Subject: 10am Pacific... Sunday morning announcement

Why I haven't announced our Sunday Morning with the Elohim calls for the past few years.....?

Because we do a live channeling and they are very spontaneous. I make up questions on the spot and i DON'T WANT TO BE SELF CONSCIOUIS OR TRY TO PLEASE THE AUDIENCE. So we have a group of regulars, who know and accept how I am. They never miss a call.

Check in today and see what you've been missing. I'll try not to be self conscious!

Sunday Morning with the Elohim (and Ra)

10am Pacific Time

712 432 0075 pin:940658#

also live on

Get the inside scoop on our crazy world and MORE........... They tell us that no one has ever done anything like what we do, i.e. doing a live conference call. They tell us they are paying attention to everyone that calls in and people can feel their energy. (Don't worry, they won't judge you)

Caution: If you show up, you might get addicted.

      Blessings.......................... Wynn

P.S. If you didn't click on the link I sent yesterday, with the red square and the Lifesaver (aka the donut), here's another chance. The one for more energy and focus!