Subject: A Message from Dr. Art Franklin from the Other Side

Dr. Art Franklin, a Regular Attendee to Our Conference Line Passed a Few Days Ago and Unexpectedly Contacfed Me in a Session with Terry Monday Morning

You can access the link to our conversation below:

Dr. Art Franklin has been coming to our conference calls for about 3 years. Monday morning I received a phone call from a friend and associate of Dr. Art who told me that Art had passed from a heart attack the previous day.

I know that those of you who are regulars on our calls are going to feel some grief over this. I certainly do. Art was always available to help people with health advice.

For the past few years, he was living in a nursing home. He had a stroke and was experiencing dizzyness and needed to be taken care of. I know his participation in our calls gave him a feeling of being part of a family and helped keep him alive.

Monday morning, I did a session with Terry to ask the Elohim to look in on Art and give him some support on the other side. They've done this for others in the past.

Art suddenly began talking to me through Terry and I recorded it. I decided to dedicate yesterday's 6pm call as a memorial to Art and play the recording of the conversation.

Thanks to all of you who emailed me and told me you showed up and the line was dead. I apologize for sending the wrong Pin number for the call. 

Here's the audioni get the idea that Art made a connection with our Sources by coming frequently to our calls and now he's got some friends on the other side! That's a pretty good benefit for participating

Whole Planet Healing

I haven't talked about this too much. I started it a few years back when Terry was in the hospital and I was pretty preoccupied with keeping her alive, WE SUCCEEDED WITH ALL OF YOUR HELP IN THE FORM OF DONATIONS. Thank you~!

Whole Planet Healing is a nightly get together with 5 people facilitating. When we started it, I didn't know how to do it or even if it would work.

Over the years, we've seen a lot of miracles, from personal healings to stopping a hurricane. But we have to ask. I asked myself what would happen if we asked every night for planetary healing and that was/is the idea of Whole Planet Healing.

As we did this, a big side benefit became manifest. We were developing this great uplifting energy on the line and a warm family feeling.

I haven't put out very many invitations for people to participate. I felt like we've been doing a Beta Test and I'm finally getting confidant and I'm inviting you.

You have to experience it to get the idea of how powerful it is.

Last Thursday we did a special call where people shared why they keep coming to Whole Planet Healing and I'm going to share the audio. We didn't channel on this call, but our Sources are energetically on the line and people can feel them. Here's the audio of that call. See if you can feel the vibe,,,,

Thursday Audio-Intro to Whole Planet Healing

If you'd like to listen in live, here's the access info:

7pm Pacific - every night. Dial-in number: (667) 770-1527 250513#

That's all for now

                   Have a Great Day.................................Wynn