Subject: 11-24-13 Getting through your obstacles /audio

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Wynn, Carla and Terry talk about those things which keep
us back from experiencing our divine nature and connection:
unworthiness, grief, an overly active mind, and anger, with great tips on

how to get above them. In the beginning and end of the call,
Wynn played some of the songs of Laura Nyro and David 
Pomeranz. Plus a great session via Terry......

If you'd like access to the music in better fidelity
than the fone line,, here are the Youtube links:

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Channeling Disclaimer:  Channeled information is not meant to be believed blindly. Sometimes information may bleed through from the conscious mind of the channel. It is possible that a negative Source may interfere. Apply your own discernment; take only what resonates and discard the rest. An answer to a question is meant for the person asking the question and you have the privilege of listening in because sometimes you can gain insights from the answer. However, even though the circumstances may be similar, do not merely assume the answer applies to you.

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