Subject: 6pm - You've Got Question, We've Got Answers


Are you ready? Send your questions'll be bring forth answers live. If you sent a question in a previous week,
feel free to submit it again. We always get more questions than we can handle.......

6pm pst, 7pm mountain, 8pm central, 9pm eastern

or call in:
559-726-1200  pin  897676#

559-726-1299 same pin #...#

schedule of all our calls:

(this call will be posted within 24 hours)

Blessings to All ...................... Wynn

Remember our conference call schedule is posted
at Print
it so you can anticipate our calls. 

Some of the questions we'll probably ask tonight

Will the shift continue gradually until the shift completes, or, will there be a sudden major shift?

Are souls who choose to end their own lives put through the same after-life process or a different
after-life process as those who do not take their own life, after they transition over?

How can I help my husband with his rage and shame?

              Best to all of you............Wynn

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freely shared for non-commercial purposes, with the proviso that a reference
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Regarding channeled materials: There is no way to guarantee the information
on any particular channeling is accurate, although I believe our work has a high
degree of inherent wisdom and guidance for navigating the shift we are in the
midst of. Always use use your own scrutiny and discernment with regards
to all channeled messages, regardless of where they come from.

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