Subject: The Writer Workshop...Online

The Writer Workshop Weekly News #21! View this email online
Weekly News
January 4, 2021

Happy New Year, Writers!

We've made it to the new year. So many held this as a benchmark. While things have started a slow evolution, with the new vaccines, things are slow in evolving. The best I can do is try to stay safe and keep writing.

I don't make resolutions, not beyond wanting to be a better writer. So, instead of making lists and setting goals, I reread Strunk & White's Elements of Style. It feeds my desire to be a better writer and I do enjoy White's humor.

As I mentioned last week, I'm excited about taking The Artist's Way journey starting tomorrow, January 5th. There are details below if you'd like to join me for this 13-week experience.

The Artist's Way Workshop...

The Writer Workshop has three online events scheduled this week:

Tonight, Monday, January 4, at 7:30 pm Eastern (4 pm Pacific): Feedback and Critique. If you're interested in reading 5-6 pages of your work and receiving feedback from other writers, join us. The cost is $5. Register for the Critique & Feedback webinar.

Tuesday, January 5, at 7pm. The Artist's Way WorkshopBeginning January 5th, I'm starting an Artist's Way Workshop. It'll run for thirteen weeks and we'll take the journey together through Julia Cameron's creative empowerment guide, The Artist's Way. Register Today!

Thursday, January 7, at 1 pm Eastern (10 am Pacific): Fiction through Prompts. In this online, video conference webinar, you'll learn about a literary device and we'll write to a high-end prompt for 25 minutes and then, the group shares the results and offers feedback. The cost is $10. Register for the Prompt Writing webinar.

The Elements of Fiction webinars (Character, World Building, Plot, Pacing, and more) are available for on-demand viewing. Click to learn more....

For the online events, you don't need any special software. Just register and then click the link at the meeting time to join us.

Enjoy the journey!


Gregory A. Kompes (MFA, MS Ed.)
Founder of The Writer Workshop
The Writer Workshop, 1190A King George Blvd., #7A, 31419, Savannah, United States
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