Subject: My Biggest Fear


  September 13, 2010

  From The Desk of The People's Chemist

My biggest fear used to be heights. But, I eventually got over it in order to live my passion for flying. It wasn't easy. But I knew that if I got the right education, I'd learn to get over it. And I did! In a big way. To learn the seemingly impossible, it's all about education!

When it comes to our health as a society, Big Pharma wins when you are not educated!

So who actually is to blame when it comes to the drugged nation we have become? Who is to blame when it comes to the billions of dollars being amassed by the pharmaceutical industry at the cost of our lives?

Is it Big Pharma for preying on our ignorance? Or is it us for letting ourselves be so ignorant?

Probably a little bit of both. And that's why I made Secret Health Files!

  I'd like to be your personal 'chemist' guiding you to perfect health with my Secret Health files. I speak from experience when I say if you want REAL security for you and yours in an increasingly uncertain health world, this will be the most important information you ever uncover... information you've been denied until now.

Act now to save $50! Price won't last!

Note: Nothing boring! All tracks are professionally edited into 10 minute lessons!

What exactly will you learn about? Here's a peak...

Nature’s Powerful Tea the Shields DNA from Premature Aging!

Boost Energy and Mental Health in a Matter of Minutes

Discover The Ancient Immortality Herb, and Where to Buy It Online INEXPENSIVELY!

Did you know that Big Pharma has been trying to make a synthetic copycat of a compound found in an ancient immortality tea? And that they failed?

They failed because the tea actually has thousands of compounds that put a molecular "shield" around your DNA to protect it from premature aging! And they could not find a way to mimic all of them.  It also helps control blood sugar and boosts anti-aging hormones after a meal!

In Secret Health Files, I tell you exactly how to use it and where to get it! You'll also learn:

How The Wrong Calorie Can Kill You

How To Defy Aging DNA The Easy Way: Add 10 Years To Your Life

How To Obtain Digestive Health On A Dollar Budget

The Healing Secrets Of The Inca: Beat Malaria, Soothe Pain, Get Your Libido Back

The Best Way To Avoid Cancer for Life

How To Harness Nutrient Logic’s 4-Prong Cancer Attack DAILY

The New Way To Kill Cancer: Maximize Your Immune System Cancer RADAR

Big Pharma’s Most Sought After Blood Cancer Buster and Where to Buy It Online

Your Hidden Weapons Of Belly Fat Destruction

The Hidden Danger Of Cholesterol Lowering Drugs

Cholesterol – What They Are Not Telling You

Four Ways To Reduce Inflammation And C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Without Crestor

The Athletes Deadly Mistake: Avoid This To Enhance Performance And Smother Age Accelerating Free Radicals

…And lots more!


Read the Secret Health files FACT SHEET at: