Subject: ~TPC CEO: Detox Now With This!

The People’s Chemist made Essential Greens to be the best product on the

Let me qualify that.

To be the best, it had to provide the proper dose of essential greens
required to boost “glutathione.”

Don’t worry about the bio-babble.

Glutathione is made by your body. But only when you give it the nutritional
starting material required from nature!

That's where TPC Essential Greens comes in!

Once ingested, your body ramps up glutathione production! Then, it latches
on to deadly compounds in your body and makes them water soluble. Once
this clean ups starts, the body can then eliminate it via WATER - before
TOXINS wreak havoc on your insides!

…think about all the byproducts in water, pesticides and herbicides in
your food as well as synthetic vitamins.

TPC Essential Greens can DETOX you of all that!

Unlike all the other brands, TPC Essential Greens has no sugar!

No other product can say that. More than 10% of each scoop is pure sugar!!

Sugar isn’t going help you detoxify and it’s definitely not going to
help you rebuild muscle or lose weight.

So when it comes to choosing a greens powder, you want one that doesn’t
contain ANY sugar.

TPC Greens has ZERO sugar!

We went one step further. We added a proprietary blend of probiotics. Not
just a trace amount, like other inferior products. A sufficient amount to
actually cause a beneficial effect - better digestion.

Click on and start detoxifying today!!

I know what you’re thinking - Sounds great, Jeff! But how does it taste?

It tastes a hell of a lot better than CANCER!

But really, don’t worry! We added stevia to give it a sweeter taste so it
didn’t taste like raw kale!

It’s a supplement. Not a cocktail.

Detox daily with

Yours in health!

Jeff M.
CEO, The People's Chemist

P.S. TPC Essential Greens is the best tasting and the most inexpensive
greens product on the market! Even better, it's the single most beneficial
greens, too, because it has the highest DOSE of every plant based food the
body needs to DETOX: