heal

Terry has been in Verde Valley Hospital for the past 6 days. They diagnosed her with the same issues she had 5 years ago and we're working out the best plan of action. One of the best choices might be to go to an alternative cancer clinic in Phoenix that has an impressive track record of healing people. We'd have to move to Phoenix for 6 weeks, pay for accomodations and cost of treatment which is 18.000. The previous incident of all this 5 years ago we had Kimberly Meredith do 3 healings on Terry and she was good to go for a year and then relapsed and ended up with an oncologist in Scottsdale who Terry really liked who covinced her the chemo for lymphoma was the safest of all chemo treatments with no side effects so she agreed to that and it worked.

Our cash flow has been pretty slow for the past month. Terry has not been able to help with our Wellness Pendant business so it's been on my shoulders, BUT MY PRIORITY HAS BEEN TAKING CARE OF TERRY.

Thanks to all of you who made donations in the past to our Go Fund Me Campaign "Help Terry Heal" and I have to ask once again. I am committed to keep Terry alive. She is a gift and blessing to all of us. Thanks for considering.

                Blessings............. Wynn