Subject: May update 🤠

The Son and Reins Ranch logo with photo of our horses running

                                                                                                              May 2021                           
Hello herd!

Since we got off track during the holidays, our spring snowstorms, and during Sharron's surgery, we want to send a little 'refresher' on what we do and how it works in people's lives!

So What Does

The Son and Reins Ranch

Do Exactly?


The Son and Reins Ranch is a faith-based but not faith-required ministry that works with rescue horses to help people work through various mental, emotional, and relational challenges.

Many of our participants say that they get more healing, insight and breakthroughs out of one equine-assisted-learning and philosophy (EAP/EAL) session than they get after months or sometimes years of traditional talk therapy. This is because, unlike talk therapy, our EAL/EAP sessions are experiential, hands-on, in-the-moment activities. Participants engage all of their senses, with or without words, which leads to greater understanding, application and retention.

Horses have no agenda; they are always present and authentic, they are not influenced by bias, judgement or preconceived notions, and they are unapologetically free to be themselves. They are natural communicators and have an innate way of helping us see and understand ourselves better; thereby helping participants feel empowered to discover truth, gain awareness, experience growth and healing, find peace and purpose, and gain understanding and perspective.

We can’t fake it with a horse or with God. Thankfully both are willing to meet us right where we are; to offer us unconditional love, truth, hope, and acceptance.

In upcoming letters we will share more specific examples of what EAL is and how God uses it in life-changing ways, you'll also get to meet the horses and you'll get to hear directly from people who's lives have been touched and impacted.

"The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit and freedom."

~ Sharon Ralls Lemon

"A horse doesn’t care how much you know until he knows how much you care. Put your hand on your horse and your heart in your hand."

~ Pat Parelli


I came because I love horses. I stayed because I was being helped like never before. ~ K.T., a teen participant

This ministry is the real deal! It's a refreshing way to face and work on your issues, and we all have them, and it's a refreshing way to learn about and experience God! I'm so thankful I found this place! ~ R.J., an adult participant

Did You Know...?

Did you know that it costs $75/month to have manure removed off the property? And of course this is necessary for the horse's health, as well as for a comfortable environment for people to find healing!

Your support helps both people and horses in need. 

Will you please consider making your tax deductible donation today? 

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Just click on the button below.


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Do you shop on Amazon? AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support The Son and Reins Ranch every time you shop, at no extra cost to you. Simply go to before adding anything to your cart, and 0.5% of your purchase will go directly to us. 

AmazonSmile is available at on your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones. 

When you shop at AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added benefit that 0.5% of your eligible purchases will go to us. Simply choose "The Son and Reins Ranch" when you first sign in, and start shopping! 

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Contact Us Today!

We would love to hear from you as well! Please let us know if you have any specific prayer requests and praises so we can join with you. And let us know if you're ever in the area and would like to visit. Our herd of people, horses and dogs would all love that! :-)

The Son and Reins Ranch | 720.237.1235 | |

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