Subject: If this was a game...

Hello  Friend

One of my favourite board game design inspirations is to look at something which isn’t a game and ask myself, “If this was a game, how would it work?”

It might be a collection of interesting objects in a seemingly innocent configuration; part of an elaborate design on a building; or perhaps some interestingly shaped furniture.

Interesting shelving, organising racks and boxes often provide rich creative fodder. Just run a Google image search for ‘innovative design’ to get started. 

You don’t have to take these mini game ideas anywhere. It’s just a fun activity that sparks ideas. It’s also a really lovely conversation starter. Look around you, find something that looks interesting and start sharing ideas. It doesn’t matter how silly an idea is - go with it and see where it leads. 

I particularly like searching for games within patterns. I have a bunch of old books of mathematical patterns and statistical presentations which are great inspiration. There are also a bunch of online pattern generators which are fun to play with but also very beautiful. Try these: 

Let me know how you get on and share your ideas and inspiration with me.

Best wishes,


Ellie Dix

The Dark Imp

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