Subject: wealth affirmation for Friend

Hi Friend, 

I hope you’re well today, I wanted to lift your energy up today so that you can manifest more blessings into your life with these wealth affirmation.

Here we go…

Repeat after me:

I release all opposition to wealth.
I am only positive towards wealth.
I’m a magnet for money.
I deserve prosperity.
I am supposed to be rich.
I believe in my ability to manifest.
Abundance and i are one.
My positive attitude is attracting money.
I live each day appreciating value.
The Universe is conspiring to make me wealthy.
Money is coming to me with little to no effort.


Notice how you feel after reading these sentence out loud in your mind, it supposed to change your emotional state and open up the energy portal with positive intention to attract more wealth into your life.

The more you raise your vibration, the more positive blessing you’re going to attract into your life 😃

Reply to this email and let me know if this email helps you 😃

Jocelyn Wayne

P.S: If you've not watch this video yet, click on this link to watch now.