Subject: 6pm Pacific Wednesday - You Got Questions!

Live on the Internet as well
as our conference line!!!!

559-726-1200   pin 897676#

Replay and archives:
559-726-1299  pin 897676#....#again  archives


Every Wednesday, we answer questions, either from myself or via our Sources
which you send in. I know this work provokes lots of questions in yourself
so this is a great opportunity. We can't answer all the questions submitted and 
if you submitted a question previously, feel free to submit it again. 

If you need a personal healing for yourself or someone you care about, please
attend our Sunday Grid Healing. No guarantees but many people send emails
with reports of shifts. 

Do you want to submit a questions?

I'll be having my email open during the call and checking out your submissions...

For a complete schedule of all out calls:


P.S. I know we're making a difference for many of you tuning in.
We are totally self supporting and if you'd like to make a donation
go to

All materials, audios and text on this email are (c) 2000-2012. They may be
freely shared for non-commercial purposes, with the proviso that a reference
be made to our website- .

Regarding channeled materials: There is no way to guarantee the information
on any particular channeling is accurate, although I believe our work has a high
degree of inherent wisdom and guidance for navigating the shift we are in the
midst of. Always use use your own scrutiny and discernment with regards
to all channeled messages, regardless of where they come from.

Note: If you're getting more emails from us than you would prefer, we now
have some options. You can unsubscribe from these messages at any time
by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the page.

You can also get LOW FLOW, where we will limit the amount of emails
you receive to one or two per week.

You can also get NOTHING FOR SALE, where all the emails we send you
will be totally content oriented and never an invitation to purchase anything.