Subject: Wal-Mart's $8 Cure to...

Wal-Mart's $8 Cure to Deadly Blood Clots and Poor Cardiovascular Function

By: Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison
Copyright © 2008

Prevention of heart attack and stroke doesn't have to be risky. One safe and inexpensive supplement can keep blood healthy, while controlling blood pressure! And you don't need a prescription to get it.

One minute you are enjoying a stroll in the park and the next you feel as if an elephant just stepped on you. Clutching your chest and violently gasping for air, you suffer the eventual outcome of heart disease: a premature heart attack or stroke.

The blockage comes from a blood clot and inflammation, usually within the coronary arteries. Millions of American's are choking down blood pressure meds (beta-blockers like Lopressor, Toprol-XL) and aspirin (or the deadly Plavix™) to avoid the death sentence. At the same time they are putting themselves at risk for the side effects of lethargy, obesity, heart disease, internal bleeding and even cancer. Both can be delayed and even stopped – naturally – for about $8 a month at Wal-Mart (purity confirmed by a Certificate of Analysis (COA)).

Used for thousands of years, hawthorn has proven to be a safe and effective method for ensuring healthy blood and arteries. It destroys potentially deadly blood clots on contact by preventing excess platelet aggregation and releasing pressure from the cardiovascular system.

Studying the benefits of hawthorn, the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy showed that it could successfully be used to treat heart failure, hypertension, angina, and arrhythmias! And most exciting, users won't suffer from nasty side effects and even protect their wallets from Big Pharma. Consider: Monthly cost of Plavix is about $100, Hawthorn is $8.

About the Author

Shane Ellison, M.Sc. is an author and organic chemist. He is a two-time recipient of the prestigious Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Grant for his research in biochemistry and physiology. An internationally recognized authority on therapeutic nutrition, he is the founder of The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery. Learn how to activate Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) to lose fat and build muscle here:


Thanks Shane. By the way, between your program and Dr. Al Sears PACE exercise program (are you familiar with it?) -- I have lost 25 lbs. I'm on my way back to a healthy and fit body and lifestyle. I couldn't be more happy. - Janece

The People's Chemist AM-PM Fat Loss Guarantee

My state-of-the-art, 90-Day Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) allows you to build fat while preserving and building muscle, day and night, seven days a week. You'll never be in the dark again about how to look and feel your best at any age! You won't fear the bathing suit season. And your spouse will look at you more desirably. I guarantee that there is nothing else out there more effective! I'm so sure of it that if you don't achieve these life changing results, I'll personally help you find something that does.