Subject: Get FREE Reading of NEW Diet Book!


I just had a great idea, which doesn't happen often.

The last time it did, I was leaving a bar after a shot of tequila.

True story...

As I came out, I saw a guy stumbling to his car with his girlfriend.

Dozens of people strolled by, ignoring the obvious.

I had the bright idea to say, "Hey, you better not be driving, dude."

He turned around. Like a raging bull, he charged.

Waiting for him to get in my face, I wondered if I should go home early
or smoke a cigar after all this foolishness was over...

Stopping within an inch of my face, he yelled, "What did you say?"

After repeating myself, he took a swing.

I ducked....Grabbed his jacket and gave him a quick trip....

Breaking his fall for him, he landed like a butterfly with sore feet, just on
his back.


He ignored me and scrambled like a 5-year old getting tickled.

Cops were on the scene fast.

They thanked me and took him to jail.

I skipped the cigar and went home to kiss my kids goodnight.

Hopefully, my idea to take on a drunk guy circumvented tragedy.

My most recent idea is similar...

I'm going to release a huge portion of my upcoming book, The Stop Eating
So F#$%ing Much Diet for FREE to help circumvent diet disasters.

Leading up to the release of the book, I'm letting everyone SAMPLE it
by posting an audio reading of The 8 Weight Loss Lies That Can
Permanently Harm You.

To listen, simply "LIKE" my newest page at:

When they're live, you'll be notified.

If you don't have a Facebook account, get's easy. If you're worried about
privacy, use a fake name.

Here is to great ideas!

(Plus, aren't you sick of all the lame Facebook posts? Finally, here's something
worth logging on for!)

Live Young,

The People's Chemist