Subject: Common multi-vitamin poisons nervous system


I had a barrage of emails from people who were shocked to hear
that supplements that contained chromium caused damage to DNA, which can lead to
cancer. Fortunately, if you adhere to "nutrient logic" as outlined in my book,
Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, you can force your body to heal.

I have more warnings....If you take multivitamins or glucosamine HCl pay attention.

You cannot continually poison your body with shoddy pills and
expect to get better. That goes for multivitamins too! There are far too many
shortcomings to mention here, but did you know that they can damage your
nervous system?

In 2008, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducted a
study to uncover potential risks among supplements. Researchers
concluded that, the presence of lead was "far too common." The
Vitamin Shoppe Multivitamin "Especially for Women" was tainted
with 10 times the safe amount of lead. The company has since
taken action and remedied the danger, but, tens of thousands are
still suffering.

Children are at risk too! I recently warned about "Gummi
Vitamins" in a PC Reality TV clip. An independent
analysis showed that a single dose of select products contained
180-270% more vitamin A than the daily limit set by the Institute
of Medicine. One of the guilty parties was Hero Nutritionals,
with their product "Yummi Bears," a supposed multivitamin for

Vitamin A overdose leads to nausea, headache, fatigue, loss of appetite,
dizziness, and dry skin. Long term, it can cause bone and joint pain. Severe
cases may result in liver damage. Clearly, not very yummi.

Wake up people! More often than not, we are our own worst enemy when
it comes to health. Make the wrong choices, and your lifespan dwindles.

Replace your multivitamins with a MULTINUTRIENT like CardioFX. Hands down,
this preserves total heart health at any age.

We are close to being sold out once again. Buy here:

Want to keep an active lifestyle? Then stop messing around with products that
contain glucosamine HCl. Its worthless. The body needs sulfur containing compounds to
live young and heal itself.

Trash glucosamine HCL and start using Joint FX:

To stop being swindled, stop complaining and sending us emails with endless questions. Take charge
of your health and read Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, already!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist