Subject: ~Is Jarrow still producing CarotenAll?

That’s the question I asked maker, Jarrow Formulas, when I reached out to them last month.

Shane recommends it for preserving eyesight in his bestselling book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded.

Good news! I called them and CarotenAll is now back in-stock!  Get it wherever Jarrow brand is sold.

That’s really good news for our fans, because Shane specifically wrote Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded to help the those who cannot afford high-end supplements. The book is full of the best bang for your buck products. All of those supplements are the most economical alternative to our own, higher-end, more potent, TPC brand formulas.

The supplements advised in that book may not be the purest, but they're the best ones on the stores’ shelves as proven by Shane's testing - and they are far better than drugs.

The People’s Chemist’s supplements are the best for those who are not on a tight budget. Shane painstakingly researched how to formulate and manufacture the absolute best, truly natural products money can buy and combined them into products that contain NO fillers, NO flow agents, and NO synthetics. Plus, each one of our products comes with a NO pesticide promise and they are always organic.

On top of that, we always guarantee the MOST potent, full-spectrum actives in each product!  For instance, our cinnamon and milk thistle product, Cinnergy, is 4 times stronger than 
any other milk thistle on the market...the medicinal actives are cinnamaldehyde and silymarin.  Both confer a slew of benefits, like detoxing the liver, lowering triglycerides, glucose and reversing diabetes!

NO other company in the world does this. NONE.

We know TPC products are not cheap. There’s a lot of work, testing and research that goes into every capsule of every bottle. But... when you want a Ferrari, you don’t complain to the dealer that it’s not the same price as the Ford.

If you feel strained being able to afford TPC products - I invite you to try Shane’s recommendations from his book Get it here: . Those same products are exactly what we all used, before we decided to embark on this company.

In good health!

Jeff Milano
The People’s Chemist

P.S.  Get 15% off Cinnergy when you buy 3 at!

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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